
Taste Perception Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"It tastes good but there's no guilt there's no guilt."
"Your grandmother's cooking tastes so much better because she made it with love."
"Everything tastes good when you're starving."
"It really does taste like meat... lots of flavor."
"I can't actually taste the difference between this and a regular Coca-Cola."
"So it's like a mince left on a pillow at a high-class hotel. It leaves an aftertaste for around three minutes. You say to yourself, 'Well, that tasted pretty good,' and then you reflect on the time that you spent there one day later."
"You don't think you're eating a fish with a piece of meat wrapped around it."
"Peppermint candies just taste like Christmas in your mouth."
"It doesn't taste like stinky, it tastes normal. It kind of tastes like blueberries, really."
"So it's kind of like this like if I told you you know take a bite of this apple and you do it you chew it and you're like oh my gosh this is so sweet it's so delicious."
"You're too confident to taste. Look at me, taste."
"That's just first of all nasty, it looks like cheese whiz."
"You really want to smell the beer as much as you can because smell is the biggest part of taste, you know..."
"For me, that's what my brain gets, literally, it's like a vanilla explosion."
"Your tongue doesn't determine the taste at all, it’s actually your brain that ascertains it."
"It Savers the taste of berries to the point that it can memorize the taste and effects of berries for years."
"Evolution gave us taste buds so that we can stay alive for instance sour and bitter flavors can be a sign that you may be eating rotten food or poisonous plants."
"I often say that we eat with our eyes first, but the truth is our smell influences our perception of taste before we ever take a bite."
"It just tastes so much better, you know just like how sandwiches if you cut them in half or if you cut them like into triangles they taste better."
"Anything you grow yourself tastes better. Even if it doesn't taste good."
"Super tasters: people who have exceptionally sensitive taste buds."
"Cats are not able to taste anything that is sweet."
"It honestly tastes like it's got a restaurant, like fast food, like mass-produced flavor to it."
"Imagine that. High calories, low taste."
"If you eliminate the ability to sense sweet, to perceive sweetness in foods, then you eliminate the preference for sweet beverages or sweet foods."
"I think this video is cool but it really just tastes like regular food to me."
"Vegan burgers are just as good in taste, texture, and smell as a meat-based burger."
"Your tongue doesn't have separate bitter, sweet, sour, or salty sections for tasting. Each of the 8,000 taste buds you have can detect all the tastes."
"I never thought about taste like this. It's like a chicken, yes? For me, very like chicken, isn't it?"
"if you're not a salad person I can understand why salads look like they would taste like soil but they Dy so delicious"
"If you don't like the looks of this, if you're like, 'What is that?' It tastes so much better than you think it's going to."
"Our tongues have taste buds inside. Each taste bud has tiny little sensors called taste receptors."
"The idea that the tongue has flavor zones is a myth. All taste buds can detect five tastes, but some receptors are more responsive than others."
"Awful plane food? Blame engine noise," a quirky revelation about airplane taste perception.
"Similar to seasoning, it's also possible to find a substitute that's near indistinguishable to the real thing to all but the most discerning of palettes."
"There's no such thing as a bad tasting fish unless the fish is poisonous."
"Sugar lit up the more taste side, the more satisfaction dopamine side."
"I genuinely do think fast food tastes better after midnight."
"Miracle Berry changes the way sour and acidic foods taste."
"Everything tastes better when it's free."
"Taste is like, 'Oh, this is slightly sweet, therefore it must have carbohydrates in it, so this is probably nutritious for me.'"
"The somatic sensory neurons in the glossopharyngeal nerve are associated with the sense of taste from the tongue."
"Have you ever wondered why when you leave water out overnight it doesn't taste as good the next time?"
"For anybody who's ever avoided sugar for a long period of time, a piece of fruit all of a sudden tastes so sweet."
"Women have more taste buds than men, and 35% of women are considered super tasters."
"What's in a name? Cattle, soy, cells, or beet – will it really matter if it tastes like meat?"
"The overall taste that we get is a function of that blending that comes when the brain perceives all these signals."
"Even once you get rid of the refined sugar from your diet, you are never going to lose the desire and the taste for sweet."
"Lemon or lime juice is a really good thing to use because it kind of tricks your tongue into thinking that what you have just eaten is salty."