
Low Maintenance Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"If you had a chance to win an engine that required very little maintenance, made great power, and could be installed in just about any vehicle, would you be interested?"
"Tomboys are usually low maintenance and not fake plastic gold diggers."
"You almost don't have to do anything to this car, it's a Toyota, it's just going to run."
"You don't need to feed them, hibernating ants really just hibernate."
"I feel like fake plants are nice because then I don't have to care about it."
"Vining philodendrons are often the easiest to care for and some of the lowest maintenance."
"The biggest virtue of no dig is time-saving."
"Owning a Tesla means minimal maintenance, no oil changes or spark plugs."
"I just don't spend a lot of time in there. They're just in there growing all by themselves."
"I like minimal maintenance and so all the advice I give today will be that."
"He was such a friendly guy, such a low-key dude, and really never caused drama or issues with people."
"Their CW100 model, sold as THE FREYA in the U.S., is designed to deliver long-lasting performance, with little or no maintenance for over 25 years."
"Succulents are really great if you'd have no time to water, I love them."
"It's freedom, it's like riding a horse except you don't have to feed it."
"Less watering, less weeding, less amending... less stress and less work."
"The beauty of the yurt is the outer structure is very simple, there's very little exterior maintenance to keep up with."
"It's basically zero maintenance and it still gives that really realistic biophilic quality to it."
"Snake plants are technically a plant, because they're actually kind of more just like a really amazing decorative object that you can forget about for a long time and then come back to watering it and they tend to do just fine."
"It's taken me on a great two-day adventure with no fuss and a lot of fun."
"If you're someone that isn't into lipstick or you want something you don't need to worry about all day long."
"It's supposed to look kind of wrinkly so I don't have to iron things anymore."
"This plant has survived everything. It's a super plant that doesn't need your attention at all."
"No weeding, no watering, no crop rotation, no chemical fertilizers or pest repellents or anything else, just low input, easy lazy gardening."
"I just love belt drive mid-drive electric bikes; they're just so nice and easy to ride, low maintenance."
"If you could create from scratch the perfect low-maintenance rental property, what would it look like?"
"All day with them and they're so low maintenance"
"Because they flower for such a long long period, they don't take an awful lot of looking after, and the range of colours is fantastic - everything from white, through all the shades of pink, purples, blues, right up to almost near almost black."
"They are nonstop Bloomers that are no fuss low maintenance plants."
"...it's a plant that is not going to complain if it does get a little bit neglected from time to time."
"But yeah, it's been super easy and a very rewarding plant to grow."
"It requires virtually no care at all."
"If you want to be a low maintenance plant mama, get pothos."
"...they're really very easy to grow, In fact, they're not really demanding at all, almost any soil will be fine..."
"I'm such a low maintenance friend."
"These plants are, they take care of themselves basically. There is a little maintenance."
"Cast iron plants... ridiculously easy to care for and can grow to be huge... so they're great for adding a lovely jungly vibe to your house."
"Euphorbia aquarensis... proved to me just how adaptable she really is... gorgeous, super low maintenance, and really adaptable."
"It's a great low maintenance tan... it also adds a really lovely glow to your skin."
"Cats are relatively low maintenance pets."
"Titanium is incredibly resistant to cyclical stress."
"They do not require a lot at all, as long as you know the type of hydrangeas you have."
"This is literally one of the most low maintenance plants that I have."
"ZZ plants are... so easy to take care of."
"Our goal is just to kind of be a lot more low maintenance."
"I appreciate plants that can kind of do their own thing and not need a ton from me."
"If you're looking for something that you can kind of water like once a month and then forget about and it will continue to look lovely, this one is definitely a very good option."
"It's bold without being too high maintenance."
"Semi-hydro: less work, more growth—it's that simple."
"Something I'll tell you guys is we focus on plants that thrive on neglect, that grow with ease."
"Super easy to grow requires very little care can go on vacation with my plants and not have to worry about them."
"Scarlet Runner Bean is one of the amazing perennials that just pop up and you don't have to babysit them as much."
"...it's just a very low maintenance, really easy to use system."
"Low maintenance plants surround the space to give this yard a pop of color, so you can just enjoy."
"The great thing about Jerusalem artichokes is that if you're a beginner gardener you can put them in and basically forget about them."
"Bromeliads don't need a lot of upkeep and they have really beautiful foliage even when they're not in flower."
"I love plants that don't require Moss poles because I hate Moss poles, they're too much work."
"...this bike is recommended for people who don't want to spend a lot of money on maintenance."
"That's it. That is kind of how you care for air plants. It's super simple, super easy. It's kind of a set it and forget it kind of plants."
"Ultimately, this cabinet isn't meant to be a greenhouse, but I think it's good enough if you're not going for something super high maintenance."
"By choosing the right plants and putting them in the right place, you can certainly reduce water use, fertilizer, pesticide use, and the great thing is you also reduce the amount of maintenance, so you're saving time too."
"Electric cars require significantly less maintenance than gasoline-powered cars."
"All of the hostas and hellebores in this garden, along with the maiden hair ferns, they're really quite healthy plants and they really require very minimal maintenance."
"I couldn't believe that it's maturing with me and second of all I really didn't think that it would require so little of me."
"It's a great entry level into karting in general, easy to use, easy maintenance."
"Fall gardening... truly, it is much more hands-off gardening."
"It is one of my favorite e-bikes as it is very comfortable, very safe, and essentially maintenance-free."
"It's a comfortable and safe e-bike that's going to last a really long time and require very little maintenance."
"This plant doesn't require fertilizer, doesn't require insect spray, it doesn't require deadheading, takes sun and shade."
"The beauty of perennial plants is that you don't need to keep planting them."
"We don't have to do much weeding; whenever crops finish, we simply clear the residue and pop in the new plants."
"No maintenance, no oil changes, no fuel, it can charge at home."
"Solar panels don't need much maintenance."
"No maintenance or mess is a big selling point."
"I love growing asparagus; such a rewarding thing to have in the garden and quite maintenance free as well."
"They are not high maintenance at all, they love comfort and they want to offer that and experience that with you."
"Ball pythons are generally low maintenance pets with minimal grooming needs and a long life expectancy."
"If you're looking for an eco-friendly, low-maintenance, and long-lasting timepiece, a solar watch might be exactly what you need."
"When you retire, you have the right to have a low maintenance home, a low maintenance car, low maintenance clothes, a low maintenance lifestyle."
"Strawberry plants are super low maintenance, 25 plants will give you about five pounds of strawberries."
"You're not gonna have to check on it every day; it's something that you can check on maybe once every week or two."
"It's a great tree to have; it's not high maintenance."
"They are relatively maintenance free without too much trouble and they produce so many eggs it's amazing."
"Peppers are easy, they're low input... you trellis them once, maybe twice to keep them from falling over."
"It barely has any pests or diseases, is drought tolerant once established, doesn't require any kind of special soil or fertilizers."
"I love these plants in a bathroom, they are so pretty, and you don't have to worry about keeping them alive."
"For the most part, their fountain pens are piston fillers... and they basically never dry out so they're really low maintenance."
"It's just like a great beautiful full structure to have in your garden and it's unique and it's different and it's very low maintenance."
"It's a very, very low maintenance garden."
"I love this tree; it requires little to zero fluffing."
"They're low maintenance, they create passive income, you'll never run out of stock, they'll serve you forever and the list goes on."
"The nice thing about an apartment is the level of responsibility is so much lower."
"They're beautiful for Cut Flower Arrangements and they need minimal assistance along the way."
"She's still going to feel nice and light with more dimension and softer roots."
"These are the backbone plants that you should create your garden with if you want a lower maintenance but still definitely striking jungle garden."
"If you want an easy-going plant that is very simple, very mild-mannered, very easy to take care of and it's going to be with you for years to come, then look no further than Sansevieria, also known as snake plant."
"Very cold tolerant, it has more disease resistance, pest resistance, very a no-fuss kind of tree."
"Subaru has a long track record of producing cars that are reliable, last quite a while, and are also low on maintenance."
"So, I find that after using it once and going out, I hardly need to touch up my makeup."
"They tend to be fairly easy-going, like low maintenance plants, which is great for every plant lover."
"I'm something of a low maintenance kind of guy; I don't need a lot of things to make me happy."
"Peonies don't need any kind of support."
"Snakes are extremely low maintenance and there's really not that much that you have to do for them."
"This bike is going after a very narrow niche, that niche being people who are probably older who like the classic look of bikes but don't want any of the maintenance."
"They're easy to care for, they have very calm personalities and they're very inexpensive too."
"That's just one of the things I really like about a Kiko, maintenance-free goat pretty much."
"It's nice to have a car that you know is low maintenance, that's not going to be expensive to fix, that's not going to be breaking down on you, that's going to be reliable."
"I wish everyone in California would have an artichoke in their yard because they simply are like no care, delicious vegetable."
"I really do value being a lower maintenance type of girl."
"If anybody wants to get guinea pigs, man, I say go for it; they're not really high maintenance at all."
"These were not high maintenance friendships; they were friendships that you knew were a friendship."
"I'm loving it because it's been no maintenance."
"We're going to design a tropical style garden border that is low maintenance, low cost, and it should be hardy through most of the UK."
"If you want an aesthetically pleasing garden that's almost no maintenance, almost no water, these plants will work for you."
"It's like super low maintenance, I don't have to do much for it, and it brings a lot of joy and satisfaction into my life day to day."
"This is a non-fussy plant, at least it has been in my experience."
"These plants don't require a lot of maintenance once you get them up and going."
"Aglonemas, just in general, are some of the easiest growing house plants mainly because they can tolerate pretty much any lighting and also do not require high humidity."
"The fun thing about it is the complete lack of maintenance almost; it is you just get on and go, brake pads last forever."
"This is the lowest maintenance tank I've ever owned."
"The beauty of that haircut is that you don't have to have a haircut for a long time afterwards."
"This is a Maxutov-Cassegrain telescope design, which is awesome because it's very maintenance-free."
"These are great plants; they don't dry out, they don't need a humidifier, they do well in low to moderate light."
"I love doing these like woodland landscapes and gardens because there's so little weeding and maintenance to do."
"Great plants, super low maintenance, easy, you know, that's a kind of a plant and forget sort of perennial."
"It's a fantastic choice for a low maintenance tropical garden."
"Sloths don't need much attention as they sleep 16 hours a day."
"Succulents rank pretty high on my list of favorites; they are beautiful, come in so many different varieties, and the best part, of course, is that they don't require much care."
"Watering for hoyas is super easy because they really don't need a lot of water at all."
"Native plants can help us enjoy the garden with less work."
"I want to be setting up low maintenance or reliable systems that are, you know, low maintenance is huge."
"This is the perfect size yard. It's got plenty of concrete here, minimal maintenance."
"Solar energy harvesting is free, silent, and almost maintenance-free."
"Gerbils are low maintenance and don't take up much space."
"It's an extremely low maintenance plant that thrives in shady areas and isn't too picky about soil quality."
"It doesn't feel very high maintenance... for someone who might get really busy at work, doesn't have to worry about checking the virtual pet as much."
"It is very forgiving, it is very tolerant, and it doesn't need a whole bunch of light, a ton of water, or a whole bunch of humidity."
"The maintenance on this vehicle is very minimal."
"If you do want a backyard fruit that's fairly easy to grow, reasonably low maintenance, you may give persimmons a try."
"I love coleus because it's like no maintenance... and it adds so much color to a garden."
"Maintenance on this guy is very low, so what you can get out of it should be incredible."
"These walking onions thrive on neglect."
"Vanda orchids don't need to constantly have something around their roots to maintain the moisture like other plants."
"Planting with Florida native plants and wildflowers has become a rewarding activity for Ora because of their low maintenance, superior performance, and drought tolerance."
"For the most part, they're really easy-keeping cows."
"The Nara Zoysia grass is very hardy, drought tolerant, and most importantly, it grows very slowly so it won't need cutting very often."
"I'm not a high maintenance friend at all; just be there for me when I need you."
"They are brilliant companions because they don't make any noise, they make very little mess, and you can take them with you anywhere you go."
"Compared to a dog, they're much lower maintenance."
"It's very very low maintenance is the biggest thing."
"The longer you run this, you're going to build a really dialed-in asset that just runs with very minimum maintenance."
"The cottage garden is mostly perennials, so once they kind of get up and doing their thing in the summer, it's actually a lot more hands-off than the annual garden."
"Creeping sedum, and this one, I can personally say, you have to do nothing with it, and it looks pretty."
"I love this plant so much; it offers so much beauty, so much unique texture, and really asks for nothing in return."