
Personal Invitation Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I'd love to see you while you're here. That would literally be so much fun."
"Hey, Jessie could you come sit right here, do you want to sit here or no, ages to talk about you?"
"Welcome to my channel, if that's something that interests you it would mean the absolute world to me."
"I really like your outfit, would you match with me?"
"We'll be at Stan Efferding's booth at 1pm so make sure you guys pull up over there and say what's up to your boy man."
"I started a family and I would like for you to be a part of it, bro."
"I want you on the team, yeah I would love to."
"Everyone say hello to REM you'll... let me know if you want me to make caramel curry."
"Fongling come with me to America there's nothing left for you China."
"Saturday night, tune in for yourself. You can see firsthand. There's nothing I can say that will convince you guys." - Caleb Plant
"Come with me, come to know and find out what is true, then you'll know what's in store just for you."
"Join me now for the unparalleled little pleasure."
"Are you up to the challenge? Can you beat me?"
"I want you to join our crew, I want you to become one of us."
"I hope that if you don't know Christ I hope that uh that you will open your heart to the greatest experience of human existence that's to feel the feel the infilling of the spirit of God that comes into you and empowers you."
"So... will you go on a date with me in two years?"
"I think you're amazing. You take my breath away. When are you free to meet up for a drink?"
"Definitely hit me up and Greg up about where you land on this."
"I really hope to see you all there. Thank you for starting your morning with me."
"I see your smile, thank you. Would you like to go out for coffee?"
"The feeling of relaxation washed over me... come and see."
"I encourage you to join us on friday night september 10th 9 pm eastern just sign up by going to michaelmore.com it's all free."
"I've invited Ebro for five years to talk to me."
"So welcome to your party. The pleasure is ours. One of one by Samoa. Party of one. You're invited."
"I know you're watching from home, I want you here too, Darby Allin."
"I just want you guys to be a part of this opening ceremony, this blue is amazing."
"Join me Camilla Tomlinson on Sunday mornings from 9:30."
"There is just this incredibly beautiful fuck you to Nazism when you invite somebody from that lineage as a Jew into your home."
"Conor Cedric says when you come up north again, come to the Gilpin Hotel. We will hook you up."
"See you there, kaleen, just outside Newport South Wales."
"I actively think about you, and it's not like... why don't you just come see me?"
"Have you ever been to blah-blah? I'll take you there sometime."
"Come see me on my book tour Saturday, May 21st."
"I really want to hang out with you, let's hang out this week!"
"Grab a cup of coffee or a cup of tea or a soft drink, oh you know what if you're into I don't mind."
"This practice invites you to do that as most of our yoga does."
"Do you also want to go on a noodle adventure?"
"It'd be cool to have you come back to Philly."
"He says, 'You should come up to San Francisco, I probably will.'"
"A very special opportunity that I want to talk to you guys about."
"Thanks so much guys for joining me here on the Stoney Ridge Farm today."
"I cannot wait for you to see it decked out for the holidays but mostly uh just for easy comfortable old house living let's go inside."
"Manifested, man bro, I mean I'm inviting her to some tacos and a 40. Yeah, yeah, yeah."
"You have to come here, you have to be here to see this, you have to be here to experience this."
"I'm offering Shrimu as an invitation to a beautiful life."
"I made fully loaded, and next year we're doing two nights at the Gorge. I'll fly you in private. You ever want to come to one? I'm being serious."
"We laugh at a bunch of stuff and have fun so check out the channel if you can thanks for having me on once again"
"Happy sewing, and enjoy a big day with me. Cheers!"
"Do your thing, all right, you're more than welcome to join me."
"It's really fun to drive, so how do you know how fun it is to drive? You have to come out to National Indoor RV Centers and take one for a ride for yourself."
"You already know this, we do a lot of workshops, please come, they're all free and they're really all for you."
"Follow me on Instagram, and with that, I'm gonna bid you farewell."
"I was born in Atlanta and would love to meet or go to lunch if anything, if you have time."
"Greetings, Travelers. I've been invited by personal invitation by Dan himself to participate in this game jam of sorts."
"We have a special need to feel that we belong. Come with me inside, inside my velvet rope."
"Art is a practice, that's my motto, and I invite you to adopt it for yourself as well."
"If you do find yourself in the United Kingdom then please do come and see me, you know I have a bar and school, so come and see me for a class, a glass, or a bottle."
"I wanted the book that really celebrates the spirit of those conversations, invites people to have their own."
"Prayer means I'm inviting you into my marriage, my finances, my decision-making, my home."