
Genre Exploration Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"It's a really special track. The other three tracks on the EP take on more of an acid house sound that Richard would start to experiment with even more in subsequent releases from 1991 onwards."
"I could still adore a more action-focused 3D Metroid game, a third-person adventure that's more evocative of the tenacity of the 2D series."
"Kubrick's film is most assuredly a crime thriller, but he frequently finds opportunities to color outside the lines and subvert our expectations."
"The goal of this video was to hopefully fall in love with one of the genres that I read and become obsessed with it."
"What fantasy allows: a greater, deeper exploration."
"Let's dive into some of the best the vaporwave genre has to offer."
"What's beautiful about music is there are so many different genres, and people can just very easily go, 'I'm not into metal, I'm more into hip-hop,' or 'I'm not into hip-hop, I like folk music.'"
"I've spent a long damn time searching for a nice isekai to fill the void that Kono Suba left, and this fall has delivered two very promising contenders."
"Personally I would love to see Mark Bagley tackle something other than superheroes I think it would be very interesting to see him do say crime or science fiction."
"Bookworm's story poses some really refreshing questions about the isekai genre."
"It's started me down this whole Rabbit Hole of like sci-fi dystopian books because for me, everyone knows it has to be fantasy romance for me to really give a [ __ ] about it."
"This track is a huge, expansive, beautiful jazzy odyssey that is actually kind of mind-blowing."
"That's my whole trip here: the mastery of music in whatever genre it is."
"I think it's just a great stepping stone in the sci-fi fiction genre if you're trying to go from y-a to adult."
"Spielberg has proved he can do every single genre that that is on he can do comedy action sci-fi drama I mean you name it he can do it."
"What who is this for do you not I mean if this is for people just like rock music or metalcore or metal or whatever this is this is for someone who likes something a bit more you know I mean."
"Does that make He-Man the first truly magical boy?"
"Tyga is definitely a really fresh look at the genre as a whole."
"Tales uses the horror genre to explore issues facing black people in America."
"Enter Galactic is proof that animation is the best medium for basically any genre."
"I love a good Slow Burn Cosmic Horror Story, I feel like the aliens is just kind of a front."
"It's gonna be a great gateway for newcomers to come and check cyberpunk game and also the cyberpunk genre."
"Holy moly, I love nothing more that traversing the plains of fantasy, sci-fi and horror literature--and picking a fight with some of the most terrifying monsters that have ever been inked on the page."
"I love that they are exploring other genres."
"Pop music exists in sort of a weird space. A lot of people really like it but our traditional models don't seem to do a very good job explaining why."
"The late 90s were a great time for PC gaming 3d graphics cars were gaining traction in a big way while developers were exploring new genres or simply pushing the limits of existing ones."
"For someone like me who is newer to the genre, I hope that you guys might give some of these a go."
"Stick to a genre you're familiar with, or explore something new."
"One of the more interesting explorations of genre within the MCU is the sitcom-style structure of WandaVision."
"I'm going to stick with this genre of intents for this... So see how it goes."
"I just like need a break when I'm reading criticize I can't read them all at once one of the recent romance books I will be back a part two eventually when I read more fantasy books."
"For A24, any genre is a sandbox worth exploring."
"And there you have it. Every horror movie reference (that at least I could find) made in Scream 3."
"Are we really doing this? I mean, anime gaming's typically our stick, but Magic the Gathering, a card game of all things."
"This guide will help you explore the vast and varied world of fantasy fiction and find the best sub-genres that suit your preferences."
"Don't be afraid to read a book from a genre that you don't usually read from. You may be surprised and find a new favorite book."
"It opened my eyes to how much the genre has to offer and I'm still so grateful that I picked up that Series."
"I never thought I would fall in love with science fiction, but that's truly because of this channel."
"This is one of the albums that got me into black metal, so of course it's making it here."
"I could do every genre. I could do country for you, smooth R&B."
"Radio One gave you that access to listen to pop, hip-hop, rock, underground music."
"What Summerween has taught me is that evidently I am interested in horror now."
"I'm grateful to Zombieland Saga both for breaking down the last wall keeping me from trying out this new genre, which I might really love, and for making steps to change it for the better."
"I realized after reading this book that I should read more romance because this was great."
"Listen to lots of music, as much as possible, especially related to the kinds of music you want to play."
"Let's discover the true essence of this genre by looking at its evolution through history."
"I love reading every single month; it's a different genre."
"I'm really excited to have some new books to kind of push me into new genres."
"We know what Blackpink's music is like all together, so seeing the specific kind of genres and feels... they all have given something different."
"I really want to get into cozy fantasy... I really like the idea of a fantasy book that's just so chill."