
Challenge Acceptance Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"I love the challenge. This is my toughest fight yet, and I'm prepared."
"I might as well just go hard mode now because you're learning how to learn."
"Hard is not a problem. It's the reason why it is hard."
"Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and remember with faith as your guide, you can conquer the impossible."
"By taking on the heaviest load of responsibility that you can conceptualize and bear that will do it."
"Over the next few weeks, there's nowhere to hide and that actually makes me very happy."
"Embracing uncomfortable challenges leads to meaningful gaming experiences."
"Embrace some of the suck, embrace some of the hurt."
"Hard isn't always bad. The best things are hard."
"You know what I've never once turned down a challenge."
"Embrace that difficulty because it's really the only way that we discover things for ourselves."
"Give your obstacles credit. Don't try to scare yourself. Instead, embrace the challenges and grow from them."
"We don't take on projects that we know how to do."
"It's a big challenge but we are up for this challenge... we feel very strong."
"You give me a challenge, I'm in for it when it comes to reptiles."
"Protection. Now it's time to jump in the water. The more annoying things you deal with this month, the better it's going to be."
"I love this Challenge and I really want to see it through."
"Bring it on. I'm ready. Whatever it looks like. Thank you, Pluto."
"Come on, bring it on, you can't take down CH!"
"But I promise if you take on that challenge and succeed, your playing will be so much better when you fold back in the non-chord tones."
"We must reject low achievable standards and raise the bar to the point that makes most of us feel uncomfortable."
"It's much harder to be honest about our failures in a way that allows us to get better."
"Challenge yourself and remember the nerdy parts, the iterative process, but glue the tribe of resources and to get outside your comfort zone."
"You have the power to challenge the spiritual forces."
"Accept any challenge no matter the odds which allows you to get like uh you get like assault doctrine which he understands what you don't like extra attacks and [__] but you can't fall back from combat."
"Climb not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Face the dangers head-on, embrace the struggle, and let the mountain teach you lessons that transcend the limits of the physical world."
"Allow yourself to be pushed to the edge of sometimes wanting to quit because that's the only time you can truly know whether you really want to do something or not."
"Don't give in. Take up the challenge and focus on your commitment to the future."
"All we're pointing out is Canelo is not taking the easy road, and to his credit, neither is Caleb Plant."
"This over here is insane. All right, let's try to go ahead and climb up that one more time." - Russell Peters
"You're either up for the challenge or you're not."
"Challenging catastrophizing requires us to stay engaged even when there's a risk of things not going perfectly."
"Change isn't easy, but it's worth it. And I'm capable of it."
"Maybe there's some people at Blizzard that are just absolutely dying to give Mythic 10 a shot."
"The symptoms of autism are challenges, not excuses."
"By embracing such challenges, you can improve your brain's agility and mental capabilities."
"The stoic wisdom of Marcus Aurelius endows us with the mental fortitude to embrace challenges."
"Nothing worth doing is ever easy. Keep fighting."
"I've never been afraid of a challenge and I'm not gonna start that."
"The one thing you could never say about LeBron James, he never ran from a challenge."
"Facing a series of challenges meant to emotionally open you up to the idea of changing."
"I didn't say it would be easy, but it will be worth it."
"Change starts with you, your circumstances, your challenges, your losses."
"We do it because it's hard. This is what drives us. Challenges, right? Humanity's greatest challenges, that's what drives us."
"Stepping outside of your comfort zone is what you have to look forward to."
"Cooler welcomes him to try and end the battle."
"I'm not going to back down from a challenge like this."
"I refuse to lose this today, by the way. I refuse to lose this map."
"Embrace challenge and know that growth comes from challenging yourself."
"I love and embrace being uncomfortable. I love and embrace challenges."
"Can Daniel just win $10,000 right now? Can Daniel do this?"
"Step out of your comfort zone and try something different."
"Get out of your comfort zone, it's your time."
"If I hit this, you gotta hit that like button."
"The gateway to wisdom is precisely through the portal that you do not want to climb through."
"I don't fear you, want my head? Come get it, you want my head too? I consider it an honor to have a head in the game."
"If you're gonna go for stuff, don't be afraid to push your limits if you wanna get better at this game."
"It's not every day a human reaches the diamond tier. Damn it!"
"There's going to be a lot of trouble. And I say bring it on."
"This will be hard. Do not be afraid of that."
"If you do what is easy, your life will be hard. If you do what is hard, your life will be easy."
"Don't let your habits rule you. Take control. August 7th to 14th, dry week. Do it unless you're scared. Or just do whatever you want."
"Anybody could get this work, so run up on me though."
"If I lose, I'll eat all three of them. How about that?"
"Never ever think that the challenge is a negative, it could be painful, it could be uncomfortable but it is part of the disruption."
"Remember, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it."
"It's not easy, y'all. If you think it's easy, you probably ain't working hard enough."
"Accept new challenges every single day, leave your comfort zone."
"Either I'm gonna fall on my face or I'm gonna rise to the occasion, but at least that's on me. That's all on me."
"The bar has been raised, crying about it won't change anything."
"Embrace every single challenge that comes your way because it's coming your way to make you better."
"Live life as an adventure; accept challenges, meet them head-on."
"We challenged ourselves to push the limits of our favorite hobby."
"Progress happens by actually trying to do something you can't do yet."
"Accepting challenges: Trust in your inner resources."
"It's almost like it's not worth it. I would rather just go back to what I know. I would go back to what's comfortable than deal with this. But this is actually ideal. There's something about this tug-of-war that is perfection for you."
"They've embraced every challenge that we've set for them today."
"So show up just open and ready to take on the challenge."
"You know if someone says like this can't be done or you can't do it, you were like try like I bet I can, did you love a good challenge?"
"We're up for the challenge, right?"
"Be where you are today, work to your level and be challenged."
"We already kind of know at this point he is not afraid to take on a challenge."
"This is actually a big scary goal for me, but I really want to do this."
"This is not easy, this is hard, and we do this not because it's easy but because it's hard."
"It ain't supposed to be easy, okay? If it was easy, everybody would do it."
"If you're struggling with a problem, the challenge is to solve it."
"Doing hard things for the simple fact that they're hard... watch what happens."
"Acknowledge yourself for being so awesome for taking up the challenge and making this commitment to yourself."
"Sometimes I'm just a sucker for a good challenge."
"We have to understand that challenges will come."
"We've forgotten how to do hard things."
"What if we did a thousand of them instead?"
"Do you accept this challenge?" "I do."
"This notion that you have to pass every challenge, that you have to be perfect, that you don't lose trades, that is baloney. That is not trading at all."