
Ornithology Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"The first written record of the harpy eagle is in Carl Linnaeus' 1758 Systema Naturae."
"Maintaining healthy body weight is number one as far as prevention of type 2 diabetes."
"This is an advantage when it comes to birds and evolution."
"I think that the fanciest rainbow feathers belong to the smallest members of the living dinosaur family, hummingbirds."
"This Airbnb is called the Vintage Estate, once the home to an ornithologist... named Robert Moore who built the house in 1929."
"This is a wonderful example of a study of a group of birds."
"The ornithological society wants to rename 60 something birds to eliminate anything offensive and eliminate anyone's last name."
"Birds are not just descendants from dinosaurs but are considered a living group of therapod dinosaurs, specifically part of the subgroup called quosa dinosaur."
"To recap we talked about the great horned owl the barred owl the snowy owl the short-eared Owl and the little saw it owl."
"The hooded pitahui is the first ever poisonous bird to be documented officially in any kind of scientific literature."
"... so every single line on this map is made of one single bird trip."
"I've turned into a bit of an ornithologist since you've got the new new canon lens."
"An interest in birds and a desire to know more about their habitats and lifestyles will do much to ensure the survival of every bird species that you've seen in this program."
"More than 450 species of birds have been recorded in the park, making it one of the best places in all of North America for bird watching."
"Feathers are more than scales; they're totally different."
"Flight behavior is the single most useful ID tool when trying to identify birds in the air."
"All birds have distinct flight patterns, and learning these can make you look like an absolute pro."
"Mating behaviors differ widely from species to species and can make for really interesting birding."
"Like sparrows, ducks, storks, and ostriches, all birds lay eggs and sit on them to help them hatch."
"The night parrots are often referred to as one of the world's most mysterious birds."
"They're quite literally some of the most unique looking birds on the planet."
"I love birds, I have my whole life."
"This is the first in a small series looking in detail at different feather forms."
"I love the birds, I always have, I've loved them since I was seven years old."
"He passionately studied birds and developed a connection with them."
"About birds, I like birds, they are pretty."
"Ivory-billed woodpeckers are one of the largest species of woodpecker to have ever lived."
"A new species of screech owl has been found in the Amazon jungle."
"Dr. Mars luff has authored over a hundred scientific papers on various aspects of bird behavior and wildlife management."
"The raven is the largest songbird in North America and arguably the world."
"Green colors in birds are structural colors just like the blue ones, made by the shape of the little barbules that hold the feather together."
"For Ted Jurassic, a single Roseate Spoonbill holds great meaning."
"The greater Flamingo is a widely distributed and largest species of flamingo."
"Ruma is known to host over 400 different species of birds."
"Newborn pigeons stay in the nest for around 6 weeks, which is longer than any other bird."
"...infected birds have now been detected in countries that never had it before like Iceland, Norway, as far north as Svalbard and Greenland, all the way down to the tip of Chile..."
"Do you understand the implications? This is essentially the Holy Grail of American birders or ornithology."
"This would be the largest ornithological discovery of the decade, of the century probably."
"Rosellas are considered a medium-sized parrot."
"By getting yourself comfortable with just one species, you give your brain a point to measure from to notice changes in proportions for other birds."
"The variation we see is pretty much identical to the variation we see in a lot of modern birds."
"What these birds are doing, it's just absolutely astounding; they're the deepest and longest diving animals that have ever existed on Earth."
"They've got that like crest on the back of their head and that's just very typical of your secretary birds."
"It's a terrific picture, and of course, eagle owls have been drawn throughout the 19th century by all sorts of naturalists."
"The feathers on the neck were elongated and on the wings, each of the feathers had a yellow or white tip, giving it a spotted appearance."
"The Mauk Starling is sometimes called the mysterious Starling because of all the confusion a simple transcription mistake caused."
"Scientists have long debated how the ancestors of birds evolved the ability to fly."
"Where'd the passion begin for you and birds, like where'd it come from?"
"A paper that announced the rediscovery of the ivory-billed woodpecker in Arkansas in 2005 was the first report of this elusive bird by ornithologists in several decades."
"This exciting news motivated searches in other areas, and another group of ornithologists reported a series of sightings in Florida the following year."
"Many ornithologists have asserted that the ivory-billed woodpecker is extinct, but none of them have dared to engage in open discourse on this evidence."
"Pigeons and doves constitute the family Columbidae within the order of the Columbiformes."
"The binomial name for the peaceful dove is Geopelia placida."
"The genus name for the emerald dove is Chalcophaps indica. 'Chalco' from copper."
"It's incredible how our auricular feathers blend right into her hackle, and her lores are dark and spill into her nape."
"The wild turkey is an upland ground bird native to North America and is the heaviest of the diverse galliformes."
"We know so much more about the ivory bill woodpecker than we did in the Tanner days."
"The birds can discriminate among their mates based on either song or morphology alone."
"The barn owl is one of the most widely spread bird species in the world."
"The brighter the blue of their feet, the healthier the bird is."
"It should be interesting to you like you are an ornithologist."
"The defining feature of birds is not the presence of wings, but really the presence of feathers."
"I've been studying wings and watching pigeons since I was a kid."
"96% of birds feed on those insects."
"The prize for the very best signatures goes to a remarkable bird in Africa."
"There is so much to learn about these birds and so much they can teach us."
"Birds have different sorts of diets... birds specialize."
"I really enjoy birds, I want to know as much as I can about them."
"I am a total bird brain; I love birds."
"Experience is the real key to learning birds."
"There are thousands of bird species that are endemic to New Zealand."
"He has a passionate interest in bird vocalizations and field identification and a serious addiction to migration and nocturnal birding."
"The paleognaths today are the least diverse group of birds."
"I was completely enamored with birds."
"Beautiful bird, very uncommon on breeding."
"The Bengalese finch, also known as the society finch, originally came from a fertile hybrid."
"The cassowary has been labeled by some ornithologists as the world's most dangerous bird."
"Kenya as a country alone we got over a thousand species of birds."
"I tend to like the Scottish samplers... they often have peacocks."