
Luxury Perception Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"I think I know more about skincare than she does."
"Modern. I mean, what a beautiful interior design, Zach and I will sometimes look at it and say, are we in a luxury brand or is this non-luxury?"
"Luxury goods really cater for people's positional urges."
"It actually does look like a thousand dollar designer smartwatch."
"It feels like legitimately $200,000 in here."
"They want the e to feel like a luxurious kind of lounge."
"It's a really good bargain for some, it looks like a luxury speaker."
"They look luxury and they are luxury, but they are affordable."
"Luxury is different things to different people."
"Step 1: Seriously feeling put together at home in these silk-inspired pajamas that are literally from Target. It makes me feel rich."
"There is something about having a fireplace... it elevates the home and makes it look more expensive."
"That is quick not even quick in general like for an Avalon."
"All by itself, but what made an S-Class an S-Class for me was this. So your first experience of any car is going to be with the door handle."
"If you're getting something like this that you're going to use every day... that feels luxurious to me for one reason or another but that are affordable for one reason or another."
"It's starting to enter real luxury brand territory."
"Luxury should be something that you enjoy and enriches your life rather than causing you stress and problems."
"New York looks like a movie from this penthouse."
"The quietness of this vehicle is something that I want to talk about because Lincoln, of course, is known for their Quiet Flight."
"This car is all about the inside and you can't help but get in here and right away be impressed with the materials, the colors, and just the decor in general. It is, and I don't use this word... luxurious."
"The Bose NC700s feel more luxurious than the Sony's."
"I mean this is a minivan, but it pretty much has the feel of like a luxury car."
"It feels so good on that you kind of, you know, temporarily believe that you are rich."
"If anybody asks you if your Mercedes S-Class has a Pagani Huayra engine, you say yes."
"It's not just a car, it's a symbol of success."
"This also feels like a luxury car, very nice interior, very high quality."
"The first year of driving the Porsche is different than the third year. You know, the first year it's like, that's everything, like, 'Oh, what the hell is that?'"
"What previously normal thing is now a luxury?"
"The Mazda has the best interior of this bunch. It looks vastly more expensive than a $40,000 hatch should, and it actually feels nice as well."
"Acura has done what they could with this car to really make it feel much more expensive than an Accord."
"I think it's so high-end luxe expensive, in theory, it's really casual but it also really makes a statement."
"Everything about the vehicle just shouts out luxury."
"It deserves to be at the top of your list, especially if you want something that's incredibly fun to drive, incredibly stylish, and looks and feels like a more expensive compact."
"The Audi badge carries more weight, respect, and luxury connotations."
"Luxury as we know it is basically an aesthetic."
"This is more about luxury and Safety and Security."
"There's some people out there that look at a BMW X3 and say, 'You know what, that's more luxurious than a 3 series despite the fact that they're built on the exact same platform and have very, very similar interiors.'"
"This to me is luxury in a bottle."
"The LC 500 feels closer, more so to a quarter of a million dollar car."
"It gives you, it seems very luxurious."
"I think it looks amazing and it looks so classy, so expensive, and so high-end."
"Swathes of leather and Alcantara massage your eyes into making you believe you really are more important than anyone else."
"I'm very comfortable, and I feel like I'm someplace that's very luxurious."
"This watch really does come shockingly close to what you would expect from a much more expensive luxury watch."
"Everything about that luxury brand oozes opulence, wealth, knowledge, and power."
"This really to me now feels like a luxury vehicle."
"I feel like when it comes to luxury, there are pieces that scream luxury."
"This is of course your most affordable Lexus, but this cabin does not feel entry-level."
"I just feel like this smells so premium, I love this."
"I'm feeling this, it really looks like something high-end."