
Remedies Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"The remedy will provide the wholesale price of Call of Duty games offered to Sony."
"Access-based remedies are better than the vegetable remedies because they prevent the achieving on the benefits of the vertical integration."
"Sometimes the best cure for anxiety or depression is rest."
"The remedy for misinformation is more information, and the remedy for bad speech is more speech."
"Chicken soup and ginger herbal tea, very good for you."
"In order for remedies to really work, you have to be consistent and you have to give it time."
"Moral damage, physical, mental harm, lost opportunities, material damages: remedies."
"My headache got so bad after dessert so I had a Panadol then I basically downed a whole packet of these eucalyptus lozenges which really don't do anything and I didn't sleep at all."
"If a spirit is causing misfortune, illness, or discomfort, you need to do something about it."
"If you make time for these things and you continue and you stay consistent they will pay off."
"When a worldwide influenza pandemic hit America in 1918, lemons were promoted as a cure."
"Imagine if you had immediate access to remedies without needing to make a trip to the grocery store or wait for a prescription to be filled, with a price that was more than what you preferred to pay."
"These remedies really work, and yes, you can make them yourself."
"If you're just going to stretch your neck or get massages without addressing all of this stuff here, you're not going to get lasting results."
"Try these remedies and know that you're not alone in struggling with hair loss."
"If you're feeling like you got that sinus infection, you got a cough, if you feel like you maybe got that strep, take you three of these a day."
"Healing remedies: meditation, contemplation, nature connection, music, arts, creativity, facing fears."
"Make no small plans. Perhaps today we should add seek no small remedies."
"I spent the rest of the day fighting my hangover with drawn curtains, four or five gallons of water, and enough Tylenol."
"Humans have been using honey to help cuts heal for thousands of years, and it works on turtles too."
"Be prepared if you get seasick, bring some stuff: sea bands, motion sickness pills, I like the patches or prepare to drink a lot of ginger ale."
"Sometimes the most helpful remedies for the Human Condition are not packaged in a pill box, but in nature."
"Hydration is the cure to basically all skin concerns."
"Remedies are a must. Worshiping Mati and visiting J linga can help you align with the energies of B nakshatra."
"You can make tinctures for aches and pains, you can make tinctures that can help you sleep."
"Pure air, sunshine, abstemiousness or temperance, rest, exercise, proper diet, use of water, trust in divine power - these are the true remedies."
"Gripe water seriously helps babies with their gas and hiccups. It makes his hiccups disappear within seconds."
"Sometimes the simplest of my remedies have the most magical of results."
"Other alternative remedies are simply not working."
"The castor oil packs have really helped massively for the menstrual phase of my cycle."
"We're gonna talk about seven ways that ladies stop or at least postpone their itch."
"So sometimes if I have a cold, it'll last up to 7 days, but when I take Elderberry and really use these medicinal remedies, I find my colds only last for 2 to 3 days and they're much less severe."
"Sometimes God uses natural remedies to bring about the supernatural."
"Everybody's got unique wounds and therefore needs unique remedies."
"Some people used to believe that kissing a donkey could relieve a toothache."
"Tea tree oil actually was the thing that helped the most."
"It's a spoonful of honey and chamomile tea, age-old, used for a lot of reasons."
"Anyone that's suffering with heartburn then Reni or gavascon great."
"Ginger and peppermint are the two that, upon my research, are fantastic for nausea and/or seasickness."
"There are some remedies, some things you can do to help you get through this."
"...it just depends on how severe it is... have you tried a stretching routine? have you tried exercise?"
"You notice that you're having kidney issues, what should you do? Water, cranberry juice, cucumber juice, and stop eating a lot of salt."
"The best remedies against such assaults is prayer, accompanied by true humility, self-distain, confidence in God, the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the use of sacramentals, and obedience to one's spiritual director."
"Immunity shots and wellness boosting drinks are going to be your go-to if you're currently going through a chaotic life."
"Liquidated damages... what the parties agree beforehand on what the remedy will be if there's a breach."
"There's a whole host of things that you can make with herbs that can be very comforting to you for various reasons."
"So you can see there really isn't a remedy that's right for everybody."
"...we need remedies that really have teeth."
"There's always a herb and a potion for everything."
"I remember when I was a kid if the dog was sick, my dad was like, 'Oh, let him eat some grass.'"
"You need to give the remedy enough time to do its magic."
"The upside of doing all this testing is that I never would have thought home remedy for tooth pain would have worked, but it does."
"Strange afflictions require stranger remedies."
"Peppermint tea is really good for headaches; chamomile tea is really good when you're on your period."
"It's good for stomach problems and like for being happy in life."
"Contract remedies are not about punishment."
"My grandmother used to say that the best cure for a hangover was a nice bowl of pig's head soup; I disagree, I personally like a strong coffee and something sweet whenever I feel like I got ran over by a truck."
"Nature has the remedy for so many of our ills."