
Alternative Paths Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Had I not found parkour... I very much suspect I'd have been dead at the age of 18."
"Can you become a lawyer even if you don't have a law degree? Absolutely."
"If there was a younger person watching this, like high school or college, who's working at selling insurance and they hate it, how could you go about working here?"
"Temperance reminds us: one step at a time, and there's always another path if needed."
"I feel like I got the ball rolling. So that's my alternate life that I may turn to at some point. We'll see."
"If I can't get into IITs at least I can get into management, right?"
"If I stuck with melee, you guys would probably not know me today."
"I just don't feel like following the path of what everybody else is doing is gonna work for me."
"Sometimes friends, the high road is under construction, and therefore we take the low road."
"So what if you couldn't have the husband but you could have the kids?"
"The road less traveled oftentimes leads to a more uncertain but fulfilling life."
"Jesus was offering an alternative path to God."
"But there are so many other things you can do if you don't pass your GCSEs."
"Some semblance of success could be had by going an indie route."
"Negators had only three paths to take in life... there is a fourth option, and that's killing the source - God."
"There's another way, baby. Whatever way you think is going to happen, there is another way."
"I think I would have been a little bit less crazy if I went to public school."
"There is always another way, and you are receiving this guidance now."
"Some of my favorite situations and characters in this game you may not even speak to if you don't try those evil routes."
"Your power lies in being willing to channel your anger into choosing a different path or seeing what else might be found in different options."
"You don't necessarily have to go to college to make a great living."
"If I wasn't doing YouTube I'd be a miserable teenager doing homework and literally doing nothing except school that would be me thank God that ain't me."
"If you can see yourself doing anything else, go do that thing."
"It's okay to walk away from things and say, 'You know what, this way is not working, so therefore I've got to find another route.' Go on a journey of discovery."
"College? I'm very much supportive of not having to go to college."
"In my opinion, Kreese is what would have happened to Mr. Miyagi if he reacted to his time in the military and the trauma of losing his loved ones with anger instead of sadness."
"It's not the only way to success."
"College is a scam, bro. Graduate high school, get your diploma at least, do that for sure."
"You didn't go to college and you're doing amazing."
"We all have choices we all make you are always just one decision away from a totally different life."
"I was pleasantly surprised to figure out that you don't necessarily have to go to a four-year university study computer science to be a software engineer."
"...you don't necessarily have to go to a four-year university study computer science to be a software engineer, who would have thunk."
"If I wasn't doing YouTube I would most likely just like right now we're in the future like future I'd probably do something with houses real estate interior designing type thing."
"There's just a new path that people can go down without college, and it's acceptable."
"You don't need to graduate college to be successful in life."
"You don't need to go to university to contribute to your livelihood."
"Growing up Amish, I didn't have more than an eighth-grade education, so I may have definitely gone a different route if I had more education."
"Maybe college is not best, maybe you could go join the real world and start making 10, 20K a month and really have an impactful life."
"If I wasn't an actress, I'd do this job."
"Kids should just learn how to build businesses and not go to college."
"A four-year degree isn't the only path to success."
"Who needs a sidewalk when you can climb a mountain"
"Getting a job might not be the best way for you to go about approaching life."
"You don't have to go to the military if you want to break into this industry."
"I believe that path doesn't need to begin with a school. I think it could easily be the school of restaurant Danielle on 65th street."
"Literally would not be possible in this life, but if I took like a completely different path, I feel like I would really thrive being like a nature photographer."
"Sometimes I feel like college is such a waste. Like, you can be doing other things in life. All the world's smartest people, most successful people, were actually college dropouts."
"If this channel somehow blows up in the next couple of months, I probably won't go to college."
"We think it's valuable that you can get more out of studying these charts than getting your MBA."
"The thing that seems to be the rock that's in your way is saying no no... don't go that route there's a better route."
"Do you remember when I said that you should find a different way to achieve your dream?"
"The band's frontman could have become the singer for one of the most popular supergroups of the 2000s."
"A four-year degree isn't the only path to success; we need talented people to make and build."
"I still believe in my soul there is another way."
"Life doesn't always lead you where you want to go, but that's okay because there are other potentially better paths if you're open to them."
"Guess what, high school is not for you."
"A lot of people don't want to send their kids to college. That's not even the traditional way to be successful, never has been, it's a myth."
"You can make a success of your life in other ways."
"It's a good way for people who didn't have the same opportunities to get like college experience and have a different life in the future."
"You can get where you want to go without the degree many times, and by the way, that means no debt."
"Those unconventional routes are the only ways where people are doing more than just surviving."
"We're going away from having to go to college to be successful."
"Instead of going to college for four years, I wanted to help people who don't have the time, money, resources, or desire to do four years of school."
"You don't have to learn the hard way, you can choose a different path."
"Everybody has a dream, right? But when the dream doesn't come the traditional way, what do you do next?"
"If you get rejected from medicine, don't give up. Consider taking a gap year, going through clearing, or studying abroad."
"If life doesn't want this for me, maybe life wants something else."
"Find happiness and fulfillment in other ways."
"This ain't the life y'all want to live for real; if you ain't gotta live this life, don't live it."
"School 2021 revolves around students attending a specialized high school and seeking their ambitions instead of going to college."
"Being a professional musician doesn't work out, and getting a degree so you can teach and you can make a difference in people's lives doesn't make you any less of a musician if you chose another path."
"I believe I will get those things, just got to get them a different route."
"We go to educate ourselves at the end of the day to go and get a job to make some money, and these people just found an alternative route."
"It's one of those things where it gives people the inspiration to say, 'Oh you know what, maybe I can try this path.'"
"This is what I would be doing with my free time or my finances if I had another career."
"Models are lucky that Stray Kids chose music."
"Oceanelle stated that she wished she could represent District 4 in another way instead of having to fight in these games."
"If I had chosen a different route in my life, I might have become a food blogger."
"You don't have to go to school after going to high school. You can do whatever you want and still be successful."
"I probably would have been a preacher in a church or something if I didn't do hip-hop."
"I am convinced that there's another way to open to the Divine, and that it may be slower, it may not be as dramatic, but it's healthier."
"I didn't have a plan B, but I did have my drama degree which I guess was my plan B."
"Wondering what would've happened if I had chosen a different path was in a way, picking a fight with an alternative life that I wasn't actually living and then losing by default."