
Social Caution Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"There are vastly more downsides to telegraphing your wealth in public than there are benefits."
"This a flex. I would wear that to the club, but you know what, at least you could wear it to a club and not get drugged by some girl, you know, and have your watch taken in Miami."
"We need to show people that these are not the individuals that we need to be trusting."
"You gotta be careful of the frenemies that bring you information on what people are saying about you negatively."
"Pay attention to your circle before they hurt you."
"People like that are very dangerous and if you can't avoid them, avoid them."
"Listen up, girls, if the hottest guy in your school is flirting with you, there's a very strong possibility that he just wants to make fun of you." - Kate
"You can't be trusting random online people you don't even like. It takes a while before you can build a relationship."
"It's never ever okay to be a racist, um, it's in the, you know, look I think you always have to be careful, you know if you're in the public, you know how you, how you say things."
"You got a wife? I don't want to be snatched bald in the parking lot."
"It's tempting to keep just keep your mouth shut because that's the safe way, but then what if they think I'm in favor of that?"
"It's all jokes aside, I don't want to be lacking here because they get a bit stabby."
"And maybe they haven't done anything physically you know I would hope not but..."
"Kissing is the worst thing to do at the moment."
"If they could do it to very powerful people, they could do it to you and I."
"Be aware of who you're dealing with in your circle."
"I think we need to be very cautious about anything that is anti-meritocratic and anything that is uh that results in a suppression of free speech..."
"It's better to wait and see how this develops before people try to destroy a stranger's life and livelihood."
"Let's listen to people with the intent to gain a new perspective because if we keep fighting in the streets... they're going to lock us into our apartments via martial law."
"And Bowen Turner if you are watching this come July 2023 when you are released I hope for your sake that girls run when they see you."
"Don't get in there and assume that people are gonna have your back."
"Wow people i think and i think women and men for that matter will women twice before they start spreading before you ruin somebody's life with an accusation and when somebody can't defend themselves you know yes it's like."
"We need to be very careful with this whole outrage mob... these things are dangerous."
"I couldn't give you the full hug because I seen a couple of ops I didn't mess with."
"I don't want to give the message that everybody should be policing everything they do and everyone around them and what they do because that gets so nauseous right."
"Everybody ain't your friend, everybody ain't your partner."
"Conspiracy theories about pedophilia or sexual assault should be taken seriously."
"Please don't say that I shouldn't talk about things because I'm not African American."
"Be careful out here gentlemen, be careful because the guy that I work with... had Asperger's. He could be cool for about 90% of the time and 10% of the time he will flip out on you."
"New friends become dangerous because sometimes you don't know what people's ulterior motives are."
"It's not a matter of turning around and saying something if you feel uncomfortable because that could also get you killed, that could be what sets off a dangerous man, and you don't know which ones are dangerous."
"Pay attention to someone's energy, they may be deceitful."
"Watch out for those who cause division and put obstacles in your way."
"Toxic thinking is contagious, low thinking is contagious, so you gotta socially distance yourselves."
"Stick around and you can wave goodbye to successive freedoms."
"Women are routinely making adaptations in our routines to avoid certain places."
"She gave us words of life, this is what she said: 'Be careful with our words, we can kill people with our comments and horrible words.'"
"My comments were actually Jess iris said, 'Be careful of Nancy because she's everyone's landlord.'"
"You need to really get more information and continue to be observant around the people and places and things that you associate yourself with so you don't get caught up in no drama."
"Build a strategy and trust yourself, but be careful of people you have a weird vibe about."
"Careful of the company that you keep and the people you let around you."
"Don't pick a fight with someone and underestimate their mindset because you may stumble onto sociopaths who will get back at you for being such a delightful person."
"I don't want this to happen. No one should want this to happen."
"Watch out for people that won't come to your party."
"You really have to watch who you engage with."
"All the more reason why, if you're black and you're male and you're poor and working class and you live in the city, you need to stay the hell away from anything that even will attract the slightest bit of notice from the police, from the state."