
Artillery Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Russia can field enough artillery that if it all fired at once, you'd feel the explosions on the other side of the world."
"As a result, it includes systems ranging from a new generation self-propelled howitzer, the Extended Range Cannon Artillery system, or ERCA, all the way out to a hypersonic glide vehicle called the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon."
"Artillery was used as coastal bombardment to clear sections of coast."
"If you want the Ukrainians to go forward, give them shells."
"Both Russia and Ukraine have forces that thrive on artillery availability, even if they use their systems somewhat differently."
"Every bit of artillery has a chance to misfire, meaning they can be destroyed just by misfiring."
"Russian artillery: a formidable component of modern warfare, challenging and innovating."
"Here lies the business end of Victory, the 32 pounder long guns, capable of smashing through any ship's hull known."
"Balance our production right now... artillery is severely lacking."
"Rocket artillery is almost hands-down way better than regular artillery."
"The difference in time between the strike and firing the main gun is too short for reaction."
"Ukrainian artillery has stopped the Russian advance."
"A grand battery of 180 guns blasted the enemy lines…"
"At the ensuing Battle of Marengo, Marmont’s skilled handling of the artillery helped Napoleon to win a decisive victory over the Second Coalition."
"Of all weapons in the artillery arsenal, perhaps none is more awe-inspiring than the big gun."
"The best thing about the bombard Cannon is that it shoots this big red circle onto the water."
"The Earth Shaker Carriage really does look like a very efficient artillery piece."
"What DPICM bring to a battlefield is anti-armor and anti-personnel capability."
"The 2S7 became the largest self-propelled artillery system and vehicle in service anywhere in the world."
"Artillery pieces like the Howitzer are known as the king of battle."
"Its deployment and recovery time can be controlled within 30 seconds, surpassing the majority of truck mounted artillery systems currently in service worldwide."
"The Archer Howitzer is an excellent truck mounted artillery system with strong off-road capabilities, high firing speed, and a high level of automation."
"So next time somebody tells you Little Roundtop was not an effective artillery position, that's not true. It clearly played a part in what we know today as Pickett's Charge."
"It was a55 round bro, I don't know if you know what that is but it's a artillery shell packed up still ball bearings."
"This is the grandfather of all modern artillery."
"And then finally for our secondary battery, we've got our five inch 25 caliber Dual Purpose guns."
"Speaking of great, well I just received this book not too long ago. U.S. artillery in Vietnam as published from AK interactive. What a hefty book full of wonderful photographs."
"The Archer artillery system is every bit as badass as it looks."
"To counter these tactics, the US relied heavily on its artillery and carpet bombed any position before engaging them in battle."
"Never having once lost an artillery piece to the enemy."
"The ab7 shells fall on the Target in a shallow Arc rather than drilling into them from the front resulting in hits impacting the weaker top side and or the rear armor of enemy armored assets resulting in almost guaranteed kills."
"Artillery kills something like 60% of the casualties in the First World War."
"Hubert Dilger is truly a technical expert when it comes to the employment of artillery."
"One of the strengths of the Army of the Potomac was always its artillery."
"Well, these weren't seashells. These were heavy pieces of Ordnance. We're actually talking about bits of metal in brass casing. So that's where the name shells comes from."
"An artilleryman's dream; to have the enemy on the run."
"The first gun had hardly moved forward from the wood 100 yards when the enemy's artillery reopened"
"Heavy artillery is what was going to break the trench stalemate by 1918, particularly when directed by air power."
"The ship had nine guns, so we could fire a broadside of nine rounds at one time."
"Artillery crews take information relayed from troops on the front line."
"The artillery does a pretty good job."
"You know he's a war man artillery, yeah?"
"Talking about battles where artillery saved the day."
"Robbins's method of finding the velocity of a ball by experiment is without doubt one of the most ingenious and useful discoveries in artillery."
"New Jersey's guns and particularly the shells are heavier, New Jersey has a greater rate of fire and has more electronics for aiming those guns."
"It's basically a mortar tank, it has huge mortar shells as you can see here that were self-propelled."
"The guns that were the Emperor's love and the weapons most feared by France's enemies."
"The guns, the pride of the French army, were shredding the enemy."
"I believe this may be a howitzer because of the short barrel, but inside, I don't know if you can see the rifling inside the barrel that would make these things deadly accurate."
"A single 16-inch shell from Rodney on either Shan horse or Gneisenau is more likely to penetrate something and is going to do considerably more damage than an 11-inch hit on Rodney wherever it happens to go off."
"The Edgar KES have a unified main battery of relatively powerful guns and they also have quite a number of them."
"The rocket artillery of today, truck-mounted Honest John missiles, a seemingly endless array of mechanized firepower."
"The Battle of Cedar Mountain, also known as the Battle of Slaughter’s Mountain, begins proper when Federal artillery organized into a grand battery opens up."
"The heavier guns do still make quite a bit of a difference."
"The artillery smoke grenade... they don't just look pretty though, they mark the location that is meant to be bombarded by nearby artillery."
"Napoleon himself was a master of artillery, having learned his trade at the École Militaire in Paris."
"It's to his credit that he takes the demotion and is put in the artillery; speaks a lot of his character."
"Prince John Magruder was a brilliant artillery commander before the war."
"These guns behind us actually fired over 11,000 rounds of ammunition."
"India needs powerful artillery. And that’s exactly what India has, thanks to its $70-billion military budget."
"Heavy metal soon became the standard for artillery projectiles."
"The transition to steel barrels essentially brought artillery into modern times."
"Only the artillery can flatten enemy barbed wire, only artillery can destroy the trenches, only artillery can destroy enemy artillery."
"Artillery had become the driving force in ground warfare."
"For the first time in history, artillery was the greatest killer in war."
"Artillery has been part of war for 2,500 years, in that time its range, accuracy, destructive power, and technological capabilities have reached ever higher levels."
"Time and again artillery has transformed the way battles are fought, moving Gunners farther and farther from the kill zone."
"Napoleon had wanted to join the Navy, but his skilled mathematics led his teachers to suggest that his future lay with the artillery."
"His achievement in gaining a commission in the artillery should not be underestimated."
"You can find them on an Iowa class Battleship feeding the five inch secondaries here."
"Once quick-firing technology reached things like six-inch gun level, it was thought, 'Well, we might get a broadside off with our big guns and then it's going to be a fight between smaller guns for a long time until we can get the big guns reloaded again.'"
"In this battle the whole of the artillery of both armies was fought for all it was worth and brutally demonstrated the power and influence in battle of this arm, when properly managed."
"Artillery is now one of the most progressive and important combat arms in the Canadian Forces."
"The artillery is a battle-winning force that really sets the conditions for success for all the arms on the battlefield."
"Most of my games you've seen, I usually run at least one artillery battery, sometimes two."
"The artillery in the First World War becomes an incredibly sophisticated organization in military terms."
"So here we are all finished, this is the nine pounder gun from the Royal Horse Artillery."
"Artillery is arguably the decisive weapon of the First World War."
"The Su 76m, a Soviet self-propelled artillery vehicle, played a crucial role during World War II."
"The Russians opened the offensive with a massive artillery barrage."
"Everywhere where right and glory lead, battles are won on the strength of artillery."