
Lunar Influence Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The moon's gravity acts on Earth's oceans, causing the rise and fall of tides."
"The moon's transits act as triggers to other things being set up."
"The full moon is the climax, the moment when the moon is at its strongest, influencing tides in the seas and ourselves, made of about 70-80% water."
"The full moon will bring something really positive in your personal life."
"Good for new beginnings... very auspiciously aspected new moon."
"This full moon shines a light on what we didn't know before."
"The moon as a planet or a satellite is probably the body of mass that has the most impact on us."
"A full moon can shine light on what you have been resisting."
"A new start is coming abide that new moon energy."
"It's time you could be connected to Serapis Bay, the moon. Your subconscious is gaining expression now, your subconscious is expressing itself through your feelings, the moon energy."
"As with all full moons, it is very normal to feel heightened emotion; these can look like triggers, they can also look like feeling emotionally or intuitively sensitive to the world around us."
"There's a solution. Whatever information comes to light at this full moon can help you."
"The moon always brings us that truth time and again."
"Especially with this full moon in your sign, it's almost like, 'Oh yeah, like I'm just kind of doing me.'" - David Palmer
"The moon doesn't say stop thinking about things. It says to keep going."
"Results at this full moon are likely to feel auspicious, optimistic, and stable."
"This full moon will see you become the best version of yourself."
"The moon: an 81 million billion ton lump of rock and dust more than 2,100 miles in diameter."
"The moon has complete control over our mind, carrying our consciousness and self-awareness."
"This full moon may make us aware and show us the pathway to change."
"Manifestation upon manifestation about manifestation is available to us through this full moon, so please don't miss out on that."
"A lot of you are really stepping into or being guided to go into Moon energy."
"There's something about this Capricorn full moon that's actually preparing us for the big changes."
"You can face whatever this is, especially because of the full moon energy."
"Tap into spirituality and divine communication, letting the full moon support you."
"A huge invitation not to let the electrical intensity of this moon suck you into old ways."
"I feel like this full moon is gonna bring some of that to your way."
"This full moon is illuminating that energy, showing us how far we've come."
"This is one of the best new Moons for setting intentions around relationships."
"This full moon energy is all about finding beauty in the unconventional."
"The full moon is just that final push to release things."
"Those with Moon in one of these nakshatras are placed into Moon's tangible grip and experience."
"Even the word 'lunatic' comes from 'Luna,' moon, right? These clues are encoded in our language, but still, we just ignore it."
"The moon stabilizes the Earth's spin, and that stabilizes our seasons."
"I feel like last night was a full moon I think that that's what my issue has been"
"Capricorn moons deal with a lot of these issues with their emotions."
"If the moon has the power to direct the ocean which it does it affects the tide how could it not affect us? Okay that's the best argument I've heard for it."
"Last night was a full moon and apparently a lot of your guys's kids also had trouble sleeping last night."
"To romantics, the moon is not only responsible for illuminating our nights, but also our relationships."
"Each one of us is connected to the moon through occult energies, shifting our emotional bodies."
"This full moon will bring clarity when it comes to your next steps."
"The moon has definitely cycles of influence, and you can feel it. I mean, it's undeniable."
"We're down now to 7,989 feet per second and we'll see that velocity continue to drop off until we reach the point that the spacecraft passes into the moon's sphere of influence."
"The bigger moons, the full and the new, are going to create the greatest amount of movement in the water."
"If you're new to Milky Way photography, I recommend you to plan your Milky Way photos without the moon."
"The most important thing that makes fish and all life active and feeding is all dictated by the moon."
"The moon is responsible for the ebb and flow of the ocean."
"When the moon is straight overhead or straight underfoot, that's when the deer are moving."
"The moon rules the night so the moon rules kind of our heart, our feelings."
"The waterbenders draw their strength from the Moon; their powers will be at their peak."
"I work it in the moonshine to catch the full moon and every plant I have there just grows fast."
"It's the moon," she whispered. "He said he can hear it calling to him."
"The tides, when the moon swung closer, rose so high nobody could hold them back."
"The moon raises tides and the earth rapidly rotates, and that tidal bulge pulls the moon forward in its orbit."
"The moon is responsible for earth’s tides."
"The moon's gravity force actually causes tides, the water to kind of move in and out."
"When the moon is in its fullest phase, I feel a madness that is even more profound than usual."
"The spirit of light who chose the moon as a dwelling place is the one who from there pours ripened wisdom down upon the earth, thus preparing the way for love."
"The moon is gonna make us react and respond to realistic stuff and stuff that makes sense."
"The Moon is also tied to self-care and relationships."
"The Moon helps us to focus and to know how to focus and when to focus and what to focus on."
"Love always wins on the full moon."
"It has almost the power of an eclipse."
"We're still under that full moon energy."
"Beautiful time ahead, kick-started by that moon."