
Physical Prowess Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"A man that big should not move in that manner."
"Wilbur's growth was indeed phenomenal, attaining a size and muscular power not usually found in infants."
"Chris does display extraordinary strength in this instance by throwing a standard roundhouse with plenty of follow through."
"Expressions genetically jacked athletically stacked."
"Shaolin monks can throw needles through glass with incredible force and precision."
"Some people are strong but others, they're very very strong. So strong in fact they might just beat Superman in an arm wrestling match."
"Yami possesses dark magic and overcomes the slowness of the dark magic by combining it with his katana...he's the strongest captain physically...and he is known for his ability to surpass his limits when the situation calls for it."
"Pretty much every character here is probably physically stronger than most average people."
"He even broke a one-inch Pine board with his hand."
"Even without magic, Mash's attack was unstoppable."
"The arm is just through the roof powerful. The running is special."
"He has like supernatural abilities, he can climb to the top of a tree in like 2 seconds."
"Her extraordinary flexibility and skill have earned a well-deserved place in the Guinness Book of World Records."
"One finger handstand: Forget gifted hands, these Shaolin monks can achieve great feats of strength using just their index finger."
"You walk right up to the cart, squat into a lifting position, and hoist the entire thing up and out of the rut without breaking so much as a sweat."
"Anakin Skywalker was at the pinnacle of his physical prime, shaped with an athletic build, strong, fast, and agile."
"When Chuck Norris does a push-up, he doesn't push himself up, he pushes the world down."
"It turns out that Mash gave up on trying to beat him with the disc and decided to choke him out instead so in one second he used his muscles to cut off blood flow to his head and knock him out immediately."
"Dudes like double your size... gonna be an elite run defender right out of the gate."
"Just look at the poise and warrior spirit this man embodies to accomplish all these incredible feats."
"Akeem will do really well there too. Akeem's a massive dude and he's really found his conditioning. So has Akeem, you know, Akeem could be up there with Rami, he could stand next to Rami in muscularity."
"His durability is off the charts as we saw in chapter 110 where this man got flung through buildings with no scratches on him."
"Skills that were born in the woods where strength speed and toughness define success."
"How fantastic is Keanu in his movement? He really looks like he knows martial arts."
"Van Diresh, Layton Vanderash was the first NFL player that I saw in person where I was like, holy [__], this guy's a freak of nature."
"It's just like you, no brain all Brawn. Unbelievable."
"Blaziken's legs are powerful enough to jump over a 30-story building."
"The lion fights all three of them off single-handedly bringing his fist down on the head of one of the beasts so hard that as it strikes the Earth it takes its body a few moments to keep Pace."
"Our winner of the deadlift: JF Karon, 926 pounds."
"Peak human reflexes: he caught one of green arrows in mid-flight."
"Gorillas: 15 to 20 times stronger than humans."
"Lex Luger would make his way up to the champion and body slam him with ease."
"What an amazing career though, nine years, an athletic freak of nature utilizing his size to smash the opposition."
"He dominates on the edge, blows defenders off the ball."
"Pound for pound, Victor Benjamin might be one of the strongest guys I've ever met."
"He's a trained boxer and would destroy us if he decided he wanted to."
"This was a 20-man battle royal, so the Bulldog knew a thing or two about throwing guys over the top rope."
"Does possessing swift footwork and blistering hand speed trump maintaining one punch knockout power?"
"Fight Effectiveness: The indominus rex's claws end up causing more physical damage."
"I respect Jose because he's kick-ass, he's a great bodybuilder."
"...physically the most well-rounded character so far."
"He's a rare physical specimen standing seven feet tall and weighing 330 pounds."
"He turned up shiny, super-fit, with unbelievable speed."
"Fisk's physical achievements are nothing short of astounding."
"Watch him climb to the second level here and just throw this dude out of the... and you got to love this when you see a guy finish."
"Shoulder he has really great bend."
"The first time I met Shaquille... it lets you know that physically we'll never see another player like that for a long time."
"Often you'll see behaviors to demonstrate physical prowess."
"...the Meteora thing she does is cool, but she's gonna destroy your knees."
"Bradley, the man of quiet dignity but he had a punch that packed a terrific wallop."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, who's got the muscles?"
"It was like he was levitating his body, holding himself there, feet in the air. Incredible core strength, I imagine."
"Show me another f***ing 6'4'', 245-pound dude that could pull this move off, watch this, watch this, god damn."
"He's strong enough to lift a motorcycle with three women on it, let a large steel beam off a Bucky after being injured, throw his motorcycle and crush a jeep, and throw Ultron hard enough to shatter a concrete pillar."
"Even if he lacks in other areas, his physical strength is impressive and genuine."
"That was the year that the physical won a race in very strange circumstances."
"He revealed himself to be not only a colt of exceptional physical gifts, combining speed and stamina, but also an appealing gritty, a fighter."
"While not a towering muscle tank like his brother, Maul was still an exceptional specimen, reaching the absolute physical apex of his species."
"These are massive Viking lads who can do things their bodies should be able to do."
"He's an impressive physical talent."
"These dudes are superhuman athletes."
"This guy's so, so strong, it's unreal."
"He's big, he's strong, he's athletic."
"This rigorous training sharpens not only their physical prowess but also the mental and psychological faculties."
"Athletically built and noted for both her stunning beauty and remarkable agility, Aayla Secura masterfully demonstrated the force-enhanced physical attributes for which the Jedi Knights were famed throughout the galaxy."
"He's a super freak, 6'3 and a half, 180 lbs plus, 4.48 on the lasers."
"Gonzalez is effectively a Phenom; he's the Prototype in terms of athleticism and movement skills."
"LeBron is a wonder of physical achievements."
"The Bronze Men were designed to house more power compared to modern men, but not this much. They were more physically gifted and had much more stamina and strength, but in no case were the supposed to rival the gods."
"These guys are athletes, they're absolute athletes."
"James just wins any physical competition hands down."