
Performance Expectations Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"For me, it was like I wouldn't have Sancho and Bruno because then I think you've got to win four nil every week because they can't both get goals and assists. I hope they do."
"I think the pressure of creating so much is that it's really hard to constantly create and have everything measure up as much as you'd like it to."
"I wouldn't be surprised if they go back to him for the summer. If you've got someone that can average 60 or 70 in Australia, they'll work it out eventually in different parts of the world."
"Bruno Fernandes is a revelation and he's going to be a revelation, but next season is a very big season for Maguire, Wan-Bissaka, and Dan James."
"It takes a lot to make an impact in mixed martial arts. Simply winning is almost never enough. Fans want you to win spectacularly."
"If you're up against the Man Citys and the Liverpools and the Chelseas, you cannot get away with not doing what you should have done. You can't. You can't. You can't just go, 'Oh, I ran out of time.'"
"I think one thing that sucks about being the best is... anything short of stomping your opponent is a huge failure."
"Reality is much stiffer than people think and both people need to perform."
"You get no credit for playing hurt, you better play well."
"Even if Rashford does have a poor season next season, he'll get a contract, he'll get a very good one as well."
"I bet you by mid-season he is gonna be just, you know, I think a defensive rookie of the year candidate."
"Is she going to be as fast as she looks? I hope so but definitely there is a lot of excitement in putting the car finally on the road."
"He's tremendous, he's what you expect in a goalkeeper, sweeper keeper."
"This guy wants it or he doesn't want it as hard as everyone else or you know it's not there that drives not there so why are you gonna wait."
"If he picks the team right, against Arsenal it will be totally different."
"If you're brought in to improve graduation rates, what kind of photo confidence does it say if you don't have any stability in leadership?"
"Nobody cares about excuses. You can only be so good, but we gotta see production."
"You need to be able to accept that you're not going to be the 12 CS per minute Azir."
"The Leafs don't need the best goalie in the league. What you need out of a goaltender is to not let in any shitty goals."
"No manager at Man United should be getting a free ride."
"Mason Greenwood, yeah. Is the player I want to see improve in 2022."
"The standards have dropped way too low, and we want them to do better."
"I genuinely thought that he knew what he was doing... but no, he genuinely didn't understand."
"If you offer a team an excuse to lose, they're going to take it." - Shaka
"If you made 200 million dollars last year you damn well better make 220 million dollars this year or you're failing."
"It's hard to win the playoff game, better yet, a Super Bowl. Okay, so if he didn't have a honeymoon season, I mean, things went right for him from the time the regular season got there."
"He wants you to see him at a level you've never seen it before."
"I don't expect him to repeat a 17 sack season."
"Until he wins something, he's not gonna get bigged up." - Robbie
"The bottom line is we all know what the expectation is - our job is to win and we have to put the team in the best position possible that gives us the best chance to do that."
"A player shouldn't have to play the game a second time for it to run better."
"Megan is a performer, honey. She told her when you saw her name on the performer list like she's going to put on a show and entertain us."
"There is nowhere to hide, there is no doubt."
"Give me that consistency, that's all I ask for."
"Even if hypothetically his handle doesn't live up to our lofty expectations it wouldn't change the fact he's one of the greatest prospects the league has ever seen."
"We're not going to settle for a game where you win in the final minute with a one-nil result. We're not going to settle with that. For me, that's a poor result."
"I just think that top four might be as good as we can get."
"You're not going to win every game. Accepting this mantra, as well as having realistic expectations, will ease up the anxious thoughts."
"I'm not rooting for them to fail, I'm simply rooting for them to try harder."
"Are they going to be good enough to do that?"
"Now when I first saw these numbers, I was expecting them to be comparing against the base model with the slow G5 graphics."
"If he has that it's over if he doesn't have it now you're probably looking at William Bonac but me the muscles there the shape is there."
"If United don't start acting like a big club we are finished."
"I'm the boss here and you don't deserve to be here you should have at least tried to do your work well"
"At 36, you can't take three years off and then expect to beat the guy at 33."
"No one could fight something like that. They'd have to be a very good 11-year-old actor."
"Switzerland always outperform what The Bookies expect of them."
"They're aiming at that... You want to do better than 100x, especially if you're using the word ultra."
"If you are a coach of a sports franchise that does not win and they have the resources to win, you should be fired."
"I expected way higher frames for some reason, I don't know why."
"I need more of these performances from Dwight. I need more."
"He was the one that always wanted 110 percent."
"Let them know how you're feeling. WWE knows they have to amp it up."
"All our goals and expectations are to be beyond what we've done."
"If Arteta doesn't win a trophy, he has to leave."
"Your favorite black coach, I do no wrong, get them wins up or I won't be here for long."
"The presumption that somebody who happens to be brown should be ipso facto exempted from the expectation of performance, patted on the head rather than guided to the challenge, is racism."
"Are you crazy? It should be even better or higher than your last time or your last or your most intent times were because this is a bigger situation."
"Expect prices to double by RDNA 5, but expect performance to be so much higher that a lot of people won't care."
"This vehicle, I believe, is going to have quite a high skill cap."
"If you can't put a Manchester United shirt on and try hard, then what the [ __ ] are you doing here?"
"If you're not going to perform, if you're not going to listen, if you're not going to train the right way then I'm going to start fresh with these young lads."
"As a manager, you are not delivering on what you're meant to deliver."
"If we don't get it in three years, it's a fail."
"I remember hearing multiple times behind the scenes and in rehearsals that Miss USA is not a model, Miss USA does not have to have the best walk."
"Trying hard shouldn't even be a consideration, it should come as standard."
"The heat is certainly on him this season to prove he's worth all that money."
"There's always that extra added pressure coming into the new season to not go a season without winning one."
"If Alexa bliss was so good at what she did then the matches with Maya Jax would have been fucking fantastic."
"Even if he starts the season and he has a bad first five, six months, maybe even a bad first season, he will—he's not a flop."
"That's why it's a great season and all that stuff, but expectations are gonna rise."
"It's not about expecting perfection. It's about channeling frustration into positive energy and pushing each other beyond what we thought was possible."
"Games will be 4k 60 now will the odd game not hit 4k 60 sure."
"I believe that we have failed these players not by giving them all of these things but by not putting a demand on the work."
"When a guy is making 40 plus million dollars a year, the numbers he's giving you, that wasn't acceptable."
"PC users don't deserve this; if you're investing so much in your game's hardware, you expect to get the performance out of it." - Rich
"PC users don't deserve this fundamentally. If you're investing so much in your game's hardware, you expect to get the performance out of it." - Rich
"The most likely outcome is for him to remain similar or possibly take a step back just because he was so phenomenal."
"Elite athletes are still paid to perform even when they are struggling."
"Not only do we expect it to beat expectation, but we expect it to have really great guidance for future quarters."
"I think it makes sense that the CPU requirements here aren't crazy to hit the same 30 FPS that the PlayStation 4 could do."
"Sometimes you're having a bad day, of course, but as an artist, you're not allowed to have it, you still have to get on stage and you still have to perform."
"We have to build manager accountability by setting expectations and holding managers accountable."
"Men's sort of innate burden of performance."
"It's okay to have high expectations on... how quickly he's able to get rid of the ball, how the ball looks coming out of his hands."