
Community-feeling Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"For all the people out there who went and just had a good time, did some clapping, did a little bit of cheering or just sat there, hell yeah, I hope you had a blast."
"With smaller streams, it feels more like a group of people hanging out rather than just getting lost in the mist of stuff."
"They're more than fans, they feel like family."
"The last time I felt this sense of joy and community in a film was the climax of Endgame."
"It feels sort of like we're all kind of living in this place together and I thought we could talk about it together."
"The Fairy Tail guild, the protagonist of the Fairy Tail anime, is one of the few places that really feels like home."
"We're part of it now, like we're, you know, we're in the book. That feels great."
"It was engulfing or consuming and everyone who lived there felt it."
"You walked in here as strangers, but after today you're a family."
"We're like the little kids table guys, it's great to have you guys here joining us today."
"Hopefully you guys get to feel the happiness that I'm feeling... you know hopefully you guys get to feel what I'm feeling."
"It really does seem like a family and I think that's something I've been missing for a while."
"It feels like more of a community, actually."
"The best version of the metaverse in my opinion... really felt like you were part of something bigger than yourself. That's awesome."
"Their story says really nice things about the club... makes fans feel like we're part of a club that means something."
"Your vlogs make us feel like we are friends with you guys, thanks." - Callaloo carne
"I feel like I'm expressing the same feelings that many other people have."
"You become family... It's an extended family."
"It's lonely, it's isolating... So for many of us, the only way we feel like we can connect to others is to connect to the news."
"It makes me feel like we're doing it together."
"This is why we love our channel here at Dad's Den because you're a family and I'm the dad, I'm the op of the papa."
"Publishing would make me feel less lonely and make me feel like yeah I'm not alone."
"So you're not alone out there in the world, and you realize there's other people who feel the same way and think the same way about these topics."
"You guys are honestly like family, you really are."
"The residents feel protected from the chaos just a few blocks away."
"Just knowing that you're certainly not alone."
"No matter where you are on the planet, you are not alone."
"We need to reconnect... We're all feeling unseen unheard we're afraid."
"You could feel the quietness and sense of foreboding."
"I just want everybody to feel wanted, that's all."
"When you're here, you are family! Olive Garden."
"You cannot have a diverse family and not let it feel like family." - Debbie
"Pull up a chair, grab yourself some snacks, a cup of tea... we're all friends when we gather here."
"We're all in it together, and I love running into you guys."
"I really, ultimately, want to be your comrade."
"I talked to the PhotoPass photographer and I talked to a few families who are around and everybody seems to be like really happy and really orderly."
"Part of me is like, 'but I'm totally gonna love organizing it. I love organizing.' It's like a weird, I know I'm not alone."
"You don't owe us apologies; we're family here."
"I cannot help but feel like everyone here is almost family and for that, I am blessed."
"It just gives you that more personal feeling."
"I've really got the feel of what it's like to be in the WI by all the support that you've given me."
"What a great atmosphere, love it."
"I just feel like you're all my friends who I just chat away with, so that motivates me and inspires me to crack on and have a productive day."
"They treat ATINY less like fans and more like friends."
"In our town, walking into Beach Time Fabric and Crafts makes you feel like family."
"I've never seen this kind of feeling in our community as I see in Islam."
"We want you to feel like you're hanging out with us but also learning a lot of really valuable information."
"I love the feeling of even though we're all so far apart geographically, you feel like you're in the same room giggling and chatting."
"We have feelings for the people that lost their stuff."