
Emotional Connections Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Your love life will ascend to a higher level; be open to genuine connections."
"The real treasure is the love that we get from viewing this heart to heart."
"The reactions from people and just how much it meant to them and then how much it meant to me."
"This person definitely misses you, they love your friendship and maybe that's why they've developed these feelings for you."
"They could be closer to someone 10,000 miles away than they are from someone two feet away."
"These are their neighbors, there may be many family ties between Ukraine and Russia."
"Intensity of it, maybe it is one of those big ass powerful connections."
"I feel like you guys have lingering feelings towards each other."
"They want to ground this connection into something real."
"For the lives of Diana and Jessica were shaped most by experiences more familiar to us all, the trials and joys of family, of love, of grief, and of sisterhood."
"The unconditional love is just so beautiful."
"Cut it out, there's a connection that was once there, but I'm seeing either you or this person wants to cut out the unnecessary."
"In this Soul Circle are all people who affect each other, whether it's my mom or my children or my ex-wife or people who have been there."
"Some friendships coming into full fruition, more emotionally attaching moments."
"Page of Cups: embrace honesty, seek genuine connections."
"They refuse to let you go... they still want to come back around to you and grow and expand with you." - Tom's Tara
"The only time someone's truly gone is when you forget them. As long as you cherish your memories with him, he'll live on in your heart."
"Special moments tied into every part of the apartment."
"You develop deep feelings with other people because they're in your life."
"I have every reason to believe that this connection isn't done yet. It does look like it has a positive turnaround."
"All of you are manifesting connection and an emotional opportunity that you are already very invested in."
"They want to make a psychological connection with you."
"Nothing will break the bond that her and Barnett created during the pods."
"The Department of Justice is responsible for safeguarding the fundamental foundation of this Republic."
"Love attachment is something you should be interested in, that is the real deal."
"They feel outcast and left out in the cold from you, but they see a chance for rebirth between you."
"This individual was very attached to you before the separation."
"Find multiple sources of connection of intimacy of friendship."
"You just never understand how much you affect people and how much people really right for you and how much you know people really actually do care."
"Who says there can't be an emotional bond between two different species?"
"There's a healing moment with you and someone from your past this month."
"You do live on in the people that you touch."
"Love and harmony, sincerity, partnership... that's where your soulmate is coming from."
"Genuine emotionally intelligent connections are not only desirable but also achievable."
"I love it! Well, she already did, but you know what I'm saying."
"Storytelling has a unique ability to build deep meaningful connections."
"Sometimes we're drawn to people, and sometimes we don't know why, but we're so drawn to them like a moth to a flame."
"You are creating strong loving relationships. You are developing powerful connections that are once in a lifetime. Open your heart to receive it because you deserve it."
"I've been receiving tons and tons of really nice messages."
"You got like a few people like, okay, people just don't want to leave your life."
"You could still have a lot of love and emotions for them, and it could be a cancer or Pisces or a Scorpio."
"Polyamory is not just about sex; it's about forming connections."
"I don't know why I would be with someone if I didn't like them."
"Things are moving forward with confidence, great emotions, great connections."
"The more you break down your walls, the more you will attract."
"It's not over patterns baggage so this cancer does feel like y'all have some unfinished business y'all have like a spiritual connection something about you being mysterious keeps drawing them back they love that about you."
"You have a beautiful connection coming in here."
"Even if there are soul ties that you've had with other people just by the way of sex and they're people that you can't get out of your head."
"This footage is incredible proof of the bond that animals can have with one another in our world."
"Create an emotional bond with people, not things."
"You're stepping into some new relationship and it's a relationship where you're really connected with this person on an emotional level."
"We really don't think how much we impact others until they reach out and actually let us know that we've done something to them."
"The reason I have such an emotional attachment to this country is every time I came here on my first two or three tours, my life got better in some way or the other."
"All your loved ones really want for the holidays is to see you."
"Some of y'all you gonna have a choice baby, you're gonna have the choice of this strong Soul connection that you still have with this person and you're gonna have this new connection that's real that's really strong and you love them too."
"Do me a favor, do everybody that you love a favor, call them and tell them that you love them, okay?"
"Harry does have emotional empathy for his sister-in-law."
"The movie goes even deeper into the emotional connections between Miles, Gwen, Peter B, and more."