
Entertainment Enjoyment Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Should we shut the hell up and enjoy the show?"
"Every time I watch it, it makes me laugh out loud."
"Thank you guys for watching, leave your suggestions in the comments for future Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 challenges. I do enjoy these, they're fun, they really are."
"I was blown away by Ragnarok. It was so much fun."
"I'm having a fun time playing Tetris; hope you're having a fun time watching it."
"I just can't help but respect ninja going into while also of course enjoying the literal hell out of it."
"I had so much fun, I don't want to spoil anything at all."
"Girls should be able to enjoy the shows they like."
"Thank you so much for watching, I do really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did playing it."
"I genuinely had so much fun, I am absolutely playing this going forward."
"I was excited to watch it for, I think, the first time all the way through."
"Fantastic day, enjoy your March full of Switch goodness."
"We use a vile cold snap, the actual vile cold snap skill itself is also fantastic fun."
"I like the weight. It's fun. I'm on my seat man every [expletive] day, every Friday."
"It's been such a blast nerding out with you, buddy. I look forward to doing it a lot more in 2021 as movies and TV come back from the dead."
"That was one of the best times in the theater just I was laughing I couldn't stop laughing sometimes and then the action and everything I mean it was a home run for me as far as an MCU entry with Thor."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did."
"No, this was solid. This was really, really cool."
"I'm excited to just have something else to enjoy the same way that the comic."
"I was excited watching it, this was good, I was warm, I was like 'oh my god.'"
"I absolutely loved it from beginning to end."
"I really did like it and I enjoyed it, and I had a good time with it."
"Honestly, it was fun watching people get scared too."
"I hope you guys don't mind, and I hope that you enjoy this video because oh man did I love Wano!"
"Let's relax, because wow, look at that intro."
"After saying all that, it's still fun, it's enjoyable, it's just not the perfect Spider-Man."
"I really enjoyed the story of the Transformers."
"I missed the days when you could just watch a TV show or watch a film and just enjoy the storyline."
"There's nothing wrong with that. We're fans at the end of the day."
"Let's spend this time that we have and let's just enjoy the story that Oda gives us and see where it goes."
"It's such a foreign feeling to enjoy it every week now really is the best."
"I felt like I was a kid again in the '90s watching on Saturday morning." - Blurred Without Fear
"It's phenomenally fun, a lot of Great Moments." - Chris
"Like chat is freaking hilarious like I would love doing stuff like that."
"The slow-paced, detailed nature with the occasional buildup to an epic action scene is peak Game of Thrones enjoyment for me."
"I've never seen a Tyler Perry movie where I did not have fun."
"Enjoy your popcorn, get extra butter, and I'll have a show tomorrow."
"I think the dungeons are good fun. I really like the dungeons."
"I was actually engaged in it. I was paying attention. It was fun."
"This was so much fun, thanks for watching this with me."
"It's been a really, really fun one, honestly."
"This isn't like fine cinema, but I had a good time with it."
"It's Dragon Ball, bro, let them cook, let them have fun."
"Let's have a laugh with it 'cause I have played this game to completion twice now."
"The audience was in raptures over the hilarious performance by the improv comedy act."
"That was pretty cool, guys, hope you enjoyed that."
"Venom is sweet, I'm so glad we got him, that was so much fun."
"If you love a Bakugan or a movie or a show, don’t let anyone tell you not to like it."
"I genuinely have so much fun watching somebody play a video game."
"Happy Gilmore, it was nice to see this movie again."
"I just love vampire stuff and I'm really happy to see this back."
"For the first time in a long time, I look forward to Wednesdays."
"Absolutely love this! That's probably one of the best movies I've seen in a while."
"I was shocked that I actually enjoyed it. I actually thought it was pretty cute."
"Let's just have a good time, let me enjoy this theater of beautiful stuff."
"This was a huge Thumbs Up Show for me. I had a brilliant time."
"I just had a ball from beginning to end. I just love this and I was going in ready to just be like this this isn't gonna work this is stupid, but it but it's not it's it's enjoyable it's it's darkly goofy."
"The pleasure it brings, robot. The utter pleasure it brings."
"To be called a fan is to acknowledge both the goods and bads of something you love and still have fun with it regardless."
"Hope you enjoyed it, hope you liked seeing all these."
"It's been a lot of fun, that's the main word when you watch the Mandalorian - fun."
"Watching Boba Fett savage these stormtroopers was so incredibly satisfying."
"I enjoyed the story and watching these characters."
"Hopefully you all enjoyed, like a lot Hunger Games IP down below and see ya."
"I just really, really enjoy it so much. I like the idea that the doctor sometimes, you know, by trying to stop something, makes it happen. I think that's like really, really good."
"Yeah, this is fun, man, I'm enjoying this both from a visual and from an audio standpoint."
"Great job ladies, and it was so much fun watching you. Thank you for the glamorous, beautiful show."