
IOT Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"The uses for an IOT comprised of sensors is potentially limitless, which definitely classifies it as a genius invention."
"JavaScript runs on hardware, making it ideal for Internet of Things (IoT) devices."
"In 2018, the Eclipse Foundation ran a survey asking people what operating system they use for developing IoT devices. Linux outranked everything else by a long shot."
"IOT is a giant network with connected devices."
"I don't think it's going to be one of those techs that go away... they have too much skin in the game and they have too many connected devices."
"Everything will be connected and your needs will be met before you even know what they are. This will be the future of the IOT."
"Now let me show you how you can wire up this project to build our IoT watering system..."
"All of these are examples of devices that should be isolated into their own IOT network."
"With its capability to control hundreds of devices simultaneously within these parameters, LoRa offers an effective solution for many modern IoT setups."
"31 billion connected IOT devices by the end of this year."
"The cloud can be empowering for IOT devices."
"It's not just an IOT anymore, it's an Internet of smart things."
"Bigtable is ideal for real-time analytics, commonly seen in financial services and IoT."
"Internet of Things is all about this idea that hey, there's chips in everything."
"The Internet of Things is set to make trips into the country safer."
"Thread is an open IP based secure mesh networking protocol for IOT devices."
"IoT devices are notorious for having security vulnerabilities."
"It still got worse, nearly 300-thousand IoT digital video recorders started attacking various social networks."
"IoT will drastically transform the way we live and experience technology today."
"So I like to think of IoT not so much as a new type of technology, but more a new purpose for technology."
"HAI enhances the functionality and efficiency of Smart Homes and cities local processing and Analysis of data from iot devices enable real-time automation Energy Management security surveillance and personalized user experience."
"The Arduino IoT Cloud: An ideal platform for makers and experimenters, simplifying IoT projects without worrying about backend and security."
"Essentially, treat this as a regular data frame."
"Cloud variables: Key concepts in Arduino IoT Cloud, facilitating communication between devices and the cloud."
"Dashboards: Your control panel for cloud applications, easily customizable with drag-and-drop widgets."
"Triggers: A new feature in the Arduino IoT Cloud, enabling actions like push notifications in response to specific events."
"The Arduino IoT Cloud: Making IoT projects easier with a user-friendly interface and seamless integration."
"Add devices to the Arduino IoT Cloud with ease using the setup device wizard."
"Thread is the next big thing for IoT wireless networks."
"Social and physical environment is very important for creating successful IoT implications."
"In order to connect to your app, you actually have an IoT reset. When you hold that button down, Wi-Fi will flash on the screen allowing you to connect this to the EcoFlow app to control it and update it."
"Zigbee is in widespread use in IoT smart home hub scenarios."
"...it's pretty straightforward it's probably familiar to a lot of people maybe not everybody but it does open up the door for tons of opportunities of people who want to build iot devices."
"To check out our Nano ESP32 with the Arduino IoT Cloud, we're going to create a pretty simple temperature and humidity sensor device."
"This is aimed at IoT developers or Internet of Things pros who have coding skills."
"The world is moving towards connecting manual devices to the internet and making them smarter."
"Helium is a global distributed network of hotspots that create public long-range wireless coverage of Internet of things and mobile devices."
"Keeping IoT devices separate is crucial for security. It limits the scope of a potential breach."
"So, why waste your time trying to authenticate and match on IoT devices for your manufacturing floor in your office space, right? That would just... that's just a waste of authorization rule matching time and CPU cycles."
"With canoe for software, you can model your physical environment and also connect to other IoT devices."
"The dream is a world where we have intelligently connected nearly everything around us, connected in such a way that we get great value from things we used to take for granted."
"Business sits at a crossroad when it comes to IoT. It can drown under the weight of technology run amuck or seize one of the single greatest business opportunities of our time."
"MQTT is the backbone of many IoT devices."
"Video is easily the most widely deployed IoT sensor the world has ever seen, the most powerful."
"Using ESP-NOW, you can design a network of ESP devices that can communicate in a huge variety of ways."
"By the end of this video, you'll know how to connect your ESP32 to a wireless network and send and receive data over TCP for your latest IoT project."
"The internet of things evolves into the artificial intelligence of things."
"SQLite is not trying to replace all these other databases; it ends up being very useful in embedded devices and the Internet of Things."
"Okay, so this board is clearly designed to meet the demands of modern-day makers, offering loads of scope for IoT and voice-activated applications."
"We're going to push the sensors up to somewhere like ThingSpeak for example so you can see what the temperatures are over a period of time."
"Equipment and elements of buildings are becoming more intelligent by having connected sensors that are connected to internet networks and giving feedback all the time."
"ArcGIS is now IoT and big data ready, so you can tap into all of that real-time information, all of that big data, you can store it and manage it in ArcGIS."
"You can imagine a smart IoT where each thing doesn't just tell you where it is, it shows you everything that's going on around it."
"Smart IoT is just such a broad space, and ultimately we learn will change lives as we know them."
"An IoT Edge can be one of two different kinds of gateway."
"A transparent gateway... where a device could either talk to the edge itself or could talk directly over here to an IoT Hub."
"You can do message filtering... it will just filter that message and then send out only what it needs to the cloud."
"Another common thing that these are used for is AI."
"It's going to start emitting telemetry and that's going to go away by way of my IoT Edge device right here."
"Not all IoT devices are speed hungry."
"You want to make sure your IoT devices are not vulnerable."
"The goal of this webinar is to familiarize you with these other protocols and some other information about what's going on in the IoT world."
"MQTT lets you manage potentially hundreds of thousands of network connected devices using a single service."
"With the progress of the IoT, big data, and AI, a lot of industry a lot of company has star or will continue to deploy a lot more sensors to digitize their devices, equipments, systems as well as the business process."
"The Internet of Things or IoT refers to the interconnection of everyday objects or tools that we usually use with the internet."
"We are living in the era of Internet of Things where things are trying to talk to us."
"Let's begin the journey of IoT, how exciting!"
"After every theory-based video, there will be its corresponding IoT playground video where we should use whatever we have learnt to solve some real-world scenario."
"Learn about the Internet of Things with a project that lets you monitor the temperature, humidity, and light level of a room from an app on your smartphone."
"Neurotechnology... imagine controlling your IoT devices telepathically."
"Show Dan is a search engine for the Internet of Things, the world's first search engine for the internet connected devices."
"Google shows us websites, but Shodan shows us connected devices."
"Matter is the communication standard that's used by these Internet of Things... and this enables these smart devices to communicate reliably and also securely with each other."
"6LoWPAN is designed for IoT devices like low-power devices which have limited processing capabilities."
"All these layers help in developing IoT devices for monitoring as well as controlling the IoT devices for various applications."
"As apps get more sort of IoT and user intensive, you can imagine just having a database that can scale out and give you quick queries is really valuable."
"The new 802.11ah standard is designed for a different use case; it is optimized for low-power, long-range, and low data rate applications such as smart grid, machine-to-machine communication, and the Internet of Things."
"What we have done is we have built a full-stack IoT platform where what we've done is really enabled .net developers to get into this space and build professional IoT devices."
"With Meadow Cloud, you can do over the air updates and whatnot for the Meadow microcontroller devices."
"This is an enterprise IoT platform with a strong emphasis on security."
"Welcome everyone to the Microsoft IoT deep dive."
"I'm an IoT person that sort of stumbled into AI and ML because it's fun to run on IoT devices."
"The improvement in sensor technology and economics has created a boom of connected devices also known as the Internet of Things."
"These devices are making productivity improvements and enabling use cases that were previously not possible."
"A data-driven framework, Internet of Things, and data mining technologies could be explorative approaches to implement for distributed recycling."
"We'll also show how we've mapped that IoT data into the assets within the digital twin."
"IoT is super broad, so it's nice to find different communities where you can talk about maybe a home automation system that you did in your house."
"We manufacture sensors that make things talk, that make things record data, and that ensure the connection within the Internet of Things."
"It's publishing a topic called temperature and it's also publishing a temperature value of 24 degrees C."
"Clients can both be a publisher and a subscriber; they can both produce data and consume data."
"Vehicles are becoming a part of the IoT world, on one hand, the customer's vehicle will become a part of his personal IoT environment."
"IOT is very common nowadays and is very interesting."
"So basically, we can control anything from anywhere in the world, and that is part of IOT."
"IoT really is going to be the new game changer in our space."
"If you search for Node-RED, you will find that it's intimately related with the Internet of Things."
"We're entering an age where everything is converging into IoT."
"Bluetooth 5.0 and 6.0 were specifically aimed at IoT, improving the flexibility of the range and the battery required for the devices."
"It's really cool and pretty powerful especially for like building a little IoT gadget."
"The more we move towards IoT, the more we need to understand the machine level coding."
"MQTT stands for Message Queuing Telemetry Transport and it's a lightweight messaging protocol used in AWS IoT Core."
"Temperature sensor could send out temperature data to the broker or MQTT and the Nest thermostat that has subscribed to the service uses this information to turn on or off based on the temperature."
"A motion detection sensor right here publishes information to the MQTT broker that motion was detected and a CCTV camera can start recording the video footage."
"We successfully published messages back and forth from AWS IoT Core service and our Raspberry Pi using subscription topics."
"In real projects, event-based actions could be taken by various subscriber devices, such as turning AC on if the temperature is too high."
"AWS IoT Core is a cloud service provided by Amazon's cloud ecosystem and it lets you easily interact with connected devices."
"That's the kind of simple messaging that you'll probably want to do with a lot of IoT projects."
"Joining this family is now Android Things, designed to extend Android to a lot more exciting new product categories within the space of IoT."
"The physical web is about bridging the web and physical devices."
"We need to manage our carbon footprint for carbon footprint management all the data that you need to bring in or suck in is through IoTs and those are then managed through AI tools to give you an efficient way of tracking your carbon footprint."
"Internet of Things types of devices are a subset of cyber physical systems, they allow the humans to interact with their gadgets over the internet."
"We've successfully built our application that demonstrates how to send and receive MQTT Sparkplug B messages using Raspberry Pi, Node-RED, and Hive MQ Cloud as the broker."
"We've announced Cloud IoT Core with the goal to make it really easy for developers to build enterprise IoT applications."
"We have cloud IOT core to connect your existing and new devices."
"Let's hear what's the all the buzz about IoT or Internet of Things."
"IoT is a network of things that can communicate with each other and act upon that data if and when necessary."
"The reason for that is it's really simple to work in, it's not got a lot of hiccups associated with it and is generally well associated in the IoT space."
"This is the Microsoft IoT pack for Raspberry Pi 3."
"The rise of IoT in particular now means that networks used by these companies have become more complex and therefore harder to secure."
"The Amazon Echo is one of the coolest IoT devices on the market today."
"Your project could now be connected to the Internet and be part of the Internet of Things."
"I personally find the Internet of Things a fascinating concept."
"If you want to do Internet of Things in the easiest best way possible, this is it."
"Of all the buzzwords that everybody has talked about, I think I can make a pretty strong argument that the one that has delivered fastest on its promise has been IoT."