
Business Negotiation Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"He said he did the deal with Dave and Dave's like okay what do you want to get paid?"
"This deal gets done in like 45 seconds." - Observing narrative pacing.
"We've been discussing which shark we would go with but to be honest every one of those sharks has built an empire so we would be open to any shark wanting to join our little Lebanese family."
"This wasn't negotiating to buy a business, it was negotiating to buy a legacy." - Bob Iger
"Ragnik wouldn't have agreed to that if that consultancy role didn't maintain some sort of power."
"You are going into the world of business, so try to negotiate."
"I need to offer Trevor a bag of cash... I'm gonna offer him 16 mil for the 20. Honestly, that's a pretty good discount."
"Discord is in exclusive talks with Microsoft."
"He's leaving behind thousand crores on the table."
"Wow, that was the easiest trade deal of my life."
"Renew the YouTube TV deal under the existing reasonable terms, according to YouTube."
"Once they heard 'oh you do brand strategy'...they said 'well let me go back to the table and relook at budgets or let me rethink this whole thing.'"
"In business, you get what you negotiate, not what you deserve."
"AMC knows how to negotiate hard for the benefit of our shareholders."
"You can't just have the deal without Europe."
"I think it's an incredibly tight and difficult deal to get over the line but I think it will happen."
"Thanks to Bill Gates's dad, the other investor backed down."
"If the deal is only a year or two years but you bring back the value of the brands any amount you pay him is worth it."
"I'm in talks with Nintendo and Sega about making money off Sonichu."
"I am a businessman, so if you can give me, let's say, six corrugated hoses, I can come out with that video a little bit faster."
"It's a million dollar bottle of wine, thirty percent of the company. That should go for 1.2 million dollars and I'm going to sell it for six hundred thousand."
"I came here looking to make partners with you at a very reasonable valuation that was done by experts not by someone that says well I see what the wine industry is."
"The only reason Joel and Avram are staying is because they think 700 million for their 10 is not enough right now, so they obviously think in the next few years that 10 is going to be worth a lot more."
"You bought me for next to nothing, you're going to make a lot of money, get the deal done."
"All parties are confident the deal will be done before the deadline."
"Why should United walk away on a deal they're still very confident they'll get done?"
"Every single one of them were insisting on owning the rights to Mickey Mouse."
"They put in an offer on CMC... It was a lowball offer, but they did."
"Now is the perfect time to renegotiate, to start talking to open up communications with the city of Anaheim so that Disney can get just the kind of arrangement that they want."
"In a successful franchise... actors will go back and try to renegotiate."
"So, I would hope that Jim rackliff at this moment in time is within those sort of what would be documents that he'll be negotiating to take control of the club that he gains as much power as he possibly can in the control and running of the club."
"We have a deal with our future partner and that's not you you know our terms you've known him since day one they haven't changed take them or leave them you've got seven days only took six."
"There has to be an amount that if they go lower than that particular amount you walk away."
"That pie is going to get baked, man. Let's get in on this pie. I know usually we take 50 percent, these guys ain't going for 50 percent."
"If I'm going to give you a yes, I need to see more. Can you give me more?"
"The new Melinda, who's putting some polish into her work and her presentation, can confidently go out there and say, 'Yeah, it's between eight to ten thousand bucks. How does that sound?'"
"I think it was a more than fair decision. I mean, we actually did try to work a deal with them earlier and he refused so, you know, that's why we're here."
"Microsoft and UK regulars agree to pause their Activision battle to negotiate."
"The board was convened and they actually raised your price by 20%." - Chris Kubecka
"I think you've been really disingenuous coming in here with a valuation of three million and Incredibly disappointing you've made it absolutely clear that you don't want investment because you're valuing your business at 50 times its earnings which is ludicrous."
"I'm going to offer you all of the money for 5% of the business."
"In any business deal, you always state your intentions clearly, or you will never get what you want."
"All clients want the proposal to confirm: how much does it cost, how long does it take, do you understand them, and can you really help them."
"They wouldn't agree to exchange 24 percent of their equity for the 3.0 technology."