
Acquittal Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"We the jury find the defendant Kyle H. Rittenhouse not guilty."
"I went to jail, they dropped it, it was all dropped."
"Not guilty. Oh man, what a powerful moment. That is amazing stuff."
"This is only a formality, but this Court finds the defendant Mr. Larry Butz not guilty."
"I have never been as confident as I am now that Tamara leech will be acquitted."
"The system worked well enough to acquit Kyle Rittenhouse."
"He was found not guilty and Michael Jackson moonwalked out of the courthouse, a free man."
"If what the state has alleged here cannot be proven Beyond a reasonable doubt you said you would find her not guilty."
"He was acquitted from escape which totally astounded every FBI agent."
"Not guilty, walked into the court, walked out, flew home and gave a very, very good speech."
"This case came down to, did Rittenhouse have the right to defend himself by taking the lives of two others?"
"The jury unanimously decided that yes, the individual was justified and therefore acquitted upon all charges."
"The High Court acquitted the Talwars of all charges."
"If the jury have a doubt, then the law says they should find them not guilty."
"In the world of professional wrestling, the line between fiction and reality is intentionally blurred."
"The Jonathan Majors verdict is in, not guilty on counts one and three."
"Officially not guilty. That's the official not guilty on all counts. Kyle Rittenhouse is not guilty according to the courts."
"Trump was impeached, but later acquitted by the Republican-controlled Senate."
"And Johnny Lee Wilson is innocent. And if he had a trial, he would probably be acquitted."
"Kyle was acquitted for shooting very discriminately actually with Precision discrimination against only those who attacked him first the reason he's a free man is because of that Precision not because of recklessness."
"Unanimously find the defendant Dame Cataline not guilty."
"At the end of a week-long trial and a 4-Hour jury deliberation, Mary Katherine was found not guilty and acquitted on all charges."
"I was acquitted the 5th of July, 2019."
"Carpenter was acquitted but remained guilty in the eyes of the public."
"Bonnie was acquitted for lack of evidence and released from jail. She quickly rejoined her lover. But Clyde now had a price on his head."
"If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."
"It's almost like an instruction to find this person not guilty."
"The court of appeals posthumously acquitted Fritz Moen."
"He was white enough to get acquitted and supported by white supremacists."
"He was a black man with skills making the system work. It's no disguise, it makes no sense, it doesn't fit. If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."
"The white stone was commonly associated with a vote of acquittal."
"I know you were acquitted of that trial and you're entitled to a presumption of innocence but I want to ask you about the confession that you made."
"Booy was acquitted on all charges of the case."
"We continue down south where a Florida jury acquit retired Tampa Police Captain Curtis Reeves on charges of second-degree murder and aggravated battery."
"The outcome is a full acquittal. He's never lost a case."
"...Taylor ended up being acquitted on the grounds of insanity and was sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment."
"He wasn't wanted for anything else so all right sweet."
"And now we have that gorgeous word -- I never thought a word would sound so good. It's called 'total acquittal.'"
"Acquittal is not enough for Roscoe Arbuckle. We wish him success and hope the American people will see that Roscoe Arbuckle is entirely innocent and free from all blame."
"As to the defendant John Gotti... we find him not guilty."
"Burr was acquitted of all charges."
"They found her not guilty in about ten minutes."
"Acquitted on all charges. Best dentist appointment ever."
"...a judgment of acquittal should be entered."
"There's one verdict in this case, ladies and gentlemen: not guilty."
"The evidence do not show absolutely did not show beyond a reasonable doubt that Lindsay Parton killed this child."
"The gavel will come down in favor of the defendant."
"Forgiveness declares 'not guilty' and sets the debtor free."
"When I was pregnant in jail I thought I was gonna have a baby and the baby would never be with me. But I was acquitted a month and three days before Tupac was born. I was real happy because I had a son."
"Not guilty is that the prosecution failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that somebody is guilty."
"So Lizzie was acquitted; so in the eyes of the law, she was not guilty."
"Although Lizzie was acquitted in a court of law, she was more often than not convicted in the court of public opinion."
"It's likely that they would have been granted a new trial and it's also likely they would have been acquitted."
"Lizzie Borden was acquitted of the murders, despite the intense media speculation and the initial suspicions of the investigators."
"She walked out of the courthouse a free woman, claiming to be the happiest woman in the world."
"If you are not satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt, you must find the defendant not guilty."
"Gentleman of the jury, what is your verdict? Not guilty, my Lord."
"On the charge of income tax evasion: not guilty."
"Stephen Aberdon left the dock at Newcastle Crown Court today a free man."
"I was acquitted and my name's been cleared."
"I was acquitted. There wasn't a shred of evidence against me, and I am free to go."
"I was acquitted completely, so I was a free man."
"It's not hard to prove an innocent man is innocent, but it takes a real talent to get a guilty man released."
"Wallace's sentence was overturned due to insufficient evidence, the first time that this was ever done in English legal history."
"He walked out of the Old Bailey a free man."
"The resurrection of Jesus is proof positive that you and I have been acquitted of all charges against us by the law."
"Because of the resurrection, we know that we have been acquitted."
"All charges against you are hereby dismissed."
"We the jury find the defendant Fiona Frisco not guilty."
"You must be sure of the defendant's guilt, if not, you must acquit."
"The accused will be acquitted, which means set free, not sent to prison, found not guilty."
"Justification means you are discharged and acquitted."
"I have found you innocent. You're free to go."
"The case was dismissed because the evidence is now insufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The two most beautiful words in the English language: not guilty."
"Justification is an act of God's grace, a judicial declaration acquitting the sinner of guilt and delivering him from all condemnation."
"For those reasons, this appeal must be allowed, the conviction quashed as being unsafe and unsatisfactory."
"The jury acquitted him of the murder charge ruling that he killed Jennifer in self-defense."
"All charges are dropped, effective immediately."
"If a juror has any reasonable doubt regarding any element of the crime, their duty is to vote for an acquittal."
"The information was so crucial that they were willing to acquit these horrific monsters of torturing humans for like years."
"If after carefully considering, comparing, and weighing all of the evidence, there is not an abiding conviction of guilt, then the charge is not proved beyond every reasonable doubt and you must find the defendant not guilty because the doubt is reasonable."
"All charges against Dirk were dropped due to insufficient evidence."
"If there is a reasonable doubt in your mind as to the guilt of the accused, then you must find her not guilty."
"If on the other hand, you think there is a real possibility that he is not guilty, then you must give him the benefit of the doubt and find him not guilty."
"Due to the double jeopardy clause, I won't be convicted of killing him now since I was already convicted of that before."
"Knowing what we know today, my very firm view is that Bradley John Murdoch would have been found not guilty."
"Double jeopardy is the concept that if you are accused of a crime and then you are later acquitted of that crime, they cannot then find different new evidence and come back and try you for the same crime twice."
"The jury finds the defendant not guilty. Thank God, there is justice."
"Acquittal is not enough for Roscoe Arbuckle. We feel that a great injustice has been done him."
"Passed with flying colors, acquitted on all charges."
"They've all been found not guilty."
"If you have any reasonable doubt, then you must acquit the accused."
"The jury has found you not guilty of the charge."
"If you have any reasonable doubt, then the accused must be acquitted."
"If there is only one thing, only one, that leaves any of your minds wavering, unsettled, wanting more, that's reasonable doubt, and you must acquit in that occasion."
"If considering the facts and circumstances of this case, your minds are wavering, unsettled, unsatisfied, that is a doubt of the law, and you must acquit."
"If your mind's wavering, unsettled, or unsatisfied, that is a doubt of the law, and you must acquit."
"British man acquitted over London-Spain flight bomb hoax."
"People being found not guilty of crimes... do we not want a system that looks at evidence-based information?"
"The jury acquitted on the conspiracy to corrupt public morals charge, which was an enormous relief."
"They finally were able to understand that my client was not guilty of a DUI."
"We, the jury, find the defendant Daniel Villegas not guilty."
"If there is reasonable doubt, the accused must be acquitted."
"Have you reached a verdict upon which you're all agreed? Yes. Do you find the accused guilty or not guilty? Not guilty."
"I want an acquittal for my grandson. I won't settle for less."
"If the jury feels the law is unjust, we recognize the undisputed power of the jury to acquit."
"He was acquitted of all charges; he was falsely accused."
"The two most important words in the English language for criminal defense lawyers are 'not guilty'."
"You don't have to believe he was extorted to acquit Donna; you have to believe that she believed him."
"You're acquitted of this charge and you're free to go."
"We find the defendants not guilty."
"Justification in scripture is divine acquittal; you are completely acquitted, no matter what you have done."
"It's justice that somebody is like freed, or somebody's free to go."