
Personal Reward Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"When life throws these tests at you, it's like life's way of rewarding you, believing in you, knowing you're on the right path."
"An inflow of money, love, or rewards is coming your way. You definitely deserve this abundance."
"Get yourself something nice. You deserve it."
"Technology has transformed the way we do almost everything."
"Despite the fact that this is not the most profitable thing that I could be doing, to me, it's a rewarding thing that I do."
"Finding contentment in Him... is going to be richly rewarding."
"The reward is huge, I mean, it's all about how you look at it though, the reward is huge to you, right?"
"Be true to yourself and your universe will reward you."
"Your hard work will be met with success and rewards."
"Celebrating your results when you accomplish it. Do something nice for yourself."
"Taking the high road is going to pay off by the end of the year. I love that for you, Capricorns."
"Being a miserable anti-social shut-in who hates everyone has rewarded me in spades."
"Keeping my baby when I had every reason, you know, a baby with Down syndrome or we didn't know that it would make it, keeping my baby was one of the hardest things I ever did, but it's the most rewarding."
"And delighted Ezekiel Perez Compact receives his trophy, and that makes all the hard work of the weekend worthwhile, doesn't it?"
"Okay, we are halfway done with grocery shopping. Got myself a little pink Drink as a reward."
"Wednesday wins! I guess I'm getting that lollipop."
"Reward yourself for the things you have achieved."
"Because the reward that you get at the end when I beat something in a particular game right down this boss if I could pay to win to beat Millennia I still get to walk around and say hey I beat Millennia yeah I've got the sword now right."
"You deserve it and it's everything that you've been waiting for."
"In general, doing a lot of different things is rewarding."
"My victory dance is a can of coke and a fucking bag of peanut butter in the nose, straight up."
"Honestly I'm waiting for that serotonin bump when I see the number go up."
"You deserve this. It is your time. This basically says all the effort you put in, you will get out."
"Even completing a simple task feels a little bit more rewarding."
"The great reward is just the journey itself."
"Give yourself a treat yourself day... live a little, you've saved up for it."
"You just need to trust yourself and as soon as you're following your own spirit, you know, the more reward you're actually going to have."
"At the end of the day it's not just about that, you know, there's so much reward in what I do."
"Obedience to God is a reward for us because we feel so good when we know that we're doing the right thing."
"When you actually get it, then that's the bonus."
"Absolutely fantastic! He is gonna be absolutely delighted with that. He's won himself a golden probe."
"Truth is on your side, standing in the light of truth, reaping the rewards of your efforts."
"I cannot believe that we built these to be honest with you, and I'm thrilled. It is just so rewarding to be able to do something like this."
"He officially declares Cain as the Viscount of Doral."
"Self-education has been the second most rewarding thing of starting this business."
"Our beliefs are practiced through the flesh, there's no way to signal what's important to you without putting your body on the line."
"It's been absolutely rewarding, it's a really, really great bike to ride."
"Pushing your boundaries and learning new skills is really one of the most rewarding things about a hobby like this."
"That is one of the most absolutely rewarding things about this job."
"My grades have been getting good, so I'm getting a cat on Friday."
"It's a mix—being able to support myself this way is extremely rewarding."
"It's been one of the most ridiculous sometimes one of the worst but overall like one of the best most rewarding experiences I've probably ever done in my life."
"Gift it to yourself first because you deserve it."
"You earned it, so enjoy yourself and have fun."
"Make the time to reward yourself in a meaningful way. This balance of giving and receiving is essential to keeping your energy, mood, and motivation at a consistently high level."
"You are deserving of all of the sweets that you may have acquired during Halloween."
"It is important to reward yourself too... so don't feel like you have to all you can do is pay off bills."
"You become super empowered and there is a beautiful reward and blessing that comes with that."
"Make it attractive. Reward yourself for engaging in your positive habits."
"There is a value to working hard; the amount of work you put in will bring in rewards."
"It's all about seeing your benefits and your rewards. That's what you came into business for, to reward yourself."
"Enjoy the fruits of your labor, it's okay to be blessed and it's okay to enjoy."
"If anyone ever had reasons to give up and quit, it was Bond. But he didn't, and he was rewarded for it." - Narrator
"It's challenging, of course. It's challenging, but it's so rewarding."
"Nourish that self-esteem... you deserve this reward."
"She's a hard-working lady and she gets to spoil herself."
"There's something incredibly rewarding when you can help others to share their stories."
"Tattoos are painful, but they're worth it because you get something at the end."
"The more rewarding when you're all alone, you have nobody to worry about."
"When you do pull it off it really is its own reward."
"I make time for it... it is extremely rewarding."
"Man, what a most rewarding fab project I've ever done by far."
"What's my reward gonna be here Susie Gherkin's just gonna be so jealous!"
"This week, you're going to receive a reward that will mean so much to you."
"To be told that we're an inspiration, I think that is like the biggest reward you can get."
"The effort and the time is totally worth it."
"Ultimately, it's the work that's fulfilling."
"I thought that will give me flexibility so I can take care of my sons and that will also give me a rewarding career."
"The reward isn't only for the people that you're doing things for, you get the reward too."
"It got to the point in my career where I did love my job, it was the most rewarding job I had."
"To get back up, it's really satisfying. It's rewarding, you know?"
"Kent made his first thousand dollars on one thing ever and we drove to a mall the next day and he bought a $700 diamond earring. I love it."
"A woman is not a prize or the end result of a man's self-growth. The self-growth itself is the prize or the reward of the outcome of working on yourself."
"Awards are nice I suppose but really seeing any individual person get better is a bigger reward to me than getting a plaque."
"I rewarded myself when I turned 65 to always ride when I play golf."
"To be of service to the city, that's trophy enough."
"It's just so incredibly rewarding, not for everyone, but incredibly rewarding and incredibly effective as well."
"I am your husband, I am your exceeding great reward."
"He deserved this holiday like no other because the last 23 years of his life were not just a simple walk in the park."
"It's been one of the most rewarding feelings you can ever experience."
"The biggest reward that you'll find is that you're going to get even more than you want."
"I stopped caring so much about what others thought about me and started getting rewarded for that."
"I hope that maybe you feel inspired to start your own garden because it's worth it, you guys, it's worth it."
"That's the most rewarding part of the way I make my music."
"It's too beautiful, it's too rewarding."
"This is what it's all about, is why we come up to places like this, it's why we climb up, that's why we put ourselves in difficult situations, sometimes uncomfortable, for this because it's always worth it."
"The work is kind of its own reward, though, don't you think?"
"When you change somebody's lives for the better, that's better than any amount of money or trophy that anybody can put in front of you."
"She recounted how she took this job to pay for her degree, after paying it off she decided to stay with the bus company a little bit longer just to kind of treat herself."
"Helping people you love can be more rewarding than helping yourself."
"I think I've well deserved a nice cup of tea."
"Sometimes guys, sometimes you just have to treat yourself."
"There's just something about shaping each feather, knowing that I'm bringing this beautiful owl to life one feather at a time, that makes it extra rewarding."
"I treated myself to Jennifer Fisher earrings... it's kind of like my first luxury purchase."
"It's a gift really because you see the benefit that you're giving to people almost immediately."
"It's so rewarding, and you know what? There's so much ahead of us."
"It's really satisfying and rewarding."
"To know I help pave the path for multiple patients' diagnoses and care was the most rewarding feeling."
"Being a freelance designer is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done."
"It's so good to finally see all of these orchids just performing well and just rewarding me with this beautiful, beautiful bloom show."
"I graduated with enough money to buy myself a little dinky convertible that I always wanted."
"It's highly rewarding to be able to put some of these turtles back, knowing that individually we made a difference to that animal."
"It's rewarding because when you see the product come out and people are just amazed about it and just love it... it makes you feel good because you're actually helping somebody's life."
"I learned that complimenting myself is more rewarding than receiving compliments from others."
"I reward myself with new supplies if I hit a goal or if I have a rough week."
"It's very rewarding, it gives you a sense of control."
"There's something so incredibly rewarding about baking your own bread."
"I've been doing two jobs and sometimes it gets tiring, but it's always rewarding."