
Protective Instincts Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"If this was your child, wouldn't you do anything?"
"Men are protective of women due to evolved protective instincts."
"Roosters will stand up for them [hens]. Roosters are not very nice to the hens, but they will stand up for them." - Unknown
"For that, I'm willing to give up my life. If it can save you, then sacrificing my own life could have no greater meaning."
"We would have moved heaven and earth, we would have burned down whatever town we had to get to, that man would have taken out whoever he had to get to in order to find you."
"He could see how much this affected Rinoa and instinctively he chose to let down his defenses and comfort her."
"He seemed very concerned for his little brother's safety and just his family's safety in general."
"I'm not one for excessive violence, but something about this predator attacking my tiny, relatively defenseless sister had me seeing red."
"Woman pushes brown bear as it climbs over a fence to save her dogs."
"Women are made to protect in a garden, to die for their babies, not their babies to die for them."
"I'll protect you, I promise. So it's my sister, man. I'll kill you myself."
"His first reaction was concern about protecting me. That is how I want the father of my children to respond."
"I still can't believe my girlfriend spotted him from so far away and I'm so thankful she did."
"One of the feelings that comes up with me always is the helplessness, being too young, being a guy but too young to be able to help a woman in this case your mother, and that happened every single day."
"It's like Mama Bear where it's just like, 'It's not me anymore. It's just like, get this baby into a place where he is comfortable and happy and healthy and thriving.'"
"It's not so definitive except in that case where you're going nobody should be growling at a little kid."
"You should never underestimate what a mother will do for the love of her baby."
"It necessitates that you protect that which harmed you, and if you are not ready to protect that which gave you pain, you are not ready for promotion."
"If anything happens to my baby girl, I'm going to pack you and your father into a capsule."
"Knowing that there's a woman involved you got you know got to save the women and children even though our children are barbecue chicken."
"We want to protect them a lot of the time because they protected us, right? But there comes a time when a parent can do something that's going to cause you to not see them for over 20 years."
"I probably would have done the same thing, come after my kid."
"That hatred he felt saved another child from being killed by that rabid dog, that's the point."
"It's that bond, it's that love of your family and your community that precedes your desire to protect it with your hard skills."
"Scared to death, I run to Travis and drag him to my parents' bedroom because it's the only room that locks and has a phone."
"I'm willing to kill for the people that I love."
"It's because whenever she's next to Joe standing near him behind him she looks like an assassin."
"When a male baboon defies nature and cares for a baby lion cub as his own."
"She did the exact right thing and that they think it was some sort of a setup to lure women who would have that maternal instinct to check on it."
"For most of us, we'd actually die for a stranger's child."
"If I can take someone's power so I can always protect my kids... I get it."
"She's willing to fight as strong as she possibly can just to protect them."
"If somebody did anything to my child, anything, you break into my house, you do anything, I think is going to harm my child, there's never been a question in my mind about whether or not I have the capacity to kill a human."
"Just know they are going to hold down because they care so much about the people that they care about that fire runs so deep so don't take advantage of them."
"This was even scarier when you consider that Josh had a young daughter of his own from a previous relationship."
"Fight if you can't, fly. Something bad will happen to Jenny if you don't."
"We fight not because we hate what's in front of us but because we love what's behind us."
"Engage in combat only if it's to save the life of the people you love. In all other cases, run!"
"I have a list of people in my life I would die for under certain circumstances."
"In order to save a kid you don't actually have to be three meters tall and weigh several tons."
"What if the government comes and tries to take our women? Like, what are you gonna do then?"
"Her commitment to protecting fellow soldiers was unshakable."
"there comes a time when a woman no longer fears confrontation but guards like a lioness"
"You're fighting for someone who's passionate driven by sport, you're driven by protecting your family."
"You can't hide the world from your kids forever." - Anonymous commentator
"It's a doll honey, not a monster. It looks like it should be locked away inside a glass case."
"I leaned closer and whispered, 'Don't you dare go near my mama, you hear me?'"
"No matter what, you do whatever you can to make sure that your loved ones are safe."
"Did the calf survive? Did the lion eat? All we know is this lion was willing to protect the baby from a rival."
"Fear is there to inform you and protect you, not to hold you back."
"Listen to your nightmares, your fears... they're there to protect you from the worst that can happen because they will."
"This has a well-known industrial city in Hubei Province here a mother and daughter are staying inside the building they are willing to give their lives to protect their home sources say."
"All my instincts wanted to run and pick her up and scream and run away."
"You know what? I always pull you out 'cause I think something bad's gonna happen to you, and I don't regret it. Not one thing."
"Our clueless young boy on the other hand imagines how he'll feel like a father sending his daughter away if Reno ever ends up getting a boyfriend."
"I can just see the headlines now: Father found waving a sawed-off shotgun at the man who jilted his daughter at the altar."
"I feel really excited as her mom. I feel excited for her and a little bit like... oh I really want to protect her and at the same time a little bit sad as well."
"It'll be a cold day in Hell before I even let you near my baby."