
Nostalgic Value Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Of course, every buffet you're going to find something a little different. Every Filipino buffet, but for the most part, it has a very similar taste, which is good."
"That was worth it for me. I paid ten bucks for that. That made me feel like a kid. Some people go, 'That's not enough for me.'"
"Erie Indiana was probably the best of its kind to be released during that era."
"The overall feeling of the original Dead Space, in my opinion, is still very much there."
"He's been there since Tekken 1, I have a soft spot for Jack."
"The roster that started it all. Okay yeah, they technically didn't have reveals at this point but it wouldn't feel right not to cover everybody."
"No Mercy, baby, wicked yes diggity dog, highly regarded as one of the most complete wrestling games of all time."
"No matter what Club Penguin will always live on in the hearts of the people who enjoyed it."
"Those early Bluth films felt like kids, like when Sarah fights, it's just a smackdown."
"People always say you need to get the squeaks off your door. No, I like the squeaks on the door and the bell because it lets me know when somebody's walking in."
"This was launched in 2009-2010 so it's never going to be up to modern standards it's a carver but to me it's all about how it drives and when you drive it just awesome just absolutely awesome."
"Wield the fire blade. It's cool man, it conjures up like you know images of when you were a kid."
"It may have been a failed attempt but it was still a movie made with heart and passion and sometimes when watching it now a part of me still finds the joy that it gave me as a kid."
"That's what home was, and so once they get to the open Beta where more can actually use home again like intended I think that's where the real livelihood and essence of home might return like it was back in the day."
"The E39 M5 was the high water mark for BMW, something really special that never really got replicated again."
"The game will overcome, similar to magic and pokemon in the 90s."
"This extraordinarily strange and nostalgic group of tracks is keeping the memory of this extraordinarily strange and nostalgic console alive."
"All you're left with is the memories, the experiences you shared, and the people you experience those things with."
"That's fantastic, that's what we do, bring it back a little, my childhood right there."
"The fact that it's an older anime adds to the charm."
"The show truly captures that original magic."
"The fact that it feels like a Gothic game from its world design and atmosphere to its quests and characters was leveling system and character progression is enough to put Risen on a pedestal."
"Treasure Island Dizzy will always stick with me personally."
"It's a reminder of a totally different era of SUV."
"I wish I could read it for the first time again. It's just magical."
"Glitches are actually one of my favorite parts about Pokemon Red and Blue."
"It's cute, it's endearing, it's got a classic style that's aged pretty damn well."
"The older Lego games had superior level design just having a hint of difficulty in the levels just made them so much engaging."
"This is everything my teenage self could have wanted."
"With analog, when it crashes, it isn't a brick wall, it's a big soft mattress of happy."
"Super Smash Brothers Melee speed running has a history that dates all the way back to around the game's launch."
"The old money aesthetic is like the clothing equivalent of vinyl."
"It's a classic, it's my childhood, it's Grandia."
"I think this was a great use of the fabric and a great way to honor a pattern that you guys really loved but that is no longer available in print."
"It's not every day that you can buy a brand new luxury truck that literally feels like you bought it 10 years ago, but that's exactly what the GX460 is."
"The Willy Wonka chocolate factory is a lightning in the bottle situation."
"The Fuji, honestly, you know this is where it started for us."
"I hope you all enjoyed a very Happy Thanksgiving and I want to welcome you back to behind the scenes of The Waltons where one of the things I am very thankful for is the lifelong bonds I have with my TV family."
"This build wasn't about making max horsepower or max rpm, it's all about getting that power plant back between the frame rails of the original Bigfoot one."
"Nostalgia carries weight, but execution is key."
"It is one of the most fun, one of the most cravable, one of the most nostalgic, and one of the most beautiful kinds of pies to look at."
"Old-school quality, mm-hmm, don't get better than that."
"Nuketown 2025 is just as much a staple in black ops 2 as Newtown was for me during the original black ops."
"That's just really awesome, like I said, this is essentially like a time capsule."
"Home Alone, especially now my son's old enough to watch it, it's brought all the magic back."
"Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is kind of like a cultural artifact at this point."
"Black Flag holds up really well still to this day... it is just the quintessential definitive Pirate game for me."
"Nostalgia is a really powerful thing."
"BSA has been long gone for a long time and here 60 years on, can it recreate that old magic in order to be a world beater once again?"
"The Allure of where that coin came from, who's passed that coin in their hands."