
Personal Honor Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"What an experience... an honor to have him here."
"It's such an honor for me to get the opportunity to create this film."
"I am honored to be a part of this and further stating this on stream, I don't know if you guys noticed but the immune deficiency Foundation tweeted that there is going to be a primary immuno deficiency conference."
"If I don't honor me, how can anything else honor me?"
"It is the honor and the privilege of my life to be elected as leader of the Labour Party."
"Having been unable to die in the midst of my troops, there remains nothing for me but to deliver my sword into your majesty's hands. I am your majesty's true brother, Napoleon."
"Honor sometimes looks like sticking up for yourself, even if it ruffles feathers."
"Being their mom is the greatest honor of my life."
"Dark Lo is free, by the way, and he's free without doing any dishonor that I know of, like, telling on nobody that I know of."
"Let go of what you think the world wants of you and really honor yourself."
"His name will forever be etched in gold right there on that Jerome Robinson cup."
"Honor and survival often don't come in pairs."
"It's my honor to add my congratulations to you on the President Medal of Freedom."
"Humility... an appreciation of history and tradition... and honor to other family members."
"It's a relief in some real sense to be banned, and I regard it under the present conditions as a badge of honor."
"Every kid dreams of being on a cereal box or being in a video game. It's an honor."
"It was a great honor to receive such a compliment from him."
"It's been just a massive celebration of that fact, and I've been very honored to be a part of it."
"Harvey was one of them. He's been in the Oklahoma law enforcement Hall of Fame he's been in a Hall of Fame of like five or six different things and then he got this honor from from the state unbelievable."
"Anne Frank's story has been depicted in movies and on stage, which one hopes not only do her life justice, but would also make her proud."
"You know, I'm just I'm super honored to be here to share the ring with Katie Taylor, a true champion."
"Thank you for your service, it was an honor to serve."
"For me, it's an honor if the Americans attack me." - Pope Francis
"Voting for Judge Cory Berwick to become Associate Justice on the Supreme Court was not just a start for me, it was my obligation to the people of North Dakota as well as a high personal honor."
"The bet on the student loan forgiveness worked out for Democrats."
"It was incredibly important to me to finish this for him that he and he asked me to do it he entrusted it to me and I wanted to make sure that it was done as he deserved and up to the standards that he had set."
"You're getting the recognition and honor you deserve."
"Regardless of whatever happens, it's been an incredible honor."
"I won't be beaten by a rich man. It's a point of honor."
"He's a legend, I'm honored that he came on my show."
"Honor where you are today and bring 'em into this present moment."
"It's been a beautiful year... just very honored and excited to share with you more things that I'm working on and just all of that."
"Honor is the adherence to what is right... having honor when no one's looking."
"Honor your legacy, honor your right to citizenship."
"Honor yourself you guys. Honor yourself. Respect yourself enough to do what is best for you."
"You are honorable, a warrior, fiercely protecting what you love."
"To give honor where there are certain things that happen in a person's life that we can celebrate."
"I changed the name of the song to 'Lavender Kiss' in honor of Prince."
"I'm really excited to be part of this video and I'm really, really honored to be able to feature on the channel today."
"It's like an honor that people would actually be interested."
"Snow White is such a beautiful character. I'm honored to be her."
"Let me say I'm honored to be here tonight."
"I had the honor to be with you, Richard Boone."
"It was an honor when Chris Ray asked me if I wanted to have a part."
"I felt honored I felt like I was like wow I'm getting this this is a really nice thing."
"We recognize your sovereignty in all things and honor it with our entire being."
"It is my absolute honor and distinct pleasure to essentially be able to unveil this amp to the world."
"As you honor where you're at in this moment, in your life and your day and your week, maybe there's also an opportunity for you to honor where somebody else is at that might be different than you."
"Being a person of your word... your word being your bond."
"No, Maximus. I believe they honor you," replied the emperor.
"There is no greater challenge or honor."
"The lifestyle that I'm living here in the monastery actually honors me and how I'm designed and I just feel the most peaceful that I've ever been."
"Back in my day, if you wanted to tease someone, you did it to their face. There was honor, respect."
"It's quite an honor to him, he posted something on Facebook about that."
"I am very proud and pleased that fate has singled me out from amongst all my fellow countrymen to fire this great Arrow of Vengeance into the skies."
"You honor them by living your best life and living true to the things they taught you."
"I am here today at the gracious invitation of President Price and the Duke Board of Trustees."
"I felt very fortunate because this year I was invited to judge for the preliminary competition."