
Tool Utilization Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The use of this paper, it's just a tool, a means to an end."
"Social media is like a hammer. You could either build a beautiful house with it or you could just f***ing murder somebody with it."
"That's the power of vid iq, it's like a tool you need to actually be a craftsman."
"Puzzle Whiz and Book Bolt are all-in-one app combos used to help people create and sell low content and puzzle books on Amazon KDP."
"We're discovering so much because of the tools we're using, but we're going to need this level of AI to cognitively understand the interactions of the systems."
"You just have more tools by which to harness those lower-level implementation details."
"It's about having the right tools and gear to make it happen."
"We have the tools to end this epidemic; it is up to us to utilize those tools to their maximum."
"This plug-in is an amazing tool for manipulating time and volume."
"Lean into it, use it to the fullest. If you're going to go with the VTT, don't just use it as a shared die roller."
"Cropping is vital before anything else because if you're hoping to make changes to the exposure then the best tool that we have to judge that is the histogram."
"Success depends not alone or chiefly on the possession of these special faculties, but more upon the power which uses the tools."
"Use whatever tool you need to get the outcome you want."
"Successful people recognize their weaknesses and actually reach for tools." - Dalton Caldwell
"Money is just a medium, one tool among many in order to help you live the life that you want."
"We are fine with our tools and want to use them, focusing on our way."
"That alone is enough to make me want to use this part."
"Turn your biggest enemy, your phone, into your most important tool."
"Utilizing tools to increase efficiency is paramount."
"Productivity is not the end goal; it's a tool to get to your end goal."
"Back within Tasks in Microsoft Teams, I'm not just limited to these predefined categories."
"Stats are not the ultimate arbiter. What they are is a tool to aid our greater understanding."
"Social media is a tool, and you can use it well."
"Find what works, find good information, and use the best tools at your disposal to move forward and live the best life, knowing as many true things and as few false things as possible." - Eric
"You leverage the tool to tell a greater story than the tool itself."
"People really now starting to see the true power and the potential of all these tools that have been available to us this entire time."
"AI is not the only bullet in the gun, so to speak. It's a tool that makes it possible to stay ahead of the adversaries."
"If you're a player and you have a tool proficiency and you think, 'Hey, can this be useful here?' Raise your hand."
"Creating modern shapes with the platform tool is a huge benefit for these builds."
"If only one or two or three of these tools or techniques make their way into your workflow, hey that's a win, that's great."
"Details is an extremely underrated tool for identifying areas of improvement."
"This is just the excitement of it like given the tools see what people create."
"The magician is all about alchemy, it's about taking the tools at hand and using those tools to manifest something big into your life."
"People need to accept the fact that useful tools can be used by bad people."
"Manipulation... it's a neutral thing that becomes good or bad depending on what it's used in service of."
"I find them very expressive so I'm bringing this red boy into Photoshop."
"That's so cool. I mean, so many of our creators are using the innovative tools that you've made to just expand what they're working on."
"That's what it's all about, I mean, the difference between someone making something and someone being like, 'Hey look at all these Cool Tools that are fun but I haven't made anything.'"
"It's a very, very powerful tool when it's used right."
"Becoming resourceful and finding the right tools is essential for startups."
"You need the right tools to keep your hiring streamlined and efficient."
"I think of each of these approaches as tools rather than things to go to war about."
"You don't need to learn how to code. You can just know how to use the right tools at the right time."
"...using the power of the drill I'm able to bang these out real quick."
"So, what normally probably would have taken me two or three days, I did in less than a day thanks to those tools."
"Automating this process is a great way to do this too so don't be afraid of tool automation."
"Learn your tools because they can be very powerful and make you much more efficient."
"Good luck with your adventures, and I hope you continue playing with these fantastic tools."
"I'm going to create a brand new table and rename this to 'Project Planner'."
"By following this approach and utilizing the appropriate tools and techniques, I would be able to identify and define a comprehensive solution designed for ABC Corp's inventory management system, leveraging the successful practices observed at Amazon."
"At the end of this session, I will present some resources to go beyond that and to be able to also use better tools and perform other things."
"Now I'm not so against it or scared of it; it's like, 'Hey, this is really a great tool.'"
"I will use this car as a tool to get what I want."
"I'm gonna use it to... pry my way up the list."
"OneNote is a very powerful productivity tool, and you can use either or both versions of OneNote based on your needs in the moment."
"Gravity is one of our favorite tools; we're constantly fighting gravity, but sometimes we use it as our tool."
"What you are being paid is to use it as a tool to produce something, to design something, to model something."
"It's really more about understanding what to do based on the tools that you're using and how to use them more effectively."
"Take the tools that you have and use them."
"It frees us from having to update and maintain all those tools, which is the real secret."
"The main idea is it doesn't matter what tools you have, just use them."
"With layers and with the right tools, you actually can do a lot."
"It is up to us alone to use it as the tool it is, to craft the world we desire."
"Control doesn't have to be a restraint but it can be a tool; it can be a very powerful tool for us."
"We are solving this customer problem and we're gonna use these things as tools."
"You can use amazing tools such as chat GPT to help you build your own unique custom widgets."
"AI is just a tool, it's not thinking itself to generate these ideas for now."