
Wind Power Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Wind power is a hot technology, and not simply because it emits zero carbon dioxide, it's also currently the most cost-feasible of the renewables."
"The Department of Energy has laid out a vision for generating 20 percent of electricity from wind by 2030 and 35 percent by 2050."
"He says this thing about wind power and he goes you know I love wind power nobody knows more about wind power than me I've studied wind power my whole life."
"We moved by the wind, so we don't have to rely on diesel or gasoline."
"We broke all previous wind-powered energy records that have ever been set."
"The ocean bird will be the first cargo boat that can run entirely on wind power."
"Currently in the UK the cheapest way of generating electricity is land-based wind."
"Why put a wind turbine offshore? First, some of the world's windiest places are coastal."
"Getting a whopping 14 power from the wind turbine. Perfect!"
"Wind is a great natural resource, it's very clean."
"Wind power technology represents a leap forward in the field, exemplified by their recent Wind Farm developments."
"Illinois is ranked second for the highest 10-year projected growth of wind power."
"Wind energy has become quite competitive."
"Right now, it's really cool because he has the engine off. So there is no sound except for those waves breaking below us. We're just sailing, guys. That's sail power, wind power."
"Why do you think they call it Windmill Village?"
"Oh, to figure out how much power we actually get from wind over the trip, and then we can correlate that to wind speed. Exactly."
"My mission is a really simple one. It's just to be the fastest human on the planet powered by the wind."
"Wind power offers a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels."
"The oceans are extremely effective for the Jade wind, for example."
"The wind turbine gave you back your energy."
"A sailboat is a boat powered by the wind, using sails to catch the wind and move across the water."
"Do they work without wind? No, however, they only require 5 miles per hour of wind which is basically a breeze anywhere in the world."
"Green energy is not nonsense, wind power is the cheapest way of making electricity at the moment."
"It's amazing to think that the windmill at the top of the tower would have been connected to eight sets of millstones grinding grain for the distillery."
"Who cares about efficiency when the wind is literally free?"
"Wind energy... is simply using a wind turbine to convert the kinetic energy of air into electrical energy."
"It's definitely breezy up here but a great vantage point to just really see this Dune in action and the role of the wind."
"The wind is a super powerful energy source with no carbon footprint!"
"Wind turbines harness the kinetic energy of wind, converting it into clean and renewable electricity."
"One of his most well-known creations was a wind wheel, possibly the earliest example of man harnessing the power of wind in a non-sea environment."
"Can wind power be enough energy for the whole world?"
"Wind turbine behavior is today essentially comparable to conventional power plants."
"As one of the leading manufacturers of wind energy converters, Enecon offers products and services to support the implementation of a wide variety of wind energy projects in all parts of the world."
"For a while they were becalmed, but at last a soft wind began to blow and fill the Schooner's sails."
"Wind energy could be the world's top energy source by the middle of the century." - Paul Veers
"The energy component today is the major thing that wind energy supplies. But in the future, it's also going to provide capacity credit." - Paul Veers
"Wind power is one of the most cost-effective, fastest-growing, and arguably underused sources of energy currently available to us."
"Wind offers enormous potential, especially when deployed offshore, which is where a lot of the focus is at the moment."
"If we built wind farms on all usable offshore sites worldwide, they could generate more than the world's entire current electricity demand on their own."
"It's amazing how fast the wind can make these boats go; they're going three and four times the speed of the wind."
"It's really cool because when wind blows through the propeller type of thing, it harnesses the energy."
"Wind turbines are great because they generate no greenhouse gases and in a lot of places if it's windy, you're getting electricity every day."
"Spain is the fifth largest producer of wind energy in the world."
"The winds are free to anyone who can capture them."
"The power that it can generate is roughly proportional to the cube of the wind speed."
"Wind energy is a renewable energy resource as it never runs out."
"We're seeing an increase in share of power consumed in Germany coming from wind and solar production."
"Their unique design boosts energy extraction efficiency by creating a cluster effect when multiple turbines are utilized."
"With a high level of safety and flexibility, the SKL Rotor Blat Adapter G4 promises to play an important role in promoting sustainable development in the renewable energy industry, especially wind energy."
"It's amazing what the wind can do."
"Wind energy is cheap, renewable, and creates jobs."
"On the windy days now, we're up in the high 60% of all our electricity is coming from wind."
"The wind is the power generator that constantly applies pressure on both the front and the back part of the ship through the sails."
"Wind is important and can supply one of the cheapest forms of clean energy in the world."
"In a world where wind is becoming the key to clean energy."
"Wind power production is highest in winters due to stronger winds and more frequent storms."
"Wind power is clean and it's renewable."
"Wind power is by far the most efficient source of electricity."
"Wind is one of our cleanest and richest sources of power, as well as one of the oldest."
"Making the change may be difficult to initiate and incorporate into the daily lives of the people, but the data presents wind power as the clear and correct choice for the sake of our future."
"The wind contains energy, and it's this energy that we want to capture, and that's what a wind turbine captures."
"Wind power is clean; it causes no pollution and therefore doesn't contribute to global warming."
"We can power the world six to seven times over, with wind over land and high wind locations."