
Network Marketing Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"From troubled beginnings to now guiding thousands of people in forex trading, Godzi harnessed the power of network marketing to make his own mark on the world."
"Network marketing is something that can make you a lot of money if you pick a good company that you care about."
"Whatever you take out of network marketing, that's not our message here. Our message is go in and learn all of those important skills because those are so transferable."
"The promise of financial freedom that draws in so many distributors year after year."
"Network marketing is the best and smartest way to do business. But less than one percent of people in network marketing ever turn a profit."
"Your beachbody family who by the way if you left beachbody tomorrow we wouldn't be there anymore because you're not helping us."
"Network marketing is not what it used to be, and if you think that network marketing is a scam, you are so freaking uneducated." - Chelsea
"Network marketing produces more millionaires than any other job."
"It takes on average five years normally to get to the top of a network marketing company."
"That means that anytime you make a sale you can rest assured that somebody probably in another part of the world who you never met and who you never will meet is getting paid off work that you did. This is so un-sales it's not even funny."
"Network marketing actually works. I agree with that. Network marketing does work if you are the one on top of it."
"I dramatically out-earn an absolute living legend in network marketing. So, thank you, take a seat. Debunk all their little stupid rumors, right?"
"It's one of those things that I think on a people who are just starting network marketing or they've been in there for a while, get messages all the time."
"Supporting network marketing equals supporting your friends' visions."
"You have done more of a service to the network marketing profession than you realize."
"Network marketing gets a bad rap because not only does it turn every relationship into dollar signs but it causes otherwise honest people to lie about what they do for monetary gain."
"The money in network marketing is not in... getting someone into your business."
"Everybody knows somebody who was in an MLM. Everybody has a friend, a relative, or know someone who knows someone who was in one of these companies."
"People like John Maxwell, he is one of the top pinnacle leaders in the world and he has an entire book called 'Power of Five' about the industry of network marketing."
"It's not that the majority of network marketers fail. It's that most of them never begin."
"If anyone's promising you like quick money, girl run the heck out of there. Don't fall for it because every single network marketing company takes actual work, so if there's a quick money thing, they are scamming you."
"I know a lot of people that have been doing this for years and they don't understand the strategy of how to build your business, and so they'll be doing something for years and be stuck in a rank for so long and not progressing."
"No one does it better. So next time you think it's weird to be a network marketer, look no further than Taylor Swift as a phenomenal case study for how it's done."
"Do your due diligence before aligning with a network marketing company."
"Network marketing is an insane business and if you succeed at it, congratulations."
"Network marketing is like a gym; if you show up consistently, it can change your life."
"Network marketing isn't about making money, but about helping people to help other people make money so they become financially free."
"They chose to use the network marketing model not only because they love network marketing, they want to help average people like us make an income from our phone."
"Network marketing is about building trust, building relationships, or working within the relationships that you do already have to build your organization and sharing a vision."
"Network marketing actually works."
"The best way I know to not only survive but to thrive in the new economy is network marketing."
"The truth is network marketing isn't perfect, it's just better."
"The profession of network marketing has the best ratio when you compare the low barrier of entry with the high long-term return."
"Network marketing has created more millionaires than any other industry in the world."
"Every single person should be involved in a network marketing company just because of the personal and professional development alone."
"All you can control in a network marketing business is you, your systems that you implement, how you speak to people, how you help people, and your behaviors in general."
"Network marketing isn't perfect, but it's the best way the average person can make money from home."
"If you try it and like it and it changes your life, well, that makes it worth the shot, don't you think?"
"So next time you think it's weird to be a network marketer, look no further than Taylor Swift as a phenomenal case for how it's done."
"I got started in network marketing to make the money, but I stayed in network marketing for the people I meet and the person who I became."
"Network marketing is not just an income opportunity; it's a personal development experience."
"Network marketing isn't perfect; it's just better."
"Network marketing is better. The best way I know to not only survive but to thrive in the new economy."
"Network marketing is absolutely a positive industry."
"The one part about network marketing I think that is fantastic is that they really promote self-growth."
"I love the personal development aspect of network marketing; it changed my life."
"Fortunately, that's when he found network marketing. It changed his life and cemented his future."
"During his network marketing career, Eric earned more than 15 million dollars in commission."
"You're never going to ever fail in network marketing as long as you don't quit."
"You want your friends looking at you funny because these network marketers drive everybody crazy."
"Network marketing, direct sales for me, was my escape from poverty."
"Network marketing for women is such an incredible gift, not only for you but for the people that you come into contact with."
"We're going to talk about the value and the power of network marketing for women."