
Beta Testing Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Beta tests are for testing. They should be for taking feedback and bug fixing and iterating your improvements up until release."
"I'm having a blast playing it. It's not perfect. It is a beta, though, and I really think that when the game comes out, they're going to fix this glitchiness and bugginess."
"Man I'm so hyped for this finally actually mattering you know played the beta like 15 different times."
"My fantasy: Tesla announces a bot beta program."
"Shadowlands is do-or-die it's make-or-break and it's really important that that beta test is the best and beta test has ever been."
"That's why it's so important for us to have a beta and to make it kind of like a, you know, two-way conversation."
"That's what betas are for. They're designed not only to bolster pre-orders and fill hype for the game but they are also used by the developers to gather valuable feedback."
"New World will undoubtedly be the game that I spend the most time with if its last two betas are any indication."
"Significant jump from today's version of the beta."
"The universe's most popular MMO game, the key to the end, begins its open beta test now."
"There really is no point in not trying the game out for completely free on the beta test weekend next week."
"Data miners have been very busy digging into the Diablo 4 beta files."
"Valheim is in such a fantastic state I'd call it a beta."
"I remember people are saying how can you have an opinion about Fallout 76, you just played the beta. And I was like dude if you played the beta, you played the whole [ __ ] game. Betas today are just early access."
"Kirito got to floor 8 during the two months of the SAO closed beta, giving him a significant advantage."
"They didn't just launch this beta with TDM domination and hardpoint."
"I'm honestly surprised by the quality of this for the beta."
"Some beta tests have resulted in download speeds of over 100 megabits per second upload speeds of about 40 megabits per second and a one-way latency time of under 20 milliseconds."
"It's got some balance issues, there are things to work out, but beta is beta and you can get that sorted."
"Closed beta for wildstar came out the summer of 2013 two years after the game was shown and announced for the first time this is where my journey with the game begins"
"I am still really excited after playing this beta a lot."
"I think this game has a tremendous amount of potential, even in the beta."
"Poe was leaving its beta phase, ready for its official launch."
"Certainly, there has to be something about these beta versions that leads to all those sightings."
"Daily Rumbles for the beta season. That's very cool."
"There is something immensely satisfying with the gameplay of the Battlefield 1 beta. It's got this addictive quality to it that keeps you coming back for more."
"Imposters is the social deduction game that is live being played in closed beta right now."
"iOS 16 public beta testers report mixed experiences, with some praising stability while others note issues like Bluetooth connectivity and battery drain."
"It's still in beta so it will only keep improving."
"But a lot about this game is good and I'm excited to see what weekend two of the beta is going to be like."
"Welcome to the Elite Dangerous Horizons beta test!"
"To be ready as soon as the game is ready to play Stormgate is to sign up for the beta at playstormgate.com."
"...if everything goes well, if this thing doesn't break in some new and unexpected way, then today may be the day that we get to push it out to our beta testers."
"Far more stable, this thing is in beta form far more stable than even OS-9 is in shipping form."
"It's beta software, so you've got to be ready for things to potentially go funky."
"I'm not running the betas here because those are not official softwares of the recording of this video they're beta softwares but you'll see right here the latest official on both."
"I was, for disclosure, a beta tester of those baskets back in what would have been maybe 2010."
"This feature is still in beta, so it's probably going to get even better."
"The feedback that we've got from our beta testers has been phenomenal because they love the exhaust brake."
"One of the cool things about having this YouTube channel is it gives us the ability to beta test some of the new products."
"Now let's spend some time covering the capabilities of the Maps SDKs to set expectations for this first public beta."
"I'm fairly impressed with the application; I think it looks great, I think it runs well overall to be in beta."
"The TestFlight version is just essentially a beta version of what the deployed version will be later."
"This was a great starting point as it enabled us to start in early beta and begin acquiring valuable user feedback."
"Do not be afraid to use the Play Store as a beta channel and release to your customers."
"This beta software is available right now, and exports are free, so get on that while you can."
"We also got the release of the first public beta for Proton 9.0."
"All the beta testers of the game have commended its uniqueness."
"You can be a beta tester of this stuff and you can actually make it better with your feedback."
"I've been very impressed with beta lately."