
Arrays Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Arrays are typically used to store collections of things, like a collection of strings or a collection of numbers."
"Arrays are useful for storing collections of data that relate to each other."
"Push method adds a new value onto the array."
"Pop method takes off the end value of the array."
"You can define an array without putting values inside of it."
"Arrays allow you to store several pieces of data in one place."
"It tells you how many values are actually in there in this array."
"Anytime you have like an array or even if you have an array of a type that has lists in them, then you would kind of go deeper and deeper into all of your serialized properties."
"Using pointer arithmetic makes sense in the case of arrays, because we know what is in the adjacent location."
"Strings in C are nothing but character arrays."
"You never change arrays or objects in place; you create a new object or array to replace the old one."
"So, okay, let's say I have a sorted array then. But I'm not really sure I'm adding new information at this point."
"Arrays and array lists are used when you have just a group, a collection of the same types of objects, and you just want to hold a bunch of them."
"Arrays always have a fixed size that you cannot change, but array lists will dynamically either expand or contract their size automatically."
"I really like arrays for dealing with the lowest level of hardware."
"An iterator can help us cycle through values in arrays, vectors, or maps."
"When you call sorted on an array, we get items sorted alphabetically or numerically."
"If you have a promise that you know results to an array, you can actually just use the await keyword directly in your loop."
"The combination of using arrays and structs is super powerful."
"Getting your data into arrays is rather simple."
"And then inside of this object actually instead of an object let's go ahead and Define this as an array since there's going to be multiple people here."
"So this brings up the point with chunks specifically your array needs to be in order."
"...these arrays don't grow, they're a fixed size array... that memory doesn't grow or shrink, it just stays the same."
"Arrays are really helpful for keeping track of a lot of stuff. We could use them for attendance, we could use them to add in certain things as we come across them, which is a way of keeping track of a lot of elements at one time."
"With arrays, you can do multiple calculations all at once."
"String literals have to have some location in memory because they're really an array underneath."
"A tuple is very similar to an array but it is a fixed length array where each element has a specific type."
"So with the help of unwinding, you can access the internal values of that array."
"Not only do you understand them, but you take advantage of the fact that you can multiply arrays like this to do things very quickly."
"Arrays are really a data structure used to hold other things."
"Map is a loop that grabs the element and the index and then creates a new array."
"The reason arrays are so important and so useful is because there are countless times where we want to be able to represent a whole collection of data."
"Just remember, an array is basically like having multiple variables in one variable."
"Array is a data type that holds an ordered list of values."
"The name of an array is really just an alias for the address of the very first element of the array."
"The best way to think about a two-dimensional array is that it represents a table."
"Two-dimensional arrays are structured in row major order, rows first, columns second."
"Traversing two-dimensional arrays is looking through all of the elements of my two-dimensional array."
"Arrays can hold multiple different values of the same data type in one variable."
"You can traverse an array with a for loop or a for each loop."
"An array is a data structure that can store many values of the same data type."
"Numpy provides numerous advanced math functionalities and is best suited for arrays and matrices."
"Being fancy with arrays is really this thing that can make your programming be a lot more efficient."
"All arrays live on the heap, and so if arrays live on the heap, then that means whenever we create new arrays, we're going to have to create new pointers to things on the heap."
"An array is just basically boxes inside of a bigger box."
"We looked at the syntax for being able to create an array, being able to store value in an element of the array, and then also being able to traverse the array."
"An array is a data structure that can hold multiple values."
"The first element in an array has an index of zero because computers always start with zero."
"The fill function fills a range of elements with a specified value."
"Arrays are one of the most useful programming tools available."
"Understanding arrays is super helpful if you're going to learn a programming language."
"It's a nice easy way of accessing all the elements in an array."
"The array is probably more close to what you actually think of an array if you're programming in Java or C++."
"You can create an ascending array of values, for example, this goes from 0 to 10 and I have 100 values."
"You build on this functionality of the single dimensional arrays and you can use that to do very powerful things with multi-dimensional arrays."
"Now we need another array; we need an array of our five tetriminos as they're fast rotations for our mini grid to show."
"Concat allows us to merge two arrays together."
"An array is a collection of elements that are ordered."
"Arrays are sequences of values that are stored next to each other in memory so they're quicker to access."
"An array is a collection of multiple values."
"If you've done any coding or programming before, I'm sure you've worked with arrays."
"Arrays are a data structure used to store a collection of data under one name."
"An array is an organized collection of items, typically of the same data type."
"The array is the core data structure of Numpy."
"So what you'd really want is you'd want an array of reasonable size, say, you know ballpark the number of friends that you'd ever have, so say in the thousands or something, where its positions are indexed not by the numbers, not integers, but rather by your friends' names."
"Sequentially access the elements of an array."
"In artificial intelligence, you really need to know how to work your way through an array, and sort is one of the things that you want to do."
"We're going to use two arrays of hexagons."
"This right here probably covers 90% of all your array use cases."
"Arrays can store an unlimited amount of values."
"An array is a variable which can store multiple values of the same type."
"A string is nothing but an array of characters."
"The default value for Primitives in an array is zero."
"Arrays are both mutable and ordered."
"We can add items to the array with the push function and take them away with the pop function."
"A heap is going to be built on top of arrays instead of what's sort of a fusion between arrays and trees."
"An image is represented as an array, also known as a list in Python."
"Using a rest parameter, we have access to all of our usual array methods."
"That's the basics of working with arrays and arrays are super useful."
"An array is where to store multiple bits of data under a single identifier."
"A 2D array is like a table format."
"Arrays are a way to store multiple things."
"Everything we're going to see today is all going to be represented as tensors, which you can just think of as multi-dimensional arrays."
"All these fractal shapes that we've created, if we make those objects in an array list, then we can start to apply things to them."
"You're going to be able to sort an array if it contains the same data type."
"An array is just a list of things that starts at zero."
"The base address is a location of the first element of the array."
"The for-of loop is a special syntax in JavaScript that allows us to easily iterate over an array."
"An array is a collection of elements that share the same name and are accessed by indices."
"When declaring an array, the type, name, and size must be specified."
"The first element of an array in C is actually represented as X[0], not X[1]."
"In C, the elements of an array are indexed starting from 0."
"If an array consists of n elements, the first element of that array is located at index 0 and the last element of the array is located at index N minus 1."
"Arrays are an extremely important data structure where you can store multiple pieces of information."
"The real power of the array is that because it's the same variable name but it has a different index for each value, you can use a loop to enumerate the array quite easily."
"A better strategy is to use the array itself and then there's a property called length."
"Slices have an important property: they're variable length."
"What numpy does is it lets me access the use of arrays and it also lets me use different constants like pi."