
Vegan Lifestyle Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"And you jump in and it is kind of strange at first but then pretty soon you discover the water's fine that's what you're going to discover with the vegan diet."
"Since being vegan, I don't feel lethargic after I eat."
"Being vegan is more than just about reducing, it's an imperative for the environment."
"There's no protein deficiency in my body folks after seven point five years as a vegan."
"I'm just a man, guys, I'm just a vegan, I'm trying not to upset my vegans."
"Stop waiting until you become sick to transition to a vegan lifestyle."
"Stop playing with me. Yeah, I'm vegan and whatnot, shirt made, I'm saying I'm vegan and whatnot, but it ain't sweet over here, man, so stop. Don't play with me."
"I feel so blessed that I get to be a vegan in 2021."
"Is this really the message that we want to send to people who are new to veganism?"
"Live vegan, it's a beautiful way to be and to live."
"I know vegans are supposed to take it rain or shine, no matter what's going on."
"A perfect vegan whose life was also apparently ransacked by hard drug use."
"Vegans have better health outcomes across the board."
"Veganism is an ethical philosophy... It's about the animals."
"When you're a vegan, you're anti animal abuse."
"Vegan is awesome, don't get me wrong. It's unfortunate not all vegan is actually created equal."
"I'm not a smoker smoker but I'll do my thing but like I was literally just thinking I'm an idea machine so I'm always coming up with ideas anyway so I was sitting in a bed and it hit me like a light bulb I'm like [ __ ] vegan."
"Don't think of it as restrictive or deprivation because it's absolutely not that. It's about adding in new vegan foods."
"Another tip is also be kinder to yourself you know what you don't have to beat yourself up if the chapstick that you bought was accidentally not vegan."
"Love that they are vegan if that's important to you"
"So literally overnight I made the decision to cut out meat and dairy completely."
"Veganism is different for everyone; it's about trying your best."
"Having tried native deodorants for the last month they do just that they are made from simple safe ingredients like coconut oil and shea butter they are also vegan and cruelty free you can pick from lots of scents."
"Veganism is not necessarily a diet so much but more of a lifestyle."
"Veganism can improve all the other areas of your health, but things like that have nothing to do with diet."
"I've been on this live foods vegan diet for 18 years... and yet I find myself thriving beyond levels I could only have dreamed of."
"That's facts as somebody that's like I would call myself like 97 vegan. Yeah, facts man facts."
"If we just eliminated the animal products, we could live in a world of abundance."
"Spread health. So, I want to thank Vegan Linked and Jeff in particular for having me on this channel."
"I feel even better about being 100% vegan today and for the last seven and a half years."
"If you're vegan, a true vegan, you are vegan forever and you always try to do the least harm."
"Being vegan is expensive? I'm thicker, so what's going to the hospital paying hospital bills because you're diabetic?"
"I guess the lifestyle and what it means to live completely free from using animals for anything really besides love."
"if you're a new vegan or you're dabbling in a plant-based life you've really proven what it takes to live a successful healthy vegan lifestyle you show people that it's possible."
"We went to the fully vegan Pub this evening with everyone."
"It is one of my deepest passions in life to be able to inspire and guide and teach people how to live a healthier lifestyle which includes eating more raw foods, juicing, going vegan."
"I am so grateful that my parents raised me vegan."
"Being vegan totally enhances my life."
"It's easy to have a vegan lifestyle. Even traveling is getting easier and easier."
"You know, I know the vegan diet is all about being healthy and everything, but like I said, once in a while, you have to have your cheat meals, and this is one of them."
"It's a great way to stick to the vegan diet, especially if you are a new vegan."
"All-natural, all vegan, all good."
"I'm just saying, I was on the hunt for the perfect vegan yogurt."
"People say chicken and beer, but for vegans, it's definitely taco and beer."
"Going vegan can be so yummy and so easy."
"I've been vegan for maybe seven years now, and I wish I'd gone vegan a lot sooner."
"Veganism isn't just a diet, it's a lifestyle."
"I think now it's much much easier to be vegan or follow a plant-based lifestyle than it would be a few years ago."
"Welcome back to our channel where we share all things vegan: taste tests, recipes, vlogs, lifestyle, everything in between."
"You don't have to change everything about yourself to go vegan; you can still be the same person."
"I think I have found my long lost vegan sister."
"Being vegan, if you're diligent, is an absolutely excellent way to get results."
"I lived and breathed veganism and invested so much of my time to spreading awareness about it."
"That's that, hope you enjoyed this, and as always, keep making those vegan gains."