
Heroic Act Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Alastair Atchison's achievement in saving flight 5390 was outstanding."
"Tony sacrifices himself in order to kill Thanos and destroy his army."
"Tony had stabbed it in Thanos's skull, killing him."
"The fight with Goku and Krillin, the fact that Goku rides off into the sunset, it's implied that he sacrificed his life to save everybody."
"Wanda With Tears In Her Eyes musters the will to destroy the stone killing Vision as well."
"Binti Joa acted swiftly and carefully, protected the boy, and brought him to safety."
"Dogpool, the most adorable variant, tragically sacrificed his life for the 616 Deadpool."
"Izuku and Katsuki managed to defeat Nine, saving the island and its inhabitants in the process."
"A daring rescue: posing as bandits to save the basilius."
"The Flash going in and freaking saving the entire day, oh my god, it's so cool."
"The pilots did an amazing job at saving the lives of their passengers."
"The remarkable flying of Bryce McCormick had saved the lives of everyone on board Flight 96."
"We defeated the demon and saved us all from its clutches."
"Luffy defeats Crocodile, saving the kingdom, and gaining tons of royal goodwill."
"Lily, a Pit Bull from Massachusetts, ran in front of a freight train to save her owner who'd passed out on the tracks while taking a late night walk!"
"Seeing crease as a hero taking down evil is an excellent subversion and a great way to develop his character."
"Darkrai protected Alamos town with his life. He attempted to stop both creation deities from decimating pretty much all of existence."
"He's not defined by his muscles but by who he was before he got those muscles."
"Tristan quickly moved his Tesla to block traffic and protect the woman from getting run over."
"He was there at work Thursday morning when this thing broke out and he worked all morning to help evacuate the patients from the hospital risking his own life and limb."
"Rius delivered Zerus to the Adventurers Guild and asked them to take credit for taking him down."
"She quickly freed the animal and while walking it to safety, he was like holding the cat in his arms, the cat climbed up onto his shoulder."
"He has defeated the subordinate of the evil Lord and brought peace to the world."
"Mumei jumps into the monster to stab it from within, killing it in epic style."
"He just pulled a magic sword out of a stone."
"They help save the entire universe by eradicating Majin Buu."
"Rest his life to save Clint. I definitely didn't see that coming."
"What greater act of sincerity and selflessness is there than to sacrifice one's life for another?"
"Groot's heart grows three sizes bigger as he sacrifices his own arm to create the handle to Thor's new mega weapon."
"Bravely engaging in a fierce struggle with the Powerful Beast, Yuya manages to overpower and subdue the bear, ultimately saving Sada from harm."
"Cassie ultimately saves the day when she triggers similar superhuman powers to those her father showcased."
"Witnessing her allies' sacrifices, Katu's anger ignites, unleashing a devastating display of power that halts the battle in its tracks."
"An off-duty border patrol stopped the shooter."
"In a story that has a very positive ending, a six-year-old child was hit by a car while saving his sister. He is now being held a hero."
"The maiden severed the enemy's head, thus delivering a final blow that definitively killed the Demonic creature in a single strike."
"They saved the airplane. That was a masterpiece of flying."
"She made a call, it was a call whose instinct was to protect other people."
"Those women died saving those kids. I don't care what their freaking immigration statuses are."
"Before his death, he witnesses Eleven take down a chopper in the most epic way possible."
"Final sacrifice enables new generation to destroy Death Star."
"Thank you for rescuing all of us from the president down, we are indebted to you."
"Randy confronts Mac, exposes his plans, and saves Howard in the end."
"Luke grabs him and leaps off the building, seeing them as kids and their broom hitting the ground. Luke crashes into the ground, leaving him in a bloody heap on the concrete, but it was a heroic sacrifice, at least."
"She accepted the demon inside of her to save others."
"18 million times Dempsey gave his life for the sake of his team."
"It still gripped its weapon skewering the crewman as the captain rose and swiped his sword at the figure. 'Die, Demon!' he shouted."
"Noah is an incredible person who saved her and her Village from a volcanic Turtle."
"...Nero will attend excanum as a reward for his heroic act."
"Henry's hero... Henry pushing Hiro over the hill is one of the most climactic moments."
"Robert was able to kill Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, who by all accounts was the greatest knight in all of Westeros."
"The Iron Giant flying towards the nuke and whispering 'Superman'."
"You've given me my freedom back! I will be forever grateful for your heroic deed."
"Scourge heroically gains redemption by sacrificing himself to protect the people of Asgard."
"He is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends."
"Now we return to the mortal world, yes, your world, where we find Henry and scores of townspeople working bravely, valiantly to save Daniel from the blaze."