
Best Practice Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Mesmer skin is probably the single best tanking ability in the game."
"The best investment I ever made was committing myself to myself."
"Now I haven't actually been with many other people, or actually any other people besides Linus, and that's probably for the best."
"Investing in yourself is the best investment you could make."
"Elder influence is the best thing to go for."
"When in doubt, explicitly parameterize—it's a rule that will spare you a lot of headaches."
"This is gonna be the best twist out y'all have ever seen, like point-blank period."
"the absolute best way and the best practice of selecting elements"
"My favorite interview question of all time is to ask people to describe a best practice that they learned in their career."
"So because of these advantages, the best practice is to use add event listener instead of an on click attribute."
"I've always found it's best practice to get all these measurements."
"Best practice is actually to use a bastion host."
"Best practice: always name your controls."
"Internal linking is a best practice when it comes to SEO."
"It's a best practice to use the Terraform back end to store the TF State file so that whenever you run that Terraform command, it will be accessed from the S3 bucket and not locally."
"So if you do this real slow, methodical, take your time, and then you're looking at everything as you're doing it, that's the best practice."
"It's the best practice to bootstrap the main React component to the DOM within the office initialize callback."
"For SQS, it's the correct answer, without even thinking you should be going with SQS in this case."
"It's not best practice to store your users in a static class."
"Having that stock like a Tesla Model S is actually the best ergonomics ever."
"That was absolutely fantastic... potentially the best thing we've done."
"The decision you make at any time you make decision is the best decision to make at the time."
"The need to make the best possible decision at every step along the way during your day at work."
"It's best practice to have two of these compression humps, the top dead center on the screen."
"These really are as good as you're going to get."
"Spending time with the people who you love... it's honestly just the best thing you could possibly do."
"Being honest is by far the best way forward."
"This is the best plan, this is the best solution, this is the best course of action."
"We are in the Here and Now, do what's best for the client right here, right now."
"The best thing to look at the best approach is correlation is one of the rank correlation coefficients either Spearman's rho or Kendall's tau."
"That is best practice, it is training the car, teaching it 'okay we're done with driver one, now it's time to focus on driver number two'."
"When lives are on the line, having the best possible tool to do a job is more important than anything else."
"It's the by far the best way to spend a Friday."
"This right here is the best way to game ever."
"Think about what best means today; it's not the most extreme or advanced version of a shape that you can take, it's what you truly need."
"It was probably one of the best customer service experiences that I have ever had."
"Photometric stereo seems to be the best choice."
"Honesty is the best policy, right?"
"Honesty is obviously the best policy."
"I think literally this is the best piece of marketing product I've ever seen."
"If you're going to make the best steak taco that you've ever had, you're probably going to want to start with everything fresh."
"Commentary driving is the best training to prepare your mind to pass the driving test."
"That's the best walking in football now."
"This is a really good practice to create your own view for IFC export."
"You want to make sure that when you do this, use a new key because if you do, you'll ensure the best possible result."
"This has been the best method we've used thus far."
"The best practice is to combine low cardinality categorical features that already begin with a low cardinality."
"As a best practice, make sure your products have a SKU or stock keeping unit."
"Honesty is the best policy, after all."
"This is probably the best that I've ever seen it done."
"The best Leadership Model in the world is the model of servant leader."
"The best practice is to do your name in calligraphy but then do the rest of the address in block letters."
"Always design the sprite initially facing to the right; it's very good practice."
"It's the best idea anyone's ever had."
"The best the only thing you really can do is just show them as much love and support as you can."
"Sometimes silence is just the best case scenario for me."
"The most important thing the absolute best thing you can do for your child is to love them, to be warm, loving, and affectionate."
"This is the best way to keep it as nice and clean as possible."
"Best practices are defined as practices that have had a proven and positive impact on supply chain performance."
"The best thing she could have done was tell the truth."
"Multi-factor authentication is considered a best practice."
"The best option for this door is to open outwards."
"Renting or buying a PAR meter and testing for sure is the best practice way."
"It must be current, evidence-based, and best practice."
"As best practice, I would recommend taking a picture with your phone camera."
"Sometimes you just have to do what you know is best."
"The best option is always to have somebody manually exploring a web application."
"The importance of a line of reasoning and which line of reasoning would be best in supporting your argument."
"It is a very good practice that whenever you are making a website, you have to write it in a very optimized way."
"This is my favorite pro tip of running in production: I never wrote to concrete indices, I always wrote to aliases."
"It is the best way to illustrate OMORI."
"It's a good habit to use virtual environments."
"We're going to do it God's way, family. God's way is the best way."