
Voter Impact Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Black voters are carrying this ball across the goal line."
"Your vote matters so much at the local level."
"Wisconsin voters have just done something really, really great."
"It's a bid by Republican Elites to kneecap the Republican voters that exist throughout the whole country."
"Poor and low-wealth people can determine who sits in the Senate and who sits in the White House."
"Congress exists to Sure responsibility, people in Congress want to get reelected and they've learned that if they do very little then there's not much that voters can say to say they should be kicked out."
"Their voices matter and if they turn out and show who they are we can win this election."
"I think it's time to turn up the heat because the black vote is going to decide who is the next president of the United States."
"Yes because guess what if he names amy klobuchar as his vice president y'all gonna vote for him but amy klobuchar records the da."
"I think destroying the country is ancillary. All they care about is getting more votes."
"If you want to pull the major party closest to your thinking, you must show them you're capable of not voting for them."
"Voting is like everything else, a meager way by which you can guide the course of the world towards a slightly less shitty direction."
"We need us telling us how we have made our lives better through voting."
"Why would you lose the election for delivering for voters?"
"Gas prices skyrocketing and we just sit back and we're like well you reap what you sow like you voted for this congratulations I guess." - Unknown
"Forget the personalities. Look at their platform and what's going to affect you and how it's going to affect you, your family, the country."
"It's almost like that one move of bringing the troops back... is worth a hundred votes, a thousand votes."
"Convincing people to vote better multiplies your vote for everyone you convince."
"Every single vote counts, and the polls have not gotten it wrong."
"Complacent voters and non-voters have so much more power than they know."
"Your vote does count, and there is something you can do."
"Whoever you vote for, you end up with wokeness."
"It's very clear that the president is preparing, plotting, figuring out, endeavoring, scheduling to get stuff out to you."
"It is the most vulnerable and the most marginalized who delivered this democratic majority and so it's up to us now for congress to act to meet the moment and to deliver on the most basic rights to that coalition of voters."
"Georgia voters made history and made their voices heard."
"If on top of that people understand and vote accordingly..."
"The verdict is going to be delivered by the voters."
"If you can be discouraged to not go vote as Amir just said, if you don't vote you're giving the vote to Biden."
"Black voters delivered Georgia. They delivered these other key states."
"Voting and understanding what's going on in your country is one of those type of things where it won't matter to you until you make it matter to you."
"If you're a regular American and you keep voting for these people then you get what you deserve."
"Our forecast says that Biden's going to win the popular vote by eight, eight and a half points."
"Why would any government do that? Well, call me cynical, but I'm gonna guess it's going to affect people who are predominantly not conservative voters."
"Biggest story ever... 70 percent of Biden voters would not have voted for the Biden Harris ticket if they'd known about the Biden laptop." - James Comer
"Black vote is decisive... It would be wonderful to see if the young people are opening their minds."
"It really genuinely could go either way very likely that this thing comes down to a few hundred ballots it is just that close."
"We're on the cusp of victory. The polls are good but polls don't vote. Voters do."
"We've never come close to seeing what it would be like if everybody voted."
"The only thing that didn't matter in this presidential election is the voters. We literally didn't matter at all."
"People are concerned about pocketbook problems."
"When you look at the fact that gas prices are going back up, groceries are going up... you lose their votes and you lose their ear."
"It's always been about the economy, it's always been about inflation."
"When characterizing the conflicts in Congress as one that falls on the shoals of partisan dysfunction... obscures the litany of areas where corporate Democrats vote with Republicans to undermine the rights of the American people."
"He absolutely is, and a lot of people who were not engaged in politics much at all, who felt left out by the political establishment, Donald Trump brought them in."
"It's a warning sign to Democrats: When you pivot to the center, you risk depressing the hell out of that incredible populist uprising that has been animating American politics in recent years."
"The only way to do that is to make sure this guy gets reelected."
"This is the Year, this is the election when your vote up and down to the very bottom of the ballot is an answer to this one question: is it democracy or is it force and violence?"
"Vote for the Democrats at this point is suicidal."
"Trump's a gangster and that means he has cred among a new block of Voters that perhaps have never given him a serious look."
"Georgia voters stood up for our democracy, rejected ultra-magnetism, and most importantly, sent a good man back to the Senate."
"Women of color showed up in big waves, of course you saw in Georgia what black women have done."
"Black voters made their voices heard as well. It's crucial to stay focused on the things that will create paths to prosperity for every person."
"Conservative governments are masters at letting down their own publics their own voters."
"I think it would be actually a good thing for the American voters if Texas became a country."
"Even if you are a supporter of President Trump, I really do not see how he could not afford to lose even one percent of his base."
"Your vote matters for making sure that mom and dad are taken care of."
"If Democrats can tangibly improve people's lives and show America that we can govern competently, then all the crap we get from the right wing won't matter as much to voters."
"We keep picking on Democrats... you keep voting for these Democrats... are they helping you?"
"Just because you live in another state doesn't mean you can't tell a politician that you think they'll lose their next primary if they support bills that make it harder for the poor and minorities to defend themselves."
"Perhaps telling half the voters that they no longer make decisions about their own bodies has something to do with falling poll numbers."
"If folks lose their vote, then the agenda that you were elected on will never become real."
"And, frankly, what we'd like to be the number-one thing that we're talking about here, today, every single day, is not FBI investigations but things that, frankly, affect American voters and American taxpayers every single day."