
Visits Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"I'm not even going to give a huge thank you because I know you're coming back... you're my brother thanks for visiting us again and we look forward to the next visit."
"This is my family, so I would go visit everybody."
"He visited his little boy every chance he got and they had a great relationship."
"My family always loves seeing them when they visit, especially my mom."
"No visits from the guys, you know what I'm saying, that was the number one thing."
"But if you look very closely at the royal diary you'll see the great effort the queen puts into the hundreds of visits she makes every year in Britain."
"I hope you're right. It may sound strange for me to say this, but I would miss his visits."
"I feel like I've got a photo with him on every single one of my visits to Walt Disney World ever since I came in 2015."
"I know he visited his mom often. I thought it was mostly during the day, like he'd swing over there for lunch, check on his mom and dad."
"These are spots that you guys always see us come to regularly throughout the year."
"A visit from my friend is always welcome."
"Each time I go my heart is touched."
"Thank you, Candy. I'll visit you a lot from now on."
"Seeing him carefully and tenderly lift my daughter in his arms, I couldn't help but wish he could visit more often."
"We're only seeing well visits in the morning, so you can feel very safe coming in with your child."
"I've been visiting my parents a lot lately."
"We did a lot of masked front porch visits with friends and family at first because of COVID."
"We have the cutest little grandson... and we're definitely gonna go down there a lot and see them."
"I love visiting her there, I love those meandering talks we had."
"Whether they're touching stories about visits from long-dead relatives or horrifying encounters with disembodied evil."
"Every now and then, I like to think the Farmer managed to come back for visits, to check up on me and to make sure I'm doing all right."
"The ghosts that are here, I believe, are for want of a better word, benign. They visit, they liked the place, and so they keep popping back."
"Make time for the visits; you never know if it could be the last."
"I've been blessed with all the friends coming to visit lately."
"I visited Mother nearly every other day, basking in our mutual homecoming and enjoying every minute of it."
"Going to Grammy's house is always a treat for Zaya."
"That's love, you know. And a lot of people up there in Pelican Bay probably don't get visits."
"Visits from loved ones offered a flicker of hope, a temporary respite from the bleakness of prison life."
"Every time I come here, it's just a wonderful time."
"I'll come see you often from now on."
"I will obviously be coming back to visit home all the time."
"Happy visits can help combat the notion that the vet is always a scary, terrible place to go."
"Hope you're enjoying our little visits down memory lane."
"Families had flooded the city on their frenetic rounds to visit relatives."
"This Weekender bag is perfect for all of her trips to come visit me."
"I think one of the best things about Isabella growing up is that now she can come visit Thea whenever."
"It's going to be good for our souls to go back and see them every now and then."
"It's been wonderful to visit different independent bookstores and make sure to connect with them."
"He's actually moving a lot closer to us, so he's going to be able to come and stop by a lot more often."
"Every time I come here, I leave more motivated."
"You're always welcome back home. It'd be nice of you to visit your family once in a while."
"Don't be a stranger whenever you're in town."
"Not everybody is like, 'I want to be next to my family,' but I feel like you go visit your family as often as you can."
"I've been to the museum twice; it's interesting."
"I promise to stay in touch and visit when I can."
"So that's it, a visit with friends, some cool basements, and some cool collectibles."
"Me and Jamie are real happy when the kids come to visit."
"I'm still inclined to believe that not only have I been visited by extraterrestrials, but I think they visit me frequently."
"I will come back to see you often."
"I still regularly visit my grandparents at their home as they're still going strong in their 80s."
"Like short but sweet visits are so bittersweet because you're so happy but then you're just like, 'No, don't go, this is so good.'"
"Every now and then, Dad would come down for a couple of days to basically hang out, get to know the kids some more."
"I need to come up here more often."
"It's a beautiful book shop I've been in there a couple of times."
"I love coming over to Fred's house, it's got a lot of interesting animals."
"I love coming down here, but it just blows me away every time."
"I'm always grateful when you stop by to visit with me."