
Prices Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Wouldn't it be great if prices just fell down right? Well, yeah, I think it would be great for basically everybody."
"Everyone is better off with stable prices, so we need to do everything we can to restore stable prices."
"The prices will come down. It sucks that they're high, there's not a lot we can do about it for now."
"Even though prices are high... it's unlike anything I've seen in my career."
"Elevated energy and food prices could cause potentially political instability."
"The cure for high oil prices are high oil prices."
"This is the prelude to big, big price declines."
"Prices are an all-time low right now for a lot of components."
"It's just sad that prices had to go up like this."
"Prices are going to be so much higher"
"The prices in Ireland are 43,000 for your standard range and just over 50,000 for the long range."
"Pizza slices for like $7 to $9, crazy prices!"
"...all they do is raise prices they got record sales record profits and it just seems like everything is getting worse."
"The whole world is in trouble for its supply growth, and if supply growth is a problem, then that means that prices will get higher."
"...yeah, like, years later, gasoline over here is like, ridiculously expensive, you know, you fill your, you can fill your entire tank up in America with like $20."
"Look at double Masters the original 2020, has anybody seen the draft box prices?"
"Draft boxes from double master 2020, dude, last I checked I think they were almost $600 a draft box."
"I wanted to have just like a few new things so I'm really happy with everything that I got from them and their prices are amazing."
"We're very optimistic that the prices are going to remain elevated... we don't really see a catalyst that can knock this back."
"They're still imported the imports are inexpensive and so even those that are captive bred the sellers are competing with wild Cod individuals and so the prices are reasonable."
"I haven't seen them for 29 cents a pound for probably 10 years, but the rumor's going around that Walmart and Kroger are going to be lowering their prices on November 1st."
"Prices have gone up, but I still think they're probably cheap at the vacation or holiday here than other popular destinations in Europe."
"Maybe these prices aren't so crazy."
"$70 games will go the way of the dodo."
"Public transport in Singapore is both excellent and at incredibly low prices."
"...But it's just not something that many of you can take advantage of. And unfortunately with today's car market, it really sucks because used car prices are just through the roof."
"Prices, prices, drum roll please."
"Unfortunately, people, you're gonna see prices going up on every product from every manufacturer because they're all... wood prices to make cabinets doubled."
"The prices are incredible, four Euros, eight Euros for this cut crystal basket, amazing!"
"And uh, this one here is kind of has a little dog leg on it, the bevel Edge Square steak, and uh, let's see, there was the prices."
"Incredible prices are one of the main reasons Cruisers try MSC."
"They got rid of the four for four, they got rid of all of that, they got rid of all of that, yeah, now they're giving us like Applebee prices like 2 for 20 and stuff, fast food's crazy."
"A friend texted me a picture of a price tag on a David Austin rose at a nursery in the Seattle area, 89.99!"
"Uranium prices will stay strong; it's such a small space and there's more money to be made."
"...suburban property prices this high, they usually are."
"This place was really, really cool. Definitely more vintage prices than thrifting prices."
"Imagine if prices of these went up by 50p in the UK. There would be riots. Yeah, the streets would be burning."
"It's these rapidly Rising prices and this incredible competition which effectively means you're only getting a place if you're like the top tenant."
"Prices are through the roof. I mean, how much people paying for Taylor Swift tickets?"
"You can't beat these prices. I don't even think this came to five but what does come to the dollar."
"They're giving you the best prices of the year absolutely on all units in stock, but especially the 2022s."
"...Maryland's got good prices on stuff so surprisingly yeah..."
"Prices are going up in all aspects of life, and travel is no different."
"...it's not always accessible and then the Arches pad which is the 9x12 that I found there was 34. but then I kept looking and there was one for 26."
"I'm loving the prices here, check that out, three dollars and forty eight, yes please!"
"Prices are actually a bit of information and because our brain sometimes has problems figuring out what to do with prices, you can hack the brain to do interesting things."
"A lot of people are sleeping on our prices."
"Prices communicate knowledge and help the economy coordinate."
"Article believes in delightful design for every home and thanks to their online-only model they have some really delightful prices too."
"So the demand and prices from eco are highly likely to remain very strong going into the future."
"I think prices as they keep on going up and up, there will be more and more people that come out of the market."
"All right, so some of the houses we were looking at yesterday on the boat ride, for just eight million dollars, it's crazy."
"The prices have plummeted. Plummeted, really plummeted. I was offered one yesterday for thirty thousand dollars, down from mid-40s."
"Some cars could be so sought after that once they become vintage the prices of them go up ridiculously"
"Prices are really, really high normally in Acra, so how have you managed to get it so low?"
"64% of people want lower prices. 20% of people want higher wages."
"As far as home prices in Punta Gorda, a waterfront condo, a two-bedroom two-bath waterfront condo is starting at $175,000."
"I remember when you could get a car for like 19k, like that wasn't that long ago."
"It's amazing how much Tesla has lowered the prices on these cars."
"Shop around for prices. Doesn't have to be original."
"And the prices, they were so low. I know everybody liked that."
"I hope we start to see prices maybe get a little bit more reasonable."
"Everything's gone up in price, crazy."
"I know eggs go up and down in price throughout the year, but 58 cents is like pretty much the lowest that I have seen them."
"We've seen a massive run in commodities prices like lumber, copper, metals."
"The most disturbing thing about housing these days is the prices."
"Those are some low prices, folks. Pre-inflation, this must be a diner from the 1950s."
"The inflation rate is a general increase in prices within an economy."
"Demand is higher than supply. And when that happens, prices go up."
"We seem to forget that the role that prices play in a free market economy."
"The prices of these bags have literally skyrocketed, I am so shocked by these prices."
"Just because prices aren't coming down does not mean we're in a good economy."
"We all know the best way to reduce prices in this economy is to increase competition."
"Evils of capitalism, let's demand exceeds supply, up grow the prices."
"Inflation occurs when the general price level of all the goods and services produced and sold in an economy rises."
"Inflation is the general rise in prices."
"We need to think about how all of this relates to relative prices and the labor market."
"Sustainable growth needs prices, which are low and stable."