
Constitutional Debate Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"We're seeing on multiple fronts the idea that the restrictions may have been unconstitutional."
"Training is absolutely important...but to say that you have to go through some sort of government mandated training as a condition precedent to you exercising your right to keep and bear arms again is not constitutionally supported."
"It's unconstitutional, that's the end of the debate."
"The Sedition Act was pretty obviously unconstitutional."
"It’s King Georgi III plus what Barr is advocating for."
"Don't lecture me about this constitution, Dark Brandon, because Just Brandon is violating it every other day."
"I do consider myself a Second Amendment absolutist... all gun laws preemptively applied to law-abiding mentally sound American citizens are facially unconstitutional under the Second Amendment."
"I think the constitution is suspended during a virus, during a pandemic."
"It's wrong, it's immoral, it's unconstitutional, yes it is racist."
"The language of the Second Amendment was subject to intense discussion, debate, and analysis when it was drafted, just like the rest of the Constitution and the rest of the Bill of Rights."
"There is nothing in the constitution that says that a woman has a right to take the life of her baby."
"That is wrong. That is 100% wrong. That is unconstitutional President Biden."
"The unelected bureaucracy is given zero Constitutional Powers. They only have any powers at all because the president gave it to them."
"And while ultimately the Federalists won out and the Constitution was ratified, the issue of how large government should be did not go away."
"The Constitution was a good plan, and it's being destroyed."
"It doesn't matter what the Supreme Court says, it matters what the founders believed the second amendment was intended to mean."
"Guarantee the right to bear arms, easy win for Trump."
"Abortion is unconstitutional and the Supreme Court should overturn it."
"Democrats want to get rid of [the Electoral College] because Democrats are exactly the mob the founders aim to restrain."
"The left's embrace of discrimination and violation of the Constitution."
"The Federal Reserve and IRS were unconstitutional."
"It's gonna be great because they say in here the Chileans head to the polls on Sunday to either approve or reject what has been described as the world's most progressive constitution."
"I'm also truly shocked that a bunch of leftists and progressives came up with the worst idea in probably constitutional history."
"Why not just go back to basics when the constitution wasn't working?"
"This abortion thing's a violation of your constitutional right."
"If this Marbury decision be sound then indeed is our Constitution a complete fellow to say which is Latin for a suicide pact." - Thomas Jefferson
"We can have restrictions on speech, you can't yell fire in a crowded theater but somehow there's no restrictions allowed on the second amendment." - New York Governor
"January 6 was not only a pretext to get around the election problems, but to derail Trump's election contest in Congress."
"The left wants to erase your constitutional rights, the right wants to keep them."
"Oregon law which bars secret recordings of conversations is unconstitutional."
"To wrap up, New York is trying to create a policy to take advantage of the so-called sensitive places or gun-free zone exemption but it's not going to be constitutionally allowed as I see it..."
"I believe that all gun control is absolutely unconstitutional and it is an infringement."
"The left they want judges who even value insight international law not our own Constitution."
"This standard is unconscionable, unconstitutional, and an affront to the rule of law in our country."
"To acknowledge and correct racism is not unconstitutional or racist."
"The articles of impeachment now before the Senate are an affront to the Constitution and to our democratic institutions."
"It's an erosion of the Constitution because people hate Donald Trump." - Bill O'Reilly
"This is a fight for our Constitution, it's not about Trump, it's not about Hillary."
"In America, we do not arrest our political opponents. This case tests that long-standing norm, as well as our Constitution's robust protections for free speech."
"This isn't about saving lives; it's about constitutionally stealing every ounce of freedom that we have."
"I sued the Biden administration over its unlawful OSHA vax mandate and says, 'We won!' just this morning, citing grave statutory and constitutional issues."
"These laws don't infringe on the Second Amendment, they save lives."
"I think they'll try to do a wealth tax that's unconstitutional in my view."
"I believe in the Second Amendment as a very inalienable and distinctive human right."
"This impeachment trial... is so dangerous to our constitutional freedoms."
"We must now renegotiate the legal concept because if we read the Constitution there's nothing in the Constitution that bars race-based repair, race-based restitution is what we should really call it."
"I predicted as follows and mine on milquetoast non fence sitting opinion is that that provision of the Criminal Code is perfectly constitutional." - Viva Fry
"We surely now have to open a debate about the need for a more formal written constitution."
"It was by no means a done deal; at least nine states had to ratify the Constitution in order to replace the existing government under the Articles of Confederation."
"Acquitted conduct sentencing is not only unjust but flagrantly unconstitutional."