
Losses Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"We took our losses, we readjusted our financial structure."
"Players are losing, the staff are losing, and the investors are losing."
"The Russians chose very correct tactic... if they continue keeping their forces on the ground pinned down... they will have losses."
"Decade in the red. Trump tax figures show over $1 billion in business losses."
"The losses for Ukraine are so significant it might actually spoil their spring offensive."
"Russia is losing armor at a horrendous rate."
"When you stop getting angry after losing, you've lost twice."
"Kristen Charbonneau was a bright loving and kind woman the eldest of five siblings she'd experienced both great triumphs and painful losses."
"However, both automakers have been dealing with a major L."
"The problem of adjustment is the allocation of those losses."
"Ukraine is suffering massive losses on the battlefields and it is losing ground where it matters."
"Russia's staggering losses were likely due to a combination of relative effectiveness of Ukraine's modern handheld anti-armor weapons, mines, uncrewed aerial vehicle dropped Munitions, and precision artillery systems."
"Netflix losing subscribers and market capitalization, bracing themselves for projected losses."
"Banks and insurance companies lost trillions of won from Daewoo debt."
"The attack went on despite the mounting losses."
"Ukraine is gaining no ground. It is suffering increasingly heavy losses, and the situation for Ukraine continues to go from bad to worse."
"Former NBA all-star Charles Barkley lost a lot of money at the casino."
"Let's talk about the stock market losses and what we can learn from them."
"Your short-term losses are not crippling you, they are creating you."
"I am pumped, am I losing money? Yeah, I'm losing some money now. I think everybody is, you see a lot of tension out there, people are upset."
"There's no one in this world who will justify such losses in return for just several hundred meters."
"You've got to accept that you will make losses sometimes."
"You always take L's standing on principles, being loyal."
"The Russian army is suffering significant losses."
"These commercial Banks are losing money hand over fist now."
"Ukrainians have good air reconnaissance and monitor everything that happens. As a result of accurate hits, the Russians are losing more and more armored vehicles and tanks."
"The Ukrainians have probably lost more men in combat in one year than the United States lost to both the Pacific and European theaters for the entire Second World War. This is huge."
"Forget about your ego and learn from your losses."
"The Grand Army of the Republic inflicted staggering losses on the armies of the Confederacy."
"It's okay to want to win... how do you respond to your losses?"
"I know where I stand, and I know I've learned a lot from my losses."
"I think about my losses way more than I think about my wins."
"We are attempting to avoid human losses during this transition."
"Blunders are responsible for 90% of our losses."
"Napoleon took 600 horses with his army into Russia in 1812. Only 1,600 came back."
"Every man has his own rodeo. Every man is going to lose people, lose women, lose family members, and people are not going to understand you and your path."
"I don't know if you know, I follow Ryan Kavanaugh. His company lost a billion dollars last year. Bro, a billion dollars. He's a [__] prolific loser."
"A lot of trading is taking losses, like that's what you're doing most of the time."
"Control your losses to maximize your gains."
"Maximizing profits while minimizing losses is the goal."
"I think this is someone who has actually experienced some losses, probably in this life as well as previous ones. But if we're talking previous lives, I think you're fully aware of the losses that you experienced."
"You can't use any losses, right? You can't carry forward any losses."
"Internal documents from WeWork's IPO filings revealed that it was losing more than five thousand dollars per new customer."
"The outcome was nothing short of astonishing. The Germans had pulled off what no hostile fleet had accomplished in centuries, and remarkably, their losses were negligible."
"Short-term losses that people are going to face are for the better long-term."
"Losses aren't bad when you're honest with yourself."
"Their pride would begin to cost the Legion victories and losses to their number."
"Nike took an even fatter L because they once did Steph Curry so dirty it cost them billions."
"It was definitely the L's. We took a lot of L's."
"We made it through, just barely with some big losses in the surprise song department."
"Every strategy comes with losses so it's going to lose at times."
"The Red Army sent wave after wave into the attack but the German defenses were well organized and held by well-armed, experienced troops. Soviet losses were enormous."
"The losses are going to come regardless but as each loss presents, once you have an edge, the next loss is less likely."
"You're gonna have losses pile up at some point in time and you're gonna have a string of losses come through."
"You're always going to have losing trades. That's going to happen."
"Losses are inevitable, drawdowns are inevitable."
"Losses have become normal. It's part of the game."
"Real bosses don't cry about losses. Part of this game comes with the fact that you're going to take some losses."
"That's the beauty of sport, you know, you gotta take the wins and losses, you gotta take them all."
"More money has been lost preparing for a correction than was lost during the actual correction over the history."
"Our losses can really be lessons if you've got enough... if you can really see it for what it is."
"Those are the ones that can be really detrimental. Those are the ones that leave people feeling just completely demoralized. Those are the ones that are, I believe, responsible for a lot of traders not being around anymore."
"It has seen at least $260 million in losses so far."
"Big losses and a struggling stock price motivated management to jump-start profits and boost the stock price."
"Disney has suffered over 890 million dollars in losses."
"Treat losses with equanimity and note the lessons learned." - Gautam Baid
"...what have I learned from winning? But I learned from losses, because losses force you to figure out what went wrong. But when you're winning, what is there to learn? You know, what do you learn from winning?"
"Become the trader that no longer takes large losses."
"Even in something like poker with a fast feedback loop, people are good at reporting wins and forgetting losses."
"In 2014, they did go seven and six, and here's why I say they didn't suck: They lost to Michigan by five points, lost to the Ohio State or li'l bro State now in double overtime, and lost to Maryland by one point and Illinois by two points."
"...it's that easy. He's raising the money. We house all of it at UBS. It was a brilliant business model, but in time, the losses continued."
"The right's pretty consistently taking L's."
"I ended up winning 42,000 despite being down 10K or 20"
"...every character in the Ruby series you can see losing in some way, shape, or form."
"Many more losses occurred in the 1930s, her brother Ernest Louis died in 1937."
"Losses are part of the game. It's pay to play. You can't have a 100% win rate strategy. That's just like it's pay to play, right? You can't have a 100% win rate strategy. Nobody does, and if they claim to, they're lying."
"Women are losing, modern women are taking L's back to back."
"It's not losses, they're lessons."
"...you really have to make sure that you actually learn something from it... many people say that losses are good because they teach you something but you really have to make sure that you actually learn something from them."
"The losses make the successes more meaningful."
"Their biggest losses occurred after a string of good profits."
"The majority of market losses occur in intraday trading."
"You can have good losses if you minimize the damage."
"Wow, y'all, what an eerie feeling it is to start that way with Hawkeye losing his family."
"I've lost 88 million dollars. This, to me, feels like it should have made a lot of money."
"Banks are taking major losses when it comes to their cars being repoed."
"It was sad really. We all knew that the company couldn't last much longer. The losses had been very bad in the last six months."
"Organized crime is responsible for more deaths and more money losses than a great war between nations each year in this country alone."
"What you give with expectation in return, you lose."
"Consecutive losses are not a death sentence. Stick to the strategy even if you have to ride out through multiple consecutive losses."
"Learn the strategy and stick to it even if you have to ride out through five, six, seven, eight, nine consecutive losses in a row."
"We all learn more from the losses than we do from the wins. It was a much greater teacher than the wins were."
"Using leverage simply means we're able to exaggerate our profits but also our losses."
"You learn more from your losses than any of your wins. Makes you a better fighter, better man, better everything."
"I wonder how much money I've lost."
"Control risk. It's more important to limit losses than it is to try to make a killing."
"If you've ever wondered which character has lost the most amount of times in a Yu-Gi-Oh anime, your answer: Manjome Thunder."
"I tell everyone you have to accept that you're going to have a period of losses."
"You learn more from losses than you do W's."
"Learn to embrace your losses; they are your angels, they point the way."
"Those losses that you have are your best learning experiences."
"What is important is how you deal with your losses."
"The lessons are truly in the losses."
"Every day we have losses; there are also wounded. The war continues, and now it is very tough."
"Trading is also about taking losses and ensuring that these losses aren't too big."
"Always factor in losses... that's just how business works."
"Losses are lessons, failures are lessons, and you need to shift the way you look at failure."
"Losses... you gotta perceive losses as the business costs because then, of course, you can never have a business where you have zero cost."
"Wins are super important and they create confidence in a team, but you really learn from your losses."
"Losses are part of the game. It's not whether you win all the trades; it's how much do you make when you're correct and how much do you lose when you're wrong."
"The losses are becoming a smaller percentage of revenues, and that is perhaps good news for Uber."
"Chasing your loss always turns out bad, big facts."
"You have to learn through your losses."
"Sometimes you just take L's in life."
"Sometimes your losses are more valuable than your wins."
"He inflicted twice as many losses as he suffered."
"Tail risk is the risk that the probability of extreme losses is much higher than what is predicted by a normal distribution."
"You've got to take what you can get in losses, and you learn more from losses than you do in wins."
"The losses are what shaped you a lot more than the wins."