
Speculative Discussion Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"What do you think about Steve Rogers' chances of surviving Avengers Endgame?"
"The bizarre Fresno nightcrawlers footage...leaving us to ponder what strange encounters may be waiting."
"I think that means we'll never get to Shuma-Gorath in the MCU, especially since they gave us a vague version of the character in What If...?"
"Do you think there'll be an uprising of clones?"
"I personally don't know how I feel about that, 'cause I like the idea that pink diamond is shattered."
"This looks like a movie, oh, I could see a Knights of the Old Republic movie based on this trailer, what do you think I love the trailers of."
"Bianca was like maybe he's like the mean guy who."
"There are two things that might not be true there and I mean might be under no obligation right like universe a stay tuned for after the credits and we're going to show you something from Frank's."
"Who will sit atop the Iron Throne in your opinion?"
"I think we can safely assume Nymeria and ten thousand ships is being seriously backed by HBO."
"I think there's a very real chance that this could be better than the MCU if done correctly."
"The biggest question: How does this relate to prophecy?"
"Is he trying to say that they're the same person? Or that they're related?"
"Is it possible that his powers are really just connected to his speed?"
"Gregory is an animatronic built after the crying child."
"It's debatable as to whether the entire restaurant burns down."
"There's a moment where Luke could have totally fucking delve into midi-chlorians but they separated old-school-style."
"If the series comes back, yes, I mean, I can't ever say like 'Future Arc' because there might not be a Future Arc."
"Venom without Spider-Man, he's not Venom, it's just some alien goo that bonds with some [__] save it for the end."
"I don't think if you'd have been like, 'Hey, what do you think we're gonna get?' I'd probably be like, 'Oh, you know, Over One Kenobi, I probably would have picked Rogue Squadron.'"
"The hockey or shading debate will finally be settled."
"Whatever your own thoughts and opinions happen to be on the truth about this abandoned sequel to Jurassic Park 3, I'd love to hear all about them."
"Time for a bit of speculation about the sequel."
"For all the fan theories out there, it didn't matter."
"Never say never, but right now it's hard for me to see how it would make sense from the Nintendo standpoint. It's so much fun to never say never."
"Could this happen? One day, could we see that? And you never know in all honesty."
"What do you think Rick Prime's ultimate goal is?"
"Could you imagine? She faded away, faded away. I mean, her—it would be like... and I forgot what she was born... but it would be like, whatever, like 1884, November 20th, 1884, to November 20th, 1984."
"Alien X has infinite power so whatever this ends up being, Alien X is going to be at the top for sure."
"Who truly is the strongest version of Godzilla?"
"Are they literally saying maybe part of his mutation that he was born next to a vibranium deposit?"
"Do give that video a look because I do believe there is legitimacy behind this leak."
"Supposedly it's the original story of Destiny 1 which got scrapped all those rewrites ago years ago."
"Had we originally gotten this version nearly four years ago back in 2017, we probably would have been on the Justice League 2 by now."
"I actually have no idea if foul play was involved or not, but I can say that this whole incident was very strange."
"Let's talk about loyalist Space Marines that we want back."
"I feel like it's nearing the end of one piece that gets people thinking about stuff, how the story is going to end, how is the straw hats Journey going to end..."
"If it came down to it and two straw hats had to die I know we're getting really intense with this here but if it came down to it in two to die it would be Zoro and Sanji..."
"The return of Christendom: Is it really happening?"
"I've been asking for the match with Brian Danielson since the Wednesday after the pay-per-view."
"It didn't seem like it was a power that was completely off the rails from what, oh, and if you go back to..."
"Could they get into boxing using all of these promotional arms and networks and actually make some headway in space? It's interesting when people always debate one day Dana White's gonna walk away."
"I do think to answer your question just acutely here is it possible that jonathan crane could be developed in the arkham series even from a starting point."
"That's what they hear telling us we time travelers obviously."
"What failed gaming concept do you wish succeeded?"
"Are we going to be totally fine for the next few centuries? Let's talk about this."
"Even if they make it make sense, like how it makes sense that the Nords could be imperialized and stuff by now, you know it's 200 years in the future like you know all of that could happen feasibly. It still would have been a better setting."
"The way to think about it is this... we're not saying it's extraterrestrial but it's extraterrestrial."
"Let's now get into the first of a three potential catalyst for the doomsday."
"Is there a consensus that this is non-human intelligence... among congressmen there is, I feel."
"Does nobody remember this scene? Yeah, exactly. If nobody came to save him, what was Vader gonna do?"
"We've got the rights to X-Men now and just go all out with an X-Men vs. Avengers."
"Perhaps we will never know. Perhaps this is one case destined to remain an 'Unsolved Mystery.'"
"Evolutions, that's one of the most exciting things."
"This is all speculation of course, but that's why we're here to have some fun and think about the future."
"It kind of seems like there's not a clear-cut answer on whether or not she's cheating."
"We're moving beyond matter. I just can't imagine what... can you try to talk a little bit more about that?"
"I just really wanted to throw this idea out there: Does not appear to be armament haki to me."
"Metal Knight: Speculative spot, potentially one of the strongest in the universe."
"Is the Night King really dead? Okay, just lock Cersei up or just exile her."
"Blade to pop up in this movie would make a lot of sense."
"Even if they're false it's still pretty cool to talk about and just to see you know what can actually happen in League of Legends."
"All of a sudden, he said Mikasa and Armin. And how would he know that if it's future? So, Titan shifters can, to some extent, tell the future. My brain is fried."
"If Thor's hammer Mjolnir was a real weapon, who do you think would be worthy enough to wield the hammer?"
"It's a strange pattern that might blow a few people's minds it almost seems like tails are a death sentence though it's probably just an interesting coincidence."
"Big theory time every time your time on that one but let me know below exactly what you think is happening."
"I feel like they're gonna try to use the other children to somehow communicate to Eleven that Hopper is still alive."
"If France don't win, it's quite interesting, isn't it? Makes you think."
"But what exactly did they see out there? Was it just some UFO craft, perhaps an asteroid, or something far more strange? This will blow your mind."
"The map being Diamond Pro doesn't mean we won't get the distortion world. Who are you?"
"Do you think things are going to continue to get worse?"
"If they're going to bring Luke into the show, if that happens, and they're doing an Ahsoka series, it's like, yeah, I mean that should probably happen."
"Vegeta would probably be able to face Broly and do even better than Goku did against Gohan."
"How far-fetched does this sound to y'all? To be honest with you, I can see them doing this. I can see anyone doing this to try to gain an advantage, like it, to be honest with you."
"Why would you even invent Jesus? Let's just assume there wasn't one. Why did they create one?"
"Let's take bets: will they hit their operating income target? I'm going to say no, but they'll get close."
"Is Galactus going to be key to the Multiverse Saga? Let us know your thoughts."
"That's a big question, you know. We've seen things coming true, but are they really prophecy?"
"At a baseline, the fact that there are craft and that the craft might be driven by folks who are not from Earth, I think that bridge has been crossed."
"Only the people deep inside the inner sanctums of 343 and Microsoft really know what's going on. That's why I really, really hesitate. You know, we want to talk about it, it's fascinating, I get it. But we don't really know what's going on."
"I remember during the Dangai arc people thought that Aizen may end up facing the royal guard."
"That is an awesome theory, I love that idea!"
"I really feel like this is our best bet, most realistic, and closest thing we're gonna get to an actual plot leaked from Avengers Endgame."
"Plagueis is such a strategist that he'd have the plan."
"What if they actually do a major left turn and introduce something shocking?"
"Have you heard this rumor that he might want to run for president in 2024?"
"What is there to be got when an animal is killed? That raises a variety of interesting speculations."
"Would the navy ever want to fly c-130s off their carriers again? I honestly couldn't tell you, but it's some interesting food for thought."
"This is where fact meets the speculative in discussions insightful and explorative."
"Rogue Theory: the show where we speculate on all the things we're a little too obsessed with."
"If we just say for a moment that Zangetsu and White amped Ichigo to being one of the top-tier characters in the series for a split second..."
"Welcome back to New Rockstars I'm Eric Boss and Spider-Man No Way Home's newest trailer confirms a bit about this movie surprise cameos but in one big case an even bigger secret completely by accident."
"This lawsuit is a wholehearted effort by Kesha to regain control of her music career and her personal freedom."
"Let us know about your theories for life on Mars in the comments below."
"The ramifications of this movie are bigger than what we think they're gonna be."
"What if is talking about branched universes off of 616. The most important word isn't whether he's using reality or universe or even Multiverse, it's 'branch'."
"I don't think Vader died just from the lightning alone which for sure damaged and hurt him and the life support system that he had in the suit however it wasn't the cause of death I don't think."
"Would it actually be enough to save the Earth? Well, that's what I'm here making this video for."