
Health Misinformation Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Pregnant women cannot exercise, that's a myth."
"You don't have bad cholesterol, you have bad information."
"I realized that being told animal fat is okay is a lie."
"Heart attacks do not come from clogged arteries about 80 percent of the time."
"The low-fat industry is in cahoots with the sugar industry."
"Goop's history of promoting pseudoscience and snake oil in the name of alternative healthcare."
"Vitamin D is not naturally in milk... Definitely it's not the place you should be getting your vitamin D."
"None of Jillian's claims are based on scientific fact. Please do not make this concoction for yourself because you think there's a chance it'll actually heal you."
"If you break the shackles, I'm gonna freak out and shoot you in the head."
"Those guidelines and that nutritional advice was the end result of money profiteering and the sugar industry lobbying."
"We do not think people of color are biologically predisposed to get COVID-19."
"The safest people are the unvaccinated who have natural immunity."
"It highlights that surgical masks are never going to protect you."
"A perfect example of this would be those Instagram detox teas. Really just liquid laxatives, which can actually cause dehydration, put strain on your organs and brain, and prevent you from absorbing nutrients properly."
"The devil's a liar and there's no truth in him."
"Senator Ben Sasse put it plainly: 'The Chinese Communist Party has lied and will continue to lie about coronavirus to protect the regime.'"
"My ministry was birthed from my pain of losing my father... because he was taught in the church that as long as he blessed his junk food in Jesus' name, that the junk food would miraculously be blessed and nutritious to his body."
"The influenza vaccine does not appear to reduce immunity against COVID-19."
"Most of the reputable doctors and scientists... do not believe that you can be reinfected."
"I've read and every expert I've read does not believe that there is actually this ability to recatch this virus."
"They're trying to make you think that all these facilities are full, all these hospitals when they're not, and I'm going to show you. They're not."
"He'll just blatantly lie and misrepresent various data to the point where he effectively says the vaccines are killing more people than they're saving, which is patently false."
"You cannot mandate somebody to wear a mask knowing that that mask is killing people. It literally is killing people."
"The scam does not begin with COVID, and I encourage you guys to dig deeper beneath the surface."
"Saturated fat has been demonized falsely and you know, we need saturated fats, essential for human survival."
"The WHOs reliance on China's disclosures likely caused a 20-fold increase in cases worldwide."
"In total Baldwin's network was able to con 50,000 Ugandan Xin to drinking MMS."
"I personally believe the panic around these donuts has done far more damage than the donuts themselves."
"Turns out she's got a dirty little secret about the weight loss stuff we're going to talk about but first right now it is no secret if you're tuned in we are seeing what could be a recession piling up at the beginning of the year."
"Self-diagnosis is a huge problem on the internet and can lead to just as many problems as it can purportedly solve."
"Vaccines don't cause autism, it's all a myth."
"Misinformation about the healthiness of plant-based diets drives me mad."
"Would 91 alcohol be better at sanitizing? Idiot, no seriously... destroys them from the inside out."
"The lack of true medical information can be devastating; many pass away without knowing the truth."
"Please do not drink bleach, please do not inject yourself with hand sanitizer."
"MMS is bleach, Danny. It whitens fabric, hair, and paper. It's ridiculous to claim otherwise."
"They're effectively like a big grill, and the COVID virus is like a pea, and that pea would shoot through the grill really, really easily. Those masks are not there to protect the individual wearing them."
"Tucker spends most of his time questioning the vaccine despite being vaccinated because it's what his audience wants."
"The vaccine does not inject a microchip that can track you, make you magnetic, or connect you to a 5g network."
"Encouraging people to not eat or drink things for an extended period of time for just so they can lose weight is unbelievably stupid and unbelievably dangerous."
"Bentonite clay can't actually be digested, so that's why it collects everything that it needs to throughout your system."
"Now when I say face masks... surgical masks are completely ineffective against viruses..."
"Any quack product that claims to cure cancer is one that goes into my books as friggin evil."
"Evidence against saturated fat and cholesterol was fraudulent from the beginning."
"I think my next video on the channel will be a tough one for the anti-vaxxer crowd to swallow."
"I think COVID is entirely a fraud supported by propaganda and a very bad clinical diagnostic called PCR."
"Why can't you just do this with your lungs you know fill your lungs with disinfectant or sterilizing concentrations of alcohol?"
"Please don't get your medical advice from TikTok."
"Absolutely no link between vaccines and autism."
"Never let them tell you that vaccinated people could be endangered by people who don't take a vaccine."
"Most of the fat loss advice out there is complete BS."
"Cholesterol was never the problem, it's a scapegoat by the sugar companies."