
Gaming Balance Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"The ender eye trade: a balanced change for speedruns."
"The nurse is still the strongest killer in the game and it's not really that close to be honest nurse is a character who breaks all the rules she practically doesn't have a weakness."
"You want to balance for harmony in people's playstyles."
"Aim-assist fine-tuning is crucial to maintain balance, without alienating casual players or damaging the player base."
"Echo seems OP as anything in this game, gosh."
"Every exotic weapon and every legendary weapon type in the game should be viable in some big portion of the game... everything's got to have a place."
"Me Brawler's thropper is absolutely broken, it's frame three and really hard to edge guard."
"That's a big nerf and I think appropriately so because this is the best super in the game."
"PvP in Mr. Pandaria, everything is just so well balanced right now..."
"The weapon meta is arguably the most balanced it's ever been this season and there are a lot of viable options you can run in your loadout."
"Clearly, Omen is overpowered and we can expect a nerf very soon. He has the highest pick rate overall of any agent and is kind of causing a stale controller meta."
"The multiplayer minigames are perhaps the most balanced and fun."
"I totally understand why teleport should be nerfed."
"This is why it's pretty much impossible to know how to balance for pro play."
"Every tank has to be viable. You can't have tanks that are only good with X team comp or X map. Every tank has to work at minimum."
"Tracer's an A tier... especially now, I think they finally found that spot damage-wise they want with Tracer."
"For the rest of this TWAB, all that I ask for is that Warlocks and Hunters get equally buffed."
"The stoner is disgusting if you have not used it let me put it in perspective this gun has been banned in most custom game warzone tournaments because of how incredibly powerful it is."
"Genshin Impact actually kind of helps promote a little bit of balance in terms of your time spent playing this game."
"It just, it's game balance just not a thing anymore."
"The boost creates an unbalanced player base."
"I really wish they were faster to buff new cards that are weak because if they come up with a new card that is too strong they almost always nerf it immediately the next month."
"Spells are in a better spot than melee in general."
"BB overall is just pretty balanced in this meta."
"I really hope that jumping gets nerfed into the ground here in Black Ops 4 because for some reason all of our characters are Olympic level high jumpers."
"Do you want to know why Zygar's broken? Because there is no clear answer to it."
"It nails like all of like the balance, all of the okay well I'll go cut trees for a while, I'll go mine some stones for a while."
"This buff combined with other meta mids like Ahri and Sylas being nerfed will help put Kassadin in a great S-tier position."
"Stupid magic archer for two Elixir wins the game."
"Fortnite introduced a new weapon into the fray called the Infinity Blade... but it was deemed too powerful."
"Warlocks are [expletive] ridiculous... they're always going to be ridiculous."
"People like fighting fun characters. If the good characters aren't fun to fight, the game isn't fun."
"Resident Evil 4 Remake strikes a balance between campy goofiness and intense gameplay, delivering a familiar yet enhanced experience."
"The oppressor mark 2 needs to be nerfed because ever since it was introduced in the after hours dlc almost four years ago this thing has changed online forever and not in a good way."
"Darth Traya's Zetas are just so brokenly overpowered."
"Destiny wins so I'm okay with making things approachable for casuals as long as we don't alienate the other side of the community in the process."
"I don't want to be too overpowered going into Vicky too so we'll see."
"Old content is relevant as long as overall balance is taken into account."
"It's no longer absurdly solid, instead it's just absurdly OP."
"Absolutely and positively an overpowered character and done so right because he will never truly be beaten."
"Gran Turismo 7 straddles a line between accessibility and physics depth."
"That is truly the most OP card that needs a nerf in the game."
"She can fly across the map for so long being able just to launch onto any single target she's so incredibly broken right now."
"A better way than banning cards would be to... create some sort of a rule that makes fast Mana worse."
"I think Agra decks could be healthy for your meta, balance things out a little bit."
"Scout had so many broken things like bonk and critical and atomizer and now those things are all reasonable items in the game."
"Luigi does way too much damage... he's [expletive] strong."
"Supers bring equilibrium between weaker and stronger players."
"They also balance the Nightbird mounted minigun spread buildup and convergence."
"You don't want a video game to be skill-based because if a video game is skill-based then whales can lose."
"I think this was honestly one of the most fair balance changes I've seen to a champion that definitely needed it."
"It makes no sense to leave a card game this unbalanced."
"Old tea was the most OP...two seconds is a long time...overall gonna be a great change."
"I just want every class doing well so the game is fun."
"The undying warlock spell list is a little lackluster... nothing that you would take above what's already presented."
"Embrace shallowness, cut power level out of the equation entirely."
"I knew we were gonna be overpowered, but I didn't think we're gonna be this overpowered."
"Halo 3 was the perfect balance of social, competitive, casual gameplay."
"Power level goes back but satisfaction is here."
"I've said before that you could probably change the Sandman's downside to one that isn't passive and it would instantly be pretty good even if it is a little bit less unique."
"A far cry from being the ridiculously OP thing that I initially thought it was."
"Bastion was pretty strong, just because if you got a shot off and you were somewhere on the same map as the person you were shooting, you were probably going to kill them."
"Zilean is considered by many to be the most balanced champion of all time, considering he hasn't received a buff or nerf in over five years—a record never held by any other champion before or since."
"Video games should be played with a balance."
"Are these cleric subclasses powerful? Oh yeah."
"Cena's range is oppressive and the fact that the drop rate on souls is so high now means that inevitably she's going to become a pretty big problem come the late game."
"I think power creep is a bad thing. I think that I'm much more in favor of power balance and of looking at in-demand cards for other formats from Pauper to Legacy to Modern."
"I can't believe that Silas is just not getting nerfs."
"Is lingering zombie too good? Is this an example of power creep? No, I don't think so actually..."
"I don't even know if it's just one treasure for a three man and one for like that is not commander level power."
"Overall, there was no doubt that Wukong was overpowered on release, but with hotfix nerfs, along with follow up nerfs this patch, we're confident he's been lowered into the S tier."
"He's a champion that just doesn't feel fair to play against unless you really know what you're doing."
"That's why I believe as a four star she is quite broken."
"Senna's power level has shot up drastically."
"You need both, right? You need the meta, but you also need the authentic feel."
"The Craver won't one tap someone to the head anymore, which lowers its overall playmaking potential."
"To me, the perfect MMORPG is a game that doesn't punish you for having a life and not having the ability to play every day."
"But now it actually is something pretty useful. Now, I've heard a lot of people say bartering is overpowered and it is to an extent, but I feel like it's a good balance for most things."
"Bennett truly is an insanely broken character, amazing in like every role and at everything he does."
"I don't want the Post Release to just be like hey I know you've seen people saying she's broken because of how fast she can clear the current Abyss she's actually not broken."
"She's extremely broken, extremely powerful, get her if you have any interest."
"MF is so broken that she's being assigned the S plus tier."
"Well has been by far the best super in the game since Forsaken and it's time for a change."
"If you're gonna build the game competitively, which again, I'm all for... you do need to also be aware of how it affects the casual game."
"Hey guys, you're doing great. What's awesome about Roblox is playing with your best friend and beating it together as besties."
"It's a great balance that gives you freedom to roam wherever while also letting you completely focus on the tasks at hand in the current area."
"Every ice themed champion has stuns... except Trundle."
"Shyvana mate, you're just too strong, disgusting champion."
"Why isn't this nerfed? These are the kind of unite moves where you want to close your game."
"as a general roaming sleeper shouldn't be able to one-shot other supers"
"I don't like what ninja kiwi did with powers it shouldn't be like if your opponent has better powers you automatically lose I don't like that."
"A game-wide ultimate nerf could be a productive way to stop 3:3 from being so dominant."
"And the number one most overpowered weapon in Destiny history burned a deep hole through The Crucible."
"Honestly, I feel safe in saying this is the most overpowered hero we've ever seen."
"Currently in 40K Space Marines in general are just fairly underpowered and supposedly they're going to be getting some fairly hefty points drops across the board."
"E Wiz is in a very healthy spot as well right now."
"When people learn, that's when they get excited."
"Space combat has been rebalanced to allow for more challenge for high-end players while remaining accessible to those in starter or non-combat ships."
"I find Suffocation Pit to be a very balanced map with fair structures and enough strength given to both survivors and killers."
"First time shots and volleys in general stupidly overpowered right now."
"A hero lives getting limited to one as well... I think that's kind of to bounce Stratos being back."
"An imbalanced game really killed it it's a tale as old as time."
"I think we're seeing why Irelia gets banned so much."
"I trust that the ecosystem will be modified to feel better balanced for progression. Otherwise, I'll grind as much as I can and enjoy as many of the boss fights as I can before burning out."
"If free-to-play progression gets nerfed with these changes, you are completely justified with being upset."
"Remember how everyone was clamoring for Shogun to get buffs because everyone thought she was bad? Although now we realize that she's actually really broken."
"Vegeta and Trunks they're not going away right like that's they're a ridiculously busted character."
"Mages already suck man... Mages are gonna be so bad."
"she's definitely gonna be super duper opie because four seconds of freeze is a nightmare with Doctor Strange..."