
WebAssembly Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Building on WebAssembly helped us unlock deeper capabilities of our AutoCAD's optimized code base that would have been impossible to rewrite in JavaScript."
"Our mission is to lead real-world performance for modern JavaScript and WebAssembly, and to enable developers to build a faster future web."
"Web assembly in the death of JavaScript and I'm gonna say no it's it's not gonna die..."
"Blazor is a full .NET runtime implemented in WebAssembly, executing directly in the browser."
"WebAssembly is a bytecode for the web... run in any browser on any platform at near-native speeds."
"Functions in WebAssembly can only take WebAssembly types as parameters, and at the moment, that's numbers, so integers, floats, that's what you're working with."
"JavaScript needs to be parsed from the source into an abstract syntax tree and then usually converted into an intermediate engine called bytecode. WebAssembly is already a bytecode."
"In late February, the browser vendors announced that WebAssembly was ready to ship all by defaults in browsers."
"So when people say that WebAssembly is fast, what they're comparing it to is JavaScript - that's the apples to apples comparison."
"One really wild thing is that you can use a single `await` in WebAssembly with Rust."
"It involves some web assembly so you can do a buffer overflow on a web application."
"WebAssembly... it takes our code and compiles it right down to bytecode."
"For me, I'm going to choose Blazer WebAssembly. I like the lightness and the simplicity of it."
"Blazor WebAssembly apps are true client-side browser-based applications. They can be deployed as simple, low cost static websites, and they can even run offline like a Progressive Web App or PWA."
"The productivity of cross-platform development, the performance of native mobile apps, and the openness of the web - that's why we love WebAssembly."
"Web assembly gives us a whole new box of tools to play with."
"Rust compiles down to WebAssembly, and WebAssembly is really cool."
"Blazer WebAssembly apps in .NET 8 are now CSP compliant."
"It's a really simple way to write fast and secure microservices using WebAssembly."
"It's moving a lot, you know, being able to run WebAssembly for me is mind-blowing."
"WebAssembly is like antimatter for JavaScript."
"We want to build something that works in all Blazor environments, including on WebAssembly."
"This video is sponsored by Wasmer, who I think are doing some really interesting things in the web assembly space."
"Blazor WebAssembly is now fully released and supported for production use."
"WebAssembly is completely isolated and that alone is actually surprisingly powerful."
"The performance is reliable with WebAssembly."
"WebAssembly is just much more predictable in how it will behave."
"It's easier to measure the performance of WebAssembly code, and it's not going to change between runs."
"I find it really easy to get going with and write some really optimized webassembly code."
"It supports forkless upgrades thanks to the Wasm runtime."
"Do wasm files cache and do those dll's that we saw cache just like regular javascript files? The answer is yes."
"This is ASP.NET Core Razor components hosted on the server, but the same Razor components can also be run client-side directly in the browser on WebAssembly."
"Under the hood they're using web assembly to actually perform that inference."
"The cost of downloading and compiling WebAssembly is much less than the cost of downloading and parsing and executing JavaScript because WebAssembly is a binary format."
"WebAssembly is a bytecode format that is now supported in all up-to-date browsers, including mobiles."
"You can take any code written in any language and as long as you can compile it to Web Assembly, you can then run that code in any browser at native speeds."
"We can bring all that WebAssembly into basically any browser, even on a mobile browser, and have this really amazing UI experience."
"It's similar to an assembly language, but it runs natively inside the browser."
"It doesn't adapt some JavaScript runtime to act like C Python; it actually takes the C Python runtime and compiles it to WebAssembly."
"WebAssembly plays a very big role in this next generation of cloud computing."
"Imagine a world where Docker and WebAssembly are working together."
"The characteristics that make WebAssembly great for the browser also make it really great for the cloud."
"WebAssembly offering is just the kind of stuff we wanted for the cloud."
"WebAssembly ends up being a really good and compelling story when speed and resource utilization and rapidly scaling up and down is the kind of thing that you're concerned with."
"WebAssembly changes the game because now JavaScript isn't the only language that can be run in a browser."
"WebAssembly is fast, efficient, and very transportable."
"It's really interoperable with JavaScript... you can think of WebAssembly modules as being equivalent to ES6 modules."
"WebAssembly is going to be huge and it's probably going to challenge things like container technology in the future."
"Brand-new things are possible; WebAssembly is here, it's real."
"WebAssembly is here today, it really works, and it's got a bright future."
"WebAssembly does streaming compilation."
"It's really cool technology and we're excited to be joining the WebAssembly world."
"We're seeing 1.5 to 3x performance improvements with WebAssembly."
"What WebAssembly could potentially mean for React."
"I'm going to be sketching out some ideas for what WebAssembly could mean in React."
"WebAssembly can, under some circumstances, run faster than JavaScript."
"WebAssembly doesn't yet have direct access to the DOM."
"WebAssembly instructions can execute anywhere between 10% and 800% faster than the equivalent JavaScript."
"You have to have a runtime environment to do stuff in WebAssembly."
"There's nothing inherent to calling WebAssembly from JavaScript that makes it slow; it's just that in the current JavaScript engines, this hasn't been optimized."
"If you're making a call from JavaScript to WebAssembly, it has to go through a setup function, and this slows things down slightly when you're first making that call."
"WebAssembly has absolutely no built-in I/O, it cannot access the DOM, it can't access a file system, it can't do a console log."
"The only way for WebAssembly to interact with the DOM or its host is through exported and imported functions."
"I'm going to write my own language, I'm going to write a compiler that compiles it to WebAssembly, and then I'm gonna do a talk on it."
"Mapping variables from my language to web assembly is really quite easy."
"Web assembly... has some surprisingly high-level concepts intermixed."
"Web assembly is a very new technology and there's a lot of creative energy being poured into it."
"Web assembly is improving... significantly reducing the amount of time to reach peak performance."
"JavaScript is quite fast so... the value proposition is the web assembly runtime now being used in the cloud and on the blockchain."
"WebAssembly is a new language for the web that is designed as a compilation target to offer maximized and reliable performance."
"Wasmtime is a tool that allows you to run WebAssembly code natively in a non-web environment."
"Because WebAssembly offers maximized and reliable performance, you can now expand the set of things that you can feasibly do in the browser."