
Divine Partnership Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"If I will do the difficult, God will do the impossible."
"We are co-workers with God... it simply means there is a cooperation in grace with God."
"To succeed in business, realize that God is your senior partner."
"God is always calling you and I to partner with Him."
"God is not limiting you. He wants to partner with you."
"Prayer is less about God you do it and more about God do it through me."
"If these dimensions are captured in your Christian experience, it is impossible for you to fail. You can fail if alone, but I said you and Jesus, you and the world cannot fail together."
"Such love as that between perfectly mated men and women multiplies their power; for when husband and wife both belong to God, working knowingly with Him, each one is then knowing together, thinking together, and working together with God as one."
"God is not against me. He is in it with me, working through me, fighting for me."
"You need to keep in mind because you're a divine partner and the person that actually might fulfill you might not look like what you're accustomed to."
"He's a father to the fatherless... Every single mother is partnering in their parenting with God Almighty."
"You are a co-creator with God, and God is creating through you."
"God wants to partner with us, He wants to use us."
"Thankfulness causes us to remember what God has done and it positions us to partner with Him for what He's about to do."
"Divine partnership for sure, and I love you, how beautiful is that?"
"To Jesus, covenant is 'you win because I won.'"
"Every time they say you ain't gonna be nothing, you ain't gonna make it, guess what? My partner is my partner is God."
"When God brings your purpose partner alongside of you, you're able to achieve things that you just couldn't even fathom."
"Sometimes you gotta believe that you and God make up the majority."
"When a person meets God, He partners with them and both wills and does in them."
"The God of all creation desires partnership with us."
"God will shake the world with you."
"Don't miss the opportunity to partner with God's will in advancing His kingdom."
"We're on a partnership with Christ; he is empowering us to do the work."
"Prayer is the way that we partner with God, in accomplishing His will and His purposes on the earth."
"When you combine a consecrated heart with an unfailing God, you can't lose."
"You start to be effective but it's based on promises that caused you to experience partnership with God."
"We are assured and know that God being a partner in our labor, all things work together for good and are fitting into a plan for those who love God and want his will."
"Prayer is a power-sharing device that God has worked out for a world of recovering sinners."
"Responsibility is your response to God's ability."
"It's an amazing privilege that you and I are given work to do which cooperates with God."
"...if he wants the world to be repaired if he wants it to be improved and fixed then he needs our partnership..."
"In your place of intimacy, He's moving you into a midwife position with Him to begin to birth in your life and in cities and nations the very things that He's doing."
"Congratulations to those of you who have found your Divine partner... this is destined, you've earned it, you deserve it, you win."
"God is a master builder, we all know, but we are collaborators with God so we have a part to play."
"We are co-architects with God in the earth realm."
"God goes with goers and works with workers, but He doesn't sit with sitters and neither sleeps with sleepers."
"It is a privilege to be numbered with you; it's a privilege to serve your will."
"With her as Goku's wife, she's going to be the goddess of Earth."
"I have the Lord, and the Lord and I together are a majority of one."
"God has done his part, now it's our turn."
"God is going to make decisions for us in partnership with us about our faith and our destiny."
"You've worked hard enough for it; it's a partnership with self, it's a partnership with God."
"The King and Queen of Pentacles are the best divine counterparts; they really want to put in the work and want something permanent."