
International Impact Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Britney's explosive statement and her honesty were met with shock and resounding support as that news came out of this courthouse from the U.S to Brazil and Argentina."
"This is a very significant conflict, not just for Ukraine, but for the world."
"Think about the collateral damage that was caused not only in our own country but around the world and in Ukraine by this scheme to aid the President’s re-election effort."
"Truckers are freeing the country and may it spread to other countries."
"When a first world country becomes less dangerous, the entire world becomes less dangerous."
"It is a stark reminder that any policy that obstructs or inhibits vaccine production risks being self-defeating for the rich countries."
"Her funeral was also attacked, really shook the international community."
"China's exceptional rise really was exceptional."
"What's happening in China is likely to occur elsewhere a few years from now."
"The impact of Trump's movement is not just in the US, it's international."
"It took what Monster Hunter was in Japan and brought it here to America."
"The fear is not so much that China can't handle it it's more so what is going to be the broader impact of it all especially in the United States."
"I think that's the shittiest part of it all that we get screwed over while people outside of this country make the money."
"Olive oil is facing extensive shortages after major producers in Spain and Italy went through one of the most brutal droughts."
"I think the economic impact for the United States... is going to hasten the destruction of the dollar as the world's reserve currency."
"What happens in Canada does affect the rest of the Democratic world, believe it or not."
"China is actually going to help contribute to inflation."
"Niger's mere hint at suspending the tsgp has sent ripples through the European Union."
"It really lifted basketball and gave birth to international stars."
"There will come a moment of national and international reflection."
"A great country will convert Protestant in the north of Europe will be converted by support of this country other nations will begin to convert."
"AI is not a US phenomenon, AI is a global phenomenon."
"The Economic Consequences of Peace became a bestseller overnight, especially in the US."
"Anytime you get something that's coming from far, far away land and lands here and does numbers you know that [expletive] is hard."
"Every decision made by the US is enough to shake many countries."
"Ukraine's strong and determined actions in the conflict have had significant ramifications on the global stage."
"The partnership between the Chad government and organization African Parks saw Zakouma transformed into a thriving elephant sanctuary despite the initial tragic killing of the rangers."
"The incident prompted stricter gun control laws in Canada and increased efforts to combat violence against women."
"Dirk Nowitzki, the greatest international scorer of all time."
"It's disappointing to see an American company roll over like that."
"The dollar is our currency and your problem."
"Never in the history of the world have sanctions imposed to punish one country had at least an equal, and in some cases, an even greater effect on the countries that have imposed those sanctions."
"What happens in India or Bangladesh or Pakistan has a ripple effect in other countries."
"It's almost like history is happening again."
"By that summer, Macarena mania has overtaken the world... it's taken over other countries too."
"He was recognized not just in the United States, but throughout the world in Europe, for example. He was perhaps more famous than he was in the United States."
"Dress a Girl Around the World has done over 800,000 dresses and in over 87 different countries around the world."
"China coaching started helping international students and has grown to impact people all over the world."
"This little gem that has been created out of the dust and the ashes might be a gem that can hang on some other necklace around the neck of some other country elsewhere in this world."
"The foreign policy of the United States is hurting people abroad."
"Sanctions could also even have these far-reaching consequences."
"The biggest cultural impact that they had was actually outside of Japan."
"Monetary policy actions have powerful implications for other countries."
"By that shall he sprinkle many nations."
"China has agreed to criminalize fentanyl. That's going to have a huge impact on fentanyl coming into the country."
"Next steps for Brazil are to tackle illegal deforestation; it is hoped that these successes will prompt other nations to protect their share of the Amazon rainforest."
"It's a great case to look into and I hope that it is a lesson for others in other countries."
"They raised funds and they went to South Africa and they were an astonishing success there."
"There's a pro league for them to make a livable wage, and then the international game gets better too."
"The failure of any nation to adopt humane conditions of labor is an obstacle in the way of other nations which desire to improve the conditions in their own countries."