
Personal Spending Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"I would take the million dollars and just online shop."
"This one is $7,000... I do think there's a good chance I'm gonna buy this if I'm being totally honest with you."
"Stop giving your money to woke companies that hate you. Give it to Jeremy instead."
"No limit for spending on personal development."
"What did you do with that 600? I bought ammo."
"When you make your money, you spend that [ __ ] on yourself, you ain't putting no energy back."
"Billionaires spend their own money politicians spend mine." - Jenna Ellis
"So what would you do with three million dollars personally i'd probably buy a house too and then i use the other 2.9 million dollars i thought about 100 cooperatives"
"I got a big check from Disney, I started going to restaurants."
"If you're not even willing to take the most basic things and go, you know what, I'm gonna do something else with my money, I'm gonna put my money where my mouth is."
"The hardest thing for me to do, y'all, I like bags like everybody else, I love sneakers, I love nice things."
"Spend your money on what you know on the things that you want because you work for it and you can't [ __ ] take it with you."
"The difference between men and boys is indeed the price of their toys."
"The more value I make, the more shenanigans I will spend on it."
"It's reported that each haircut costs $20,000."
"I allocate my money towards the things that I care about."
"All the expensive shoes were men's because none of the women's shoes fit me. So most of the cost came from the shoes."
"Saying I need a pair of shoes pair of shorts and maybe a candy dress six hundred dollars later I'm ashamed but I'm also very proud."
"This is the locker I paid $810 bucks for, plus the fees, so it's about $900 bucks."
"I'll take the 400, and I'm sure I'll have a good little trip with my grandson."
"If you have a thousand bucks to spare, spend it on a Shiny concert in a 100 people venue."
"I got really anxious one month because I was like I spent like 800 on UberEats this month I was like that's bad."
"He's rich, he can spend his money how he wanted, he can show his receipts, he can do anything he want to do as long as he ain't literally talking to the cameras and you broke."
"Spend your money on experiences. Forget how much you have. Act your wage."
"Think about that for a moment: if every single one of us spends just three dollars less per day than what we usually spend, that's literally one cup of Starbucks less per day, the United States economy will go into a recession. That's really scary."
"You should buy whatever the hell you want because it's your money and you've worked for it."
"I'm 38 and still haven't grown out of your content. The difference is now I make enough money to waste on these Transformers you review."
"The people with the most money that I know are the cheapest people on the planet."
"I'm also a reasonably financially responsible person with a savings account and good purchasing choices but the one thing I do allow myself to spend money on is purchasing a meal for lunch every day."
"Please don't think that you're ever obligated we don't ask for anything we're not scolding you but really spend your money on you and your family and those around you."
"Now that's $30,000 well spent if I've ever seen it."
"Cars are truly the motivation. That's the one luxury item that I spend money on."
"I went up there yesterday because I thought, well, I'll just do my Christmas shopping with the money that I won during the year."
"Save a little bit, but yes, spend on the things that you like as long as it's within moderation."
"The number one expenditure men have in life... is the pursuit of women."
"Money well-spent, okay? It's part of my budget, I accept it."
"It's something somebody might not necessarily splurge on for themselves."
"At the end of the day, it's your hard-earned money so if you see something that you really like, buy it."
"One of the things I love to spend money on is travel."
"Money can indeed buy happiness if we spend it in line with our personality."
"It's not a waste of money if it's what you want to do."
"We think people should have more of their own money to spend as they choose."
"The best money you can spend is on yourself."
"It's more than I was hoping to spend, but it's things that I like, and I do not regret it."
"Allocate at least five percent of your budget every single month towards your spending on things that you really like."
"It's okay to have a self-care week, you know, spend money on yourself."
"It's not a waste of money if it's my money and I'm doing something I want to do with my own money."
"Guilt-free spending is my favorite one of all."
"It's the one thing on this Christmas list that I would absolutely spend my hard-earned cash on."
"I'm not here buying grills or getting gold chains; I invest a lot of my money."
"I spent my money on my hobbies and on things that I love to do."
"For 10 years of my life, I spent no money at all on myself... the only thing that I was buying was real estate."
"I love making money, I love taking that money, spending and buying makeup."
"Create a budget... 50% of your income should be going for the necessary bills... 20% of your income should be going for your financial goals... the rest of 30% is for yourself."
"I've calculated that £1300 quid that I have spent on Celtic tops over my lifetime so far."
"I wanted to do something for me because I haven't really bought me anything this year."
"This is something that I'm doing for me; I'm spending my money and my resources for me."
"It's one of those things where you don't like to spend the money yourself."
"It's one of those things you kind of want to spend a little bit of money on."
"If you spent your money on something you love, that's good news for you."