
Leopard Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"Known as the most successful large cat in Africa, the leopard employs various hunting strategies."
"Lonely leopard moves into former zookeeper's home after missing him when he left his job."
"There's something much more appealing I find about a sleeping leopard than there is about a sleeping lion."
"That leopard sighting at the end... it was mind-blowing."
"Leopards are very good at climbing and can jump up to 3 meters high."
"The leopard is the stealthy hunter of the Indian forest, but in recent years its hunting grounds have changed."
"I had not fully realized the degree of cunning that a man-eating leopard can acquire after eight years of close association with human beings."
"I also heard that a leopard can't change its spots."
"A leopard is strong enough to fight the hen off and then bolt up a tree and get out of the way."
"After this, another like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl."
"We are super lucky to have started off with such an amazing sight of this leopard."
"I am initially going to head towards the east and see if we can't see talamba the leopardesse."
"She was such a beautiful little leopard."
"It's amazing when you've got a leopard that close that you could actually see each individual hair perfectly."
"He's got beautiful markings, beautiful eyes, and he's a really quite a hefty leopard."
"Leopards' coats look so perfect because they tend to spend a lot more time grooming themselves."
"We're very spoilt in that we have good habitats and good terrain for leopard."
"The camouflage of a leopard is amazing; with all those rosettes and the golden coat, the leopard can just disappear suddenly."
"A leopard is always good luck, you see a leopard most people in the world will count themselves very lucky to see a leopard."
"The little chief, Hosana, a two-year-old male leopard who's got the most character in the world."
"It's always lovely to see them, especially through the grass, just a leopard in its habitat."
"She is a strong independent leopard that doesn't need anything really."
"We've got a beautiful female leopard, you've had amazing views of Chitwa dam."
"It's absolutely listen in the mastery of a lipid and how they hunt slow and steady."
"Not a perfect way to start a Sunday morning if it's not going to be with a chocolate croissant espresso, it may as well be with a beautiful female leopard on the hunt."
"Thank you for being fortunate that we're getting to watch a leopard drinking in this beautiful kind of morning light."
"That isn't an elephant you're looking at, a female leopard, Duchess of the West here in the western Kruger National Park."
"Leopards can run at approximately 35-40 km/h."
"The average lifespan of a leopard is about thirteen years of age."
"She was a very special leopard because she managed to raise a number of cubs to adulthood."
"We're gonna stay put with this beautiful male leopard."
"It's the perfect mound for a leopard to look very, very regal."
"A leopard is the most tricky to find because it walks very softly and doesn't leave much of a mark as it goes."
"We are looking for what I think might be a leopard in this exact area."
"We've got a male leopard straight in front of us there and he's on the hunt."
"A leopard just disappears with the ease of a ghost."
"It's very exciting to find a leopard on foot."
"Hisana is the name of this beautiful leopard, and that means 'the little chief'."
"Isn't she gorgeous? I know a lot of people have been asking for Mara leopards, so there we go."
"She really is the epitome of grace, standing tall, peering through the grass."
"Hello, beautiful Tandy, this is only the second time that I've actually seen her."
"He was using us as a distraction to go hunting; my son is a leopard for those of you that don't know."
"It's so nice when she kind of looks up like that; it's that quintessential sort of leopard shot."
"It's as good as it gets really when it comes to a leopard."
"I do have a glorious leopard on a termite mound, looking rather regal, I must say."
"We've been spending the whole afternoon searching for a female leopard who's got a tiny little cub, it's only four months old and very very cute."
"She probably weighs in at around about 40 kilos, she's a good sized female leopard for this area."
"It's very easy to relate to a leopard, isn't it? They're beautiful, elegant, slinky, gorgeous."
"We might be lucky and see Hosana, the male leopard."
"Well, we have managed to catch up with the female leopard that we were hoping to find."
"He is the most magnificent leopard, absolutely stunning."
"Part of the reason why I enjoy spending so much time with her is that not only is she an incredible mum, but it's the fact that she's a pretty leopard as well."
"That's just unbelievable stuff to see on foot, a leopard moving off like that relaxed."
"It was probably one of the best sightings I've had of a leopard hunting."
"The strength of a leopard is put into true context."
"Isn't that beautiful? It's a prime example of a big male leopard."
"She's a beautiful leopard, very serious face all the time, but something about her, there's little pink nose and beautiful kind of honey-colored eyes."
"She's been an incredible leopard, she has raised many, many cubs that will carry on her legacy."
"Leopards are quite strong but they also rely on their cunning and being able to stalk through thicker vegetation."
"It's leopard time when you get to this time of the day as that Sun starts kind of reaching the Horizon."
"We refer to him as our sweet little chief, our favorite cutely cutie pie leopard."
"How cool is that, a leopard walking live process is just living its old ever ever ever ever."
"It's a leopard that's going to be feeling nervous; it's got a cub."
"She's such a small, petite, and slender leopard; she's gorgeous and she can just move between the trees with that flexible body of hers."
"We're just driving very slowly now, looking for the leopard."
"I've became very attached to the leopard and I'm fascinated by their movements."
"It's very uncommon to see male leopard with female and cub all together in one sighting."
"It's amazing because this little one is still learning how to be a leopard."
"...that is a saw everyone that is a leopard so they do not roar that is a leopards vocalization and I think it is just the best noise you will hear right here."
"Hosana is so handsome, he is a beautiful leopard, isn't he?"
"There's very few scenes that are as spectacular as a leopard in a tree."
"That's as good as it gets. You've got that sun, clouds, marula tree, and a beautiful female leopard in it."
"She's so fast asleep, and I think this is suspect she will be like this for quite a while still until it gets very dark."
"He's probably one of the most famous leopards we have out here."
"He was an absolute brute, he wasn't the tallest leopard but he was very wide and full and very muscular and powerful."
"A leopard can move so fast, faster than you can almost blink."
"There's something about seeing a wild leopard that you'll never ever forget."
"It's just a leopard Palooza this morning."
"One of the strategies that leopards have is to wait, ambush, let the animals come to them."
"He's the essence of a leopard that can truly give you such entertainment."
"A leopard at its fastest can run at least 60 MPH but only over a very short distance."
"What a special afternoon it's been with this particular leopard, it's always nice to spend time with a leopard."
"It's amazing what one leopard can do to the spirits of many people."
"We've watched him grow from a small little cub into the beautiful male that he is today."
"He's somewhat of a celebrity in this area."
"The perfect place for a little leopard to take refuge."
"A leopard can do about 24 meters per second."
"Absolutely beautiful, what a pleasure to see a leopard in the morning."
"We are alone with the leopard in the middle of the Kruger National Park."
"He is a very funny leopard, he's like a clown, he keeps us entertained all the time."
"I feel like if a leopard could smile, he's having a smile right now."
"She is beautiful though, isn't she? That is the quintessential sort of leopard pose, all four paws hanging down, tail down."
"A male leopard's territory is big, around here is between five to six thousand hectares."
"We are very relaxed, enjoying the company of this female leopard."
"To find a leopard, you have to think like a leopard to figure out exactly where they've gotten."
"Was it not just incredible seeing Tingana with that snake between his legs? It was something else."
"He is an absolutely perfectly wild leopard but very habituated, very relaxed with the vehicles."
"It is also a world-class destination for Leopard."
"This leopard has got a big challenge at the moment."
"He's now a free roaming wild leopard doing what he wants to do."
"She's coming up straight towards us; there's that beautiful big tail of hers."
"It's amazing just to watch the calculated nature of a leopard and how it sits and watches and plans to execute the way that it's going to move."
"Isn't that just the most spectacular view of a leopard? We can't ask for much more."
"For a male leopard to have held territory in an area for nine years like he has is a testament to just how special he is as an individual."
"There's something mesmerizing when you get to look at a leopard like this."
"We found a leopard, it was wonderful, they were so happy it made it worth it."
"I would say probably my favorite animal would have to be leopard, hands down."
"I love Kochava, she's a very cool leopard."
"He's just a magnificent example of a leopard."
"Look at this everyone, look we found a leopard, a beautiful male leopard walking through the area."
"So sweet, he was such a beautiful leopard."
"Leopards are the most powerful cat pound for pound."
"A leopard's greatest asset is its ability to maintain the advantage through surprise."
"She is one of the most beautiful female leopards that I've ever had the pleasure of spending time with."
"Did you see how effortless it is for a leopard to get up into the tree? It is absolutely incredible."
"There is definitely a leopard nearby. Definitely exciting."
"He's a good age for a leopard, actually heading to his twilight years."
"Typical of a leopard, love that tail twitch."
"He's alone because this is how leopards live, they are the only true solitary cat that we get in this part of the world."
"This is as big a leopard as you're going to get, he is a large male leopard."
"Your leopard is still the most powerful cat, pound for pound around."
"I need a little spotted action in my life; it's been a full sort of 48 hours since I've seen a leopard."
"It's always amazing to watch a leopard climb a tree."
"I'm still dreaming and hoping for my first leopard sighting in South Africa."
"The most adaptable animals out there, of course, are the leopard."
"There's only one species of leopard, Panthera pardus, but there's different subspecies throughout the world."
"Isn't he a stunning, stunning male leopard?"
"A leopard is a solitary cat, relying a lot on stealth, sneakiness, and being elusive."
"Deca and impala are two of the primary prey sort of animals for leopard."
"That's why we've got a very high density of leopard in this area."
"It's like my dream shot to get a leopard silhouette in a Marula tree."
"It's kind of an iconic thing to see a leopard in a tree."
"He's looking magnificent, isn't he?"
"It's a testament to how resourceful a leopard can be in its quest for survival."
"He's now become one of the most relaxed leopards and just goes to show you that habituation of a leopard is possible if you give them the space that they need."