
Cannabis Industry Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Legal cannabis stands to net an estimated 1.5 billion dollars nationwide this year alone."
"The most recent reports we have... legal cannabis employs more individuals than the coal industry than the textile industry."
"I was a huge skeptic of the marijuana industry in general."
"While the emergence of the commercial cannabis industry has brought a lot of good, there are some downfalls to it as well."
"Cannabis or ganja as it's traditionally known here has been decriminalized and that's led to a bonanza potentially worth billions of dollars."
"Let's do it smart. You know, let's for one, everything we really tried to push here in California was regulate legitimate cannabis the correct way."
"In an ideal world, what would you want for yourself in this cannabis space? - A viable business where I can create generational wealth."
"Now you can get even closer to the sort of metaphorical idea of picks and shovels with the equipment that you actually use to grow marijuana at industrial scale."
"If you have a chance to get involved with the marijuana business on the legal side I suggest you do that very fast."
"Legal cannabis brought in 18.3 billion dollars in 2020."
"Our new world is going to look so different; the cannabis industry is no different than the wine industry."
"When you go into a dispensary you're not sampling the products you're just looking, so you have to, it has to look nice and then the product inside needs to match."
"In hopes of becoming the first premium global cannabis brand, Dana Bolzarian launched the company Ignite."
"Verano is actually a profitable company, which is quite rare in the cannabis industry."
"I did not know at the time that this is Willie Nelson's cannabis company."
"He's created weed-infused carbonated beverages."
"Black women are definitely leading the charge for us in the Cannabis space."
"Once legalization happens, the market is going to explode."
"Netflix created and is selling its own strains of weed in California."
"...we're trying to use our profits to provide capital for black cannabis entrepreneurs."
"Being able to advocate for cannabis is so important for all of us, it's so imperative."
"Mate I'm investing in cannabis for the next ten years as long as this the party's only just beginning."
"Now that it's legal in states like California, weed is big business."
"The Cannabis industry doesn't have a ceiling. People are given the ability to evolve in this industry."
"He did give me the keys to the castle to really become who I am today in this cannabis industry."
"Australia has one of the fastest growing medicinal cannabis markets in the world."
"Building a brand is going to be paramount when working in the white label part of the cannabis industry."
"I just gave her my analysis on ways to make money off of marijuana and to keep it legal all the way through."
"Join me on this next adventure where I document history with the pioneers shaping the global cannabis industry in real time."
"How many years have you spent in this industry doing what, and what is your layer of experience and expertise to teach and train my people how to do this job?"
"I just hope more regulation, more honesty, and less ego, more sincere, compassionate growing with business attached to it."
"If you knew you would have federal legalization and cross-border commerce, you would want to position with some of the best, lowest cost growers and producers."
"Showcase the strengths of the proposed cannabis business."
"Showcase your competitors to show what sets your cannabis business apart."
"I've always had this dream of a unified industry where we could all grow cannabis all over the place."
"Quality is a massive talking point within the cannabis industry and this is a huge factor in getting your license."
"You're a businesswoman, that's amazing, we're happy for you, I'm glad you're into weed and you're a black woman, like I'm super duper excited about that and everything."
"We're about to create this galaxy to start laying out the outliers of cannabis so we can start to see relationships between varietals."
"I'm happy that I'm in the Cannabis industry now because I feel like I could focus more on wellness and lifestyle."
"Now less people are going to jail for cannabis and there's more opportunity in cannabis."
"This is a chance for them to come into the legal market and put these flavors out."
"New York with marijuana convictions will get first retail licenses."