
Nuclear Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"Chernobyl: one of the largest nuclear disasters in history."
"A global conflict between nuclear-armed powers would mean death and destruction on a scale unmatched in human history. It would be nuclear Armageddon."
"Iran was getting closer to its own nukes they declared well if that's the case and they're gonna need nukes as well they'll recognize what that means."
"Everybody knows that if they fire a nuke at us, we'll nuke them. It's that simple."
"North Korea is continuing its nuclear program in defiance of increased UN sanctions."
"Nuclear weapons are the most important, most powerful, most technologically advanced weapon available in the world today." - Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
"These psychos are more interested in promoting a fiction than in preventing a nuclear holocaust."
"Mutually assured destruction on a nuclear level makes more sense."
"If it did go nuclear, that's basically the end of the world right there."
"The Chernobyl accident resulted in the deaths of two workers but leaked radioactive waste into water supplies and the surrounding area."
"You're more likely to encounter higher doses of radiation in a nuclear weapon than you ever would in normal life."
"France, one of these countries, is another nuclear power, with around 300 nuclear warheads, most of which are submarine-launched ballistic missiles."
"Both fusion and fission release approximately a million times more energy per unit mass than chemical reactions."
"Fusion has major advantages over fission, including longer-term fuel resources and benign waste issues."
"If that were to happen, we could have a nuclear disaster which would affect not just Ukraine, not just Russia, but potentially the whole of Europe."
"Nuclear technology isn't all that cutting edge... it's fairly primitive technology."
"We're also hearing rumblings of Russia and North Korea sharing nuclear technology."
"Officials warn of nuclear war in the UK with Russia."
"Satomo Yamaguchi: the only person to survive both atomic bombings."
"The advent of the atomic age was upon us."
"The breakthrough will be when we go nuclear, but it's not that kind of nuclear, it's like fusion or even beyond that."
"...the Manhattan Project, even though it officially began in 1942, there was an important turning point in 1941 that laid the groundwork for the creation of the atomic bomb."
"The so-called Demon Core was the third core of fissionable nuclear material made during the World War II era."
"I don't claim to know everything there is nuclear, but I can certainly share some knowledge."
"At zero, the reactor is critical, steady state."
"Critical does not mean the reactor is about to explode, critical means the reactor is on and at a stable power level."
"Godzilla himself was a symbol of nuclear destruction."
"A heavily built ship that was maybe half a mile to a mile away from a 23 kiloton nuclear weapon in airburst mode would almost certainly survive."
"With nukes designed to elude any anti-missile system present or future."
"Thousands of miles away, Taiwan begins to move their command and control functions into hardened nuclear-proof underground facilities."
"Nuclear security isn't just yes or no, I'm vulnerable or I'm secure, it's a spectrum of better or worse."
"Since 1950, whenever the U.S has lost accidentally launched, fire, detonator, or had a nuclear bomb stolen, it was referred to as a 'broken arrow.'"
"You gotta do renewable energy and I hate to say it but you gotta do nuclear."
"Warfare nowadays is so different. We've got nuclear, cyber... Russia can easily switch off the whole world."
"A chain reaction in the nuclear power plant...triggers a massive release of energy in the form of heat."
"We could take uranium dioxide, spent fuel, and we could fluorinate it again, just like we did in the beginning."
"It's natural in its own way and therefore it's designed to connect to the natural. And when we nuclearize things, we're kind of stepping away from the natural, yeah."
"Prompt criticality is when those there's enough prompt neutrons to sustain the fission reaction by itself"
"There's something magic about nuclear energy."
"Is nuclear waste really waste? Well, I would say no. I don't think it's waste. I think there's a lot of very useful things in it."
"Let's go and take the spent nuclear fuel and let's go burn up the stuff that's going to last for a long time if we don't burn it, and make money selling the electricity from it."
"Nuclear excavation offers the potential for providing the practical economical means."
"The largest nuclear explosion in history created a detectable shock wave that circled the globe three times over and an initial fireball 5 miles in diameter."
"A war between two nuclear powers will be a disaster. You don't have a winner and a loser, you have a loser and a loser."
"Now U.S bombers carrying nuclear weapons will have a permanent home in Australia."
"The solution of all these problems is nuclear."
"Particles and gamma rays flying out of the nuclear cores rip electrons from the molecules that make you up and smash your cellular Machinery Beyond repair."
"China is ahead of everybody else on nuclear."
"Safety has also been a primary concern in the development of nuclear reactor systems for space use."
"Is this how nuclear fear ends? - as we start to care and as we start to age up?"
"Despite its beauty, the B-70 fleet was designed to annihilate hundreds of thousands of civilians or highly protected missile silos with free-fall nuclear bombs."
"In a nuclear situation, you would not be changing over shifts."
"It's like being in a nuclear cooling tower or something."
"Article 7 stated: 'All parties hereby agree that all future developments of nuclear capability shall be shared with all other parties,'"
"The Manhattan Project scientists didn't identify any bomb that could feasibly lead to the end of the world."
"...a new wave of interest in nuclear weapons and a new wave of proliferation."
"...really this is the closest the world has ever come to nuclear catastrophe."
"Security whether it be physical or cyber security is very high in a nuclear plant."
"When you realize that atomic history was born in this facility right here, you can understand why BRMA is so excited to preserve this reactor and share it with you."
"Nevertheless, the Type 094 is China's first credible underwater nuclear deterrence."
"Nuclear power always carries with it risks even when managed with utmost care."
"Nuclear energy is a knowledge-based energy source."
"The Vulcan was first manufactured in 1952 and was the backbone of the UK's airborne nuclear deterrent."
"Our investigation led us to understanding that nuclear was the solution."
"I'm the first person to dive under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant."
"You can fire manhole covers off the nuclear bomb."
"After the war, those involved in the German nuclear program said that the loss of the heavy water was absolutely decisive."
"We're facing a nuclear power that has many more nuclear weapons than we do and much better nuclear weapons."
"Fission and fusion work from an energetic standpoint."
"Nuclear has a place at the table."
"The real reason we use Zircaloy in reactors is that they have very low interaction probabilities or cross-sections."
"You actually get to sit in the control seat, raise and lower the control rods, and watch the power of the reactor change in ways you probably won't expect."
"As resources become more and more scarce across the world, one of the things that people have been talking about turning to more is nuclear energy."
"If you want to make something relatively Fukushima proof, then you don't want the coolant to boil, so use a liquid metal."
"This is an awesome time to be in nuclear."
"Godzilla got powered up by a nuclear explosion, 1, 2, 300 million."
"Battleships can survive nukes. The crew probably can't, but the ship can."
"As many of you will know, in 1986 there was a nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant."
"It's hard to beat nuclear performer, overwhelming performer."
"The United States not only covers the shortcomings of European armies, it also provides its nuclear umbrella which is the cornerstone of deterrence in Europe."
"The Chernobyl nuclear disaster remains the worst nuclear accident in history in terms of the number of deaths and the environmental impact."
"Even a tactical nuclear weapon, one that contains a fraction of the explosive potential of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, could leave a lasting impact on Ukraine’s forces and landscape and on the soul of humankind."
"Mystery surrounds the cyber missile that crippled Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions."
"Godzilla's biology can be described as thermonuclear, powered by an internal biological nuclear reactor."
"The Armed Forces machine for testing was better oiled than ever before; every element of that machine ran many long, hard hours, hot days and cold nights, to meet a rigid schedule of nuclear detonations."
"Its mission to deliver the United Kingdom's requirement for nuclear warheads and support for national security."
"Unlike fossil fuel-based power plants, nuclear reactors produce virtually no greenhouse gases during operation."
"America has been hit by a nuclear weapon."
"The biggest threat would be nuclear proliferation."
"The same thing for them to do would be to agree to a nuclear deal that is acceptable to Iran."
"To me, the most important issue is the nuclear issue."
"Nuclear warming is our biggest problem by a factor of about five million."
"Threads holds nothing back in showing how horrible a nuclear apocalypse would actually be."
"If this base were to secede from the United States, it would be the third largest nuclear power in the world."
"The monster would function as not-so-subtle a metaphor for the devastation of nuclear destruction and its radioactive aftermath."
"In 1958, a scientist called Ted Taylor used a nuclear explosion to light a cigarette."
"The need was recognized for an intermediate range ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead."
"There cannot be a military conflict between two nuclear-armed states."
"The state that inaugurates the first strike will be gone because of the destructive consequences of modern nuclear weapons."
"Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent against an attack, an invasion from the United States, or anyone else."
"Our nominal thermonuclear warheads are four megaton; this thing was about a 15 megaton equivalent they figured."
"Many people in North America rely on the nuclear alert system to notify them if an attack was imminent."
"This is a nuclear-powered and armed submarine, a product of man's seeming infinite capacity to create instruments of destruction."
"Those who understand nuclear explosions know the real danger is not from the epicenter but the ensuing shock wave and radiation which can destroy everything."
"During a nuclear explosion, there's a certain distance of the radius where all the frozen supermarket pizzas are cooked to perfection."
"Nuclear weapons were the best guarantee of peace in a wicked world because of the deterrent effect."
"The United States has the most nuclear reactors in the world and no uranium production."
"The conclusion was that it was possible to survive an atomic bomb blast as long as you had a good fallout shelter or other protection and were fully prepared before the bomb dropped."
"The atomic bomb was the speediest way of ending this carnage."
"You can't put a price on nuclear safety."
"The nuclear sub is a different quality of weapon to anything else we'll have; it's an asymmetric weapon that can do enormous damage."
"How disastrous is a nuclear disaster? Will no one be safe to live in the former town of Pripet? Are you safe from a nuclear disaster?"
"There are two inherently safe situations in the world: one situation is where nobody has any nuclear weapons, and the other situation is where everybody has a nuclear weapon."
"The presence of nuclear weapons puts a limit on how destructive wars can be."
"The presence of nuclear weapons makes a direct attack by a nuclear power against another nuclear power so risky and dangerous that it's hard to imagine any rational leader trying it."
"The world remains just one mistake away from nuclear apocalypse."
"Nuclear powers have a profound responsibility to avoid provocative behavior and to lower the risk of proliferation."
"The Tokaimura criticality accident is at its height."
"Jellyfish almost caused mass nuclear explosions in 2013."
"This theory of quantum chromodynamics plays an important role in how the nuclei are created, which are important for life, how stars form, and how stars explode."
"The U.S. is the largest nuclear electricity producer in the world."
"In reality, Fermi had discovered nuclear fission."
"The first time that we were able to think about catastrophic risk... was World War II and the bomb."
"For years, a U.S. president could launch a nuclear missile just by typing in zero zero zero zero zero zero zero."
"I'm confident that we can make sure that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is secure."
"Binding energy is the energy required to completely separate the nucleus into its constituents which are protons and neutrons."
"The first ever nuclear bomb test was known as the Trinity test and happened in New Mexico, USA, in July 1945."
"The dropping of the atomic bomb, the ushering in of nuclear weapons was an inflection point in modern history."
"I think nuclear energy is going to beat all of the other ones and be more useful in the long run."
"We make sure that nuclear weapons are safe, secure, and reliable."
"China’s nuclear program was accelerating at an alarming rate."
"China has developed from an almost lame-duck nation during World War II into one of the world's greatest military and nuclear powerhouses."
"The Manhattan Project produced two atomic bomb designs code-named Little Boy and Fat Man."
"Operation Dominic would be the last major U.S. test series in which nuclear tests were conducted in the atmosphere."
"Boiling water reactors are a type of light water reactor used in nuclear power plants to generate heat."
"Safety as always is a very big factor in a nuclear power plant, as it should be."
"We have two nuclear powers opposing each other."
"We have just uranium which is split atoms and we get the atomic energy."
"When Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the modern age of nuclear weapons, was asked how he felt about the detonation of the first nuclear bomb, he corrected the questioner: 'Not the first atomic bomb,' he responded, 'the first atomic bomb in modern times.'"
"To make Trinity work they needed to make a perfect implosion."
"The Trinity test would actually be the most powerful nuclear explosion for some time to come."
"What can we do as a nation, as a world, and as individuals to minimize the risk of a nuclear civilization-ending exchange?"
"If you have to have energy security, you're going to aim for it, which is another driving force behind nuclear."
"It shows how little people today really understand about the consequences and impacts of nuclear war."
"The operation's cancellation likely saved millions of lives but opened complex debates about the use of atomic weapons."
"The first atomic bomb was tested that July in New Mexico; its power astounded even the scientists who created it."
"Nuclear fission is a process that splits heavy atoms into smaller, lighter ones."
"Nuclear fusion occurs when two light atomic nuclei are combined."
"Nuclear fission is the splitting of a large nucleus into smaller nuclei, accompanied by the release of energy."
"In both nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, a large amount of energy is released."
"They said, 'We're going to build a bike and we're going to make it the two bombs of Fat Man and Little Boy.'"
"The nuclear sword of Damocles would hang over humanity's head, where it remains today, always 15 minutes away from the end."
"No one can win from a nuclear war, and it should never be unleashed."
"Nuclear reactions involve the nucleus of an atom."
"Modeling casualties from a nuclear attack is difficult; these numbers should be seen as evocative, not definitive."
"Unless we have a moral and spiritual rebirth throughout the world, one of these days we're going to wake up in the dust of a thermonuclear explosion."
"Nuclear weapons changed the international relationships."
"St Pearl instructed James to contact the authorities and request the retrieval of the nuclear weapons as she would personally take charge of the situation."
"So like nuclear, not ever really a bad moment to have."
"The discovery of nature's hidden nuclear forces gave scientists the insight they needed to understand what makes the sun shine."
"The binding energy is actually quite small; it's minus 2.225 MeV."
"A teaspoon of pure nuclear material would weigh 500 million tons."
"The Chernobyl disaster of 1986 remains the greatest nuclear disaster in all of history."
"The mass defect of a nucleus is the difference between the expected mass of the nucleus based on the number of protons and neutrons, and the actual mass of the nucleus."
"Once humanity started developing nuclear energy and nuclear weapons, extraterrestrials are observing facilities where this is taking place."
"If you lose two protons and two neutrons from an even-even nucleus, you get another even-even nucleus that's lower energy."
"These planes look normal, but hiding beneath them is a nuclear cataclysm waiting to happen."
"Being a nuclear state is a form of cultural capital; it's what earns you respect in the world."
"The destructive power of its nuclear payload was enormous, making it a fierce weapon for the USSR."
"Nuclear energy is cleaner and greener."
"Nuclear radiation is random, which means it can't be predicted which nucleus in a radioactive substance will decay."
"Half-life is the amount of time it takes for exactly one-half of a radioactive sample to decay."
"If he died, nobody would know the whereabouts of the nuclear bomb."
"Countries with nuclear weapons don't get invaded."
"Nuclear energy releases very low amounts of greenhouse gases."
"The threat of conventional war is ever present and ever perpetual... but nuclear war is an escalation that neither country really wants to engage in."
"Both countries have an interest in making sure the nuclear weapons are not used."
"The development and possession of sufficient numbers and varieties of nuclear weapons by both India and Pakistan has made war as an instrument of policy near redundant."
"This event marked the first time two nuclear-armed countries engaged in aerial combat and highlighted the continued risk that nuclear weapons posed in the 21st century."
"No path is super likely, if you want to put it that way, but the effects of a nuclear exchange are catastrophic."
"The Making of the Atomic Bomb, it has a lot of physics history in it."
"To this day, the M65 remains the only weapon to have ever fired a live nuclear artillery shell."