
Enjoyable Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"Ant-Man and the Wasp... absolutely a very enjoyable film for me."
"It's funny... it's got a lot of humor in it as well... it's a good time."
"It's cute. It's fun. It's light. It's breezy. I like it."
"Avocados: a delicious, nutrient-packed treat."
"It's just so lovely and again it's super fast read and it's hilarious."
"It's really challenging and really interesting and fun."
"I spent a great 20 hours with this game, and the fact that I want more from it says a lot."
"Keep it lighthearted and fun, lighthearted and fun."
"I thought Hawkeye was enjoyable. It's not a masterpiece, but it was fun."
"I'm so there for it. It was so delightfully bonkers."
"Every single thing that goes down is just like immensely interesting and unique and awesome and different and fun."
"We hope you found this fun informative inspirational."
"It's proof positive that a great movie can be fun flashy and ridiculous with an uncomplicated plot and yet still work."
"This record is groovy, danceable, and fun to listen to."
"This is the Jen Dunstan of motorcycles... it's small it's petite it's sporty it's more fun to hang around with than you were expecting."
"Absolutely fantastic... the best time I've ever had going around the animals."
"They're a great combination of fun and fantasy."
"It's always enlightening and hilarious talking with you."
"Light, playful, and easy to ride - not intimidating."
"I think the key to what makes season 1 so enjoyable is that it's able to keep track of the things that people were interested in and use these elements to create a strong framework for telling a collection of interesting stories."
"These were bomb, dude. These were bomb. God, they were all so good."
"For a kid, it must be the most fun movie of the year."
"This is honestly just so majestic, so enjoyable."
"This connection feels like breathing; it's very easy, effortless, and just very enjoyable for this person."
"I'm not gonna lie, they didn't mess with this soundtrack though. They got some bops in this for sure."
"This song is such a bop. It just makes you feel good when you hear it."
"It's always fun, like I love the content because it's really like it's relatable."
"It's just a really catchy and enjoyable song to listen to."
"I have had fun with it watched through it twice once on my own and once with others and both times I find myself having a very enjoyable experience."
"I just enjoyed it because it was just a fun movie that had something to say."
"I really enjoyed it. It's just fun."
"I just thought it was super sweet and super cute."
"They felt like you're just a fun person to be around and they always had fun around you."
"This is a really really good combination."
"It's one of the most enjoyable fun cars on the planet."
"I just had a great time reading this. I think I'm going to give this like a 4.25 because it wasn't one of those books where I was like oh my gosh new five-star read I'm so utterly obsessed but it was really enjoyable really really enjoyable."
"...if you want something that isn't strictly a Green Lantern book but it's still about Lanterns and is really enjoyable at the same time and it's great for a new reader, this would be the one that I'd recommend."
"Once we started ragging on each other for boring stories or dumb bits or bad sound weird lighting like it just that I think is when it became more enjoyable to listen to."
"I thought that was highly entertaining, it was so much fun."
"The whole experience was pretty lit."
"It's like banana bread for breakfast."
"That's actually really, really nice."
"John Scalzi has a very easy going kind of matter-of-fact writing style that always makes for a quick and enjoyable read."
"It's different, it's fun, and it's worth getting when you're here because I don't think other places serve this."
"This was the most fun meal out of the three because everything was darn tasty."
"Gaming on this monitor is extremely enjoyable."
"I absolutely loved it, a lot more than I thought I was going to."
"It's not perfect, it's not the definitive Mario Kart experience, but it's the most unique and one of the most enjoyable."
"I'm surprised at how much sci-fi I've been reading through this series and I just had a damn good time and I hope you did too."
"Rodriguez's progression in the sport has been one of the most enjoyable journeys."
"Your love life is gonna be very enjoyable."
"I think that this is by far one of the most enjoyable tours I've done."
"It's both impressive and easy to listen to, which is a difficult combo to find."
"It was just a fun, pleasant interaction."
"It was delightful I've got that again in the heartbeat really really good."
"I think it's very straightforward very emotional and I think almost anybody can enjoy it."
"I thought the acting was really good. All of it like flowed together so seamlessly and it was very enjoyable."
"I did, I had some and it was great, it was smooth, no bite."
"Fabulous lets you go at your own pace, but it's still fun and rewarding."
"So there we go, that was the exceedingly enjoyable Fiat Panda Cross Twin Air, that's a really likable little package."
"Fun rating: 10/10, get another 10."
"It's not the ocean, but it's still refreshing."
"A surprisingly emotional melodrama bolsters what may stand as the most enjoyable Godzilla movie ever made."
"The tandem read was probably the most fun that I had."
"It might be the most fun I've ever had."
"It's a spicy book, there's lots of stuff that they do to each other and you're just like 'whoa, nice' so yeah, it was um, highly highly enjoyable."
"You might seem like you weren't always like this, like maybe you've come through a big, big transformation, you've come through a lot to be here, but I feel like people just see you as very enjoyable to be around now, you have a very light war, I feel like your aura is blue."
"It's just nonsense but it's nonsense in the best possible way."
"That was definitely a lot funner than I expected."
"Even though we've hit a dud, I'm still surprised at how well these animations hold up, still being enjoyable all these years later."
"It's action-packed, hugely enjoyable, and highly satisfying."
"Just a super enjoyable movie, crazy unique like you said."
"I definitely enjoyed the performances by Uncle Red and of Marty and Jane."
"Everything about the season is just nice."
"Jax is just one of the most enjoyable people in the world to be around."
"This book feels comforting... it felt fun, it felt very much more mature than some adult rom-coms."
"this just turned from a small small motorhome to something that's big that's livable that's enjoyable that you can actually spend time in"
"a very enjoyable vehicle to drive"
"...high school was the best time for me. I had a really, really good time."
"It was hilarious, straight-up funny, and a really good time."
"...those are the best conversations."
"This conversation is one that began to stretch just past the boundary of my intellectual capabilities, and I mean that in the most enjoyable way possible."
"This was a very, very enjoyable video. I loved it so much."
"It's kind of fun to work on because it's such a low pressure."
"I literally had one of the best nights."
"I find this really therapeutic. I can get absolutely lost in this."
"This is a cruise that I would happily take again."
"Listening to you talk is so much fun."
"It's just an enjoyable fun little fantasy RPG."
"I really enjoyed the accent it was just highly enjoyable to listen to them talking"
"It was actually quite a nice trip if I'm being honest."
"The most enjoyable... this sweater."
"If enjoyably bad movies are your thing, certainly check this one out. Maybe you'll regret it, but you'll have fun regretting."
"This has been a fun enjoyable and eventually profitable experience."
"Ed Wood was a really fun enjoyable biopic with a really interesting angle on its protagonist."
"That's a really, really enjoyable watch."
"Very flawed but certainly very enjoyable"
"It's a fun, consistently good listen."
"Very high-quality book, well written, actually enjoyable and interesting."
"So far, I've had an absolute blast with it... This is the Hitman experience at its best."
"It was still such a great read to me."
"Very fun, very, very, very realistic."
"That key was just for us, no one else. We had the best time."
"Reading this was such a fun experience, one that I honestly didn't think I was going to enjoy as much as I did."
"This album works and I thought it was really enjoyable."
"It's one of the most enjoyable cameras I've used."
"I had a good time with it. I don't know what else to say besides this is a four-star read like who would have thunk honestly not I of all of the books that I'm reading for this video I'm glad that this is the one that I really enjoyed."
"Abby Jimenez's books are like a breath of fresh air."
"The V6 soundtrack, you gotta love it."
"...it takes an awful lot of important boxes engaging fun laughable fast."
"An argument like this makes my day."
"It was cute, it was a really good read."
"It's really caramelized it's sweet but also powdery it is so enjoyable if you try any of them I think this one is a safe bet."
"Very fun to be around, very loving."
"Hulk figure: A lot of fun, nothing super crazy, but really enjoyable."
"I really enjoyed Slumber Party Massacre because it was nice and short, like it didn't outstay its welcome."
"It's a really fun, enjoyable activity."
"I think that was the best and funniest date I have ever been on in my life."
"This book is action-packed and it is so much fun and I highly recommend it."
"This is the book I enjoyed the most."
"That was really chill and awesome to hang out at."
"...this is by far one of the more enjoyable ones that I've had the pleasure of experiencing over on the channel and definitely one of the more solid figures I think we've seen from Takara in quite a while."
"I absolutely loved it, it's a really easy read as well."
"Because this is delicious, absolutely delicious."
"And the songwriting is just really nice, like it's not revolutionary. Chris Martin isn't like saying things that other people haven't said, but it just sounds great, like every song sounds fantastic, you know?"
"Once a place is memorable it means that you enjoyed it and you really liked it and it was just easy to remember those feelings and that experience."
"It's very nice in here the ambience is really good all the characters walking around as well oh it's great I really like it."
"...that has been one of the most fascinating hour and a half's i've ever spent."
"Basseterre is one of the most interesting, the most comfortable, and overall one of the most enjoyable towns in the eastern Caribbean."
"The whole effect is one of just like bright light freshness. This is a really nice drink."
"This is something to check out, I loved it, I thought it was so weird, so different, it was cool."
"This movie's an absolute blast to watch."
"Each drink you pull is a pleasure."
"It's really great to watch, inspiring."
"I enjoyed it, like I said, it felt very whimsical, very magical."
"What a great day, been an action-packed day."
"It is a pleasant and fantastic experience."
"It was just such a fun book, but it definitely had depth to it."
"I had a very pretty cool day, I enjoyed the brunch that I went to."
"It's quite nice and casual, that's pretty good actually."
"It's a fantastic ride, smooth, enjoyable, well-themed, and I really enjoyed getting back on it."
"This place is so fun though, I can't recommend it enough."
"It was a really really fun time watching this one."
"It was so awesome chatting with you guys."
"I thought it was very fun, I thought it was very entertaining, it was great."
"The buttercream is really good, and it has sprinkles like confetti on the inside."
"It's so yummy, a bit of a kick to it but it's really nice."
"It's beneficial, it's enjoyable, it's instructive, it's soothing, it's joyful."
"The mech itself was a very enjoyable build; it did not feel repetitive, annoying, difficult, too simple, nor too overly complex."
"It's not giving me five-star vibes, but it's definitely really enjoyable."
"I could not put it down; it was so good."
"It's the most rewarding and enjoyable out of all the techniques out there."
"Chainsaw Man's a very enjoyable, viby show."
"It wasn't too scary, and was just the right amount of weird."
"It's been as pleasurable quote 'interview' unquote as I've ever had."
"It's super easy and super fun to use."
"It's so far from being fatiguing, it's easy to ski, it's refreshing, it's fun."
"Super springy, super rewarding, very energetic."
"This was probably the most enjoyable book I read this entire year."
"I love this park, it's so fun and quirky."
"This was a overall really good day, would highly recommend."
"It's just such a lovely easy reading but also very, very well written."
"The room is packed, the action is spicy, and hopefully the viewership is enjoyable."
"You've got yourself a breakfast that your friends and family will absolutely love."
"That is delicious, mouthwatering, flavorful, delectable."
"It's so non-intimidating, they'll jump on it, they'll be willing to give it a try, and that's what's cool about this, it's a great entry-level bike that is still enjoyable for experienced riders."
"The dining options that are here are awesome."
"It's just amazing and fun, it's fresh, it's easy to pick up like a chapter or two at a time, and just flow through it."
"It's been great talking to you and everything, it's been real informative and it's been fun."
"It's going to provide a more enjoyable and approachable experience for people hopping on this bike."
"As always, we hope you have found this fun, informative, and inspirational."
"I had fun talking with you too, maybe we can do it again sometime."
"It was a really cool learning experience."
"I enjoy this; I would play this in a heartbeat again."
"It was fun, I enjoyed it. I thought there were unique things to the system."
"Every time we go in there, there's always great conversation, great vibe."
"It's incredibly easy and not fatiguing in the least, and just incredibly fun."
"It's been a fun project so far, no major rocks in the road."
"Sometimes the best word you can use to describe a movie is delightful."
"It is surely still a fun vehicle to drive."
"It's hectic, but then again, it's also a lot of fun."
"Damn, those hot sausages are fire."
"It's great-looking, it's cheap, it's fun to drive."
"She had a little fire, she was a lot of fun, she had a generous heart."
"That was absolutely fantastic, that was a really, really nice lunch indeed."
"I found it compulsively readable and just so much fun."
"Favorite spot in town. Love the view."
"It's too messy, it's totally messy, but I still liked it and I still enjoyed it."
"For me to not know what's going on but still enjoy the movie, that says a lot."
"I didn't notice the runtime, it flew by and I loved every minute of it."
"I loved the movie, I loved the experience."
"It was so fun, it was such a cool experience, and I will never forget it."
"It's creamy. It's got that little bit of kick to it."
"It's pretty cool I have to admit it's a lot more fun than I was expecting."
"It's a really wonderful ride, I love the characters in this."
"It's definitely unique, it's something that I think a lot of people would enjoy if they like apocalyptic stories."
"It felt like a meet and greet all day and it was so much fun."
"I loved the vibes of this book, and the way it's all told in interview style is really cool."
"It was so freaking good, it was so cute."
"It's a feel-good movie for sure; you walk out feeling great."