
Keyword Research Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Keyword research in this day and age it's not just about the keyword it's about the search intent behind the keyword."
"The game of keyword research has changed significantly."
"The power of doing YouTube keyword research right is the chance to get views on your channel 24/7, 365 days a year."
"The more searches you can do, the more keywords you're ultimately going to be able to find."
"If several creators are using the same keywords, it's more evidence that you really need to dig into the keyword research that surrounds it."
"Our process of search analysis is how we identify low competition search queries that people are searching every single day."
"With free keyword research tools, you may not get the 'top-notch' features that come with premium tools, but you can get quite a bit of value when using the tools together and correctly."
"When you’re just starting out, free keyword research tools are fine to use."
"YouTube in itself the YouTube search bar is actually a really good keyword research tool."
"The process of learning how to do keyword research is incredibly powerful."
"One of the best tasks you can complete with Google Trends is keyword research."
"What used to work in terms of keyword research, may not work now and maybe not in the future."
"Proper keyword research is the foundation of effective SEO and content marketing. It's essential to understand what keywords your audience is using to search for information related to your products or services."
"You want to focus on highly searched keyword phrases."
"Create content based on keyword research."
"The best free keyword research tools."
"The best keyword research tool is actually your brain and your customer's mouth."
"YouTube SEO tip: conduct keyword research before optimizing your videos."
"ChatGPT can help with keyword research and suggest topics for blog articles."
"...creating a keyword list which you're going to absolutely love."
"Use tools like Google's Keyword Planner to find volume and competition."
"If you want to learn more about my keyword research method, my trigger words, the keyword tools I use, how I use AI in my keyword research, and the whole nine yards."
"Keyword research is finding out what people search for and then figuring out if you can potentially rank for that search phrase."
"What exactly do I mean by that? Keyword research is finding out what people search for and then figuring out if you can potentially rank for that search phrase."
"Keyword research is essential for getting your videos to rank on YouTube. It's the most important step in aligning your keywords with your videos."
"Using autocomplete and looking at competitors' videos are effective ways to find the right keywords for your videos."
"Use a keyword research tool of your choice to find out what people are searching for. Make a note of the most relevant and popular keywords and pepper them into your content."
"Explore keyword ideas and filter them based on search volume and relevance."
"Before you actually select a keyword, there is one massively important step that you must take."
"Doing proper keyword research on YouTube can make an incredible difference. You can go from being stuck at just seven views on a video to getting millions of views."
"As soon as I understood how keyword research works, I was able to rank my videos and get, for example, 2.6 million views."
"I highly recommend you check that out, and this is my favorite tool when it comes to doing keyword research."
"Ultimately, the best thing you can find is channels with not so many subscribers and a very high outlier score, indicating that this keyword did very well."
"The historical data tool allows me to figure out if a video topic is still, as of right now, picking up views or whether it has completely died down."
"In my opinion, the historical data is one of the go-to tools when it comes to keyword research."
"...make sure that it has a high search volume and a very low keyword difficulty."
"I am looking for broad keywords, but I'm also trying to find keywords that I just have never heard of before."
"...it's likely going to be the same for you, and Keywords Everywhere will be the cheapest way to go here."
"YouTube keyword research is so important that it's absolutely the cornerstone of your success when creating a great YouTube channel."
"Always Focus first on what are your top 15 or 20 keywords."
"Keyword research is about finding the right balance between volume, competition, and relevance."
"Remember when you're performing your keyword research... so according to backlinko Google ranks videos with keywords like how-to tutorials."
"10 searches a month probably means it's very, very targeted."
"Focusing on great keywords and writing great content and it ends up working out."
"Have a large master keyword list that you're starting off with."
"I found a longer tail keyword and a really profitable niche that you might like to use."
"I hope you enjoyed this video on how to use these tools to get free keyword research."
"That's the secret, right? You want to figure out how to do a good niche, you need to figure out how to do proper keyword research."
"Keyword research is the difference between success and failure."
"The Google Keyword Planner is the best tool because it is built for Google Ads customers to find keywords for their campaigns."
"Make sure you're ranking on what's important, do some research on what keywords really matter."
"We're going to be sharing with you our keyword research strategies to help rebuild a listing."
"I'm going to show you guys kind of a strategy that I use to find the best keywords."
"Having a little bit of experience helps with keyword research."
"It's really about finding, you know, having a direct strategy, a business strategy behind the keyword research."
"The first step in any SEO campaign is the keyword research stage."
"I'm gonna show you how to do keyword research for SEO and how to find the best keywords that can get you both traffic and making money."
"It's one of the easiest ways to build a brand new search campaign because you can do all of your keyword research at the same time as you build your campaign."
"AMZ suggestion expander can help you find sub niches and also keyword ideas for listings."
"SEO stack helps you find low competition long tail keywords that actually get search volume."
"Keyword product research is really, really important."