
Cryptocurrency Advice Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Don't trust exchanges. Don't leave anything on exchanges. Pull it off always."
"These statements: Do not sell your Bitcoin, do not sell your Ethereum."
"Don't freak out we're gonna be good all right guys we're gonna be good okay."
"Growth DeFi is your next cryptocurrency altcoin gems to help you earn sweet passive income."
"Beginners, it's just stick to the big ones, like Bitcoin, Ethereum."
"Hold it, okay? We're gonna eventually go back up."
"Is Dogecoin your retirement fund? If so then think long term don't ever panic anything."
"If you believe in Bitcoin, huddle. If you don't believe in Bitcoin, sell. It really is that simple."
"They want you to sell your crypto. They want you to sell your bitcoin." - Jeb
"This is not financial advice, this is just your crypto dad bringing you the best information that I can for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only."
"I think if you're a long-term holder, a lot of kind of the metrics that I look at are pointing to this being a good fantastic time to average into BTC."
"Would you sell your alts? What, you're implying that you're gonna sell all your alts or everyone should sell their alts? The answer is no, no, it's that simple."
"You need to take your profits into bitcoin... you will make life-changing money in the altcoin season."
"The better use case is just don't do it, just hold them."
"Relax FTM holders, just be a bit more patient."
"By the time the RSI gets to 80%, get out of all of these high-risk tokens."
"I've been telling you that the easiest money in crypto is just to buy ethereum."
"Zero exposure to Bitcoin is the wrong answer."
"Always do your own research and don't just invest in cryptocurrencies based on anyone's opinion."
"Get off exchanges! It's not your keys, not your crypto. Trusting exchanges can lead to losses, as we've seen with companies like BlockFi and FTX."
"The best advice in crypto is free." - Tyler Swope
"Bitcoin is talking about not to use leverage and just to buy spot because you never know when an event like this is going to happen."
"Crypto Nick advises viewers to use VPN to access Big Connect in Texas."
"If you're not invested over let's say a four to ten year timeline, it should be at least four years, right? If you're not getting into crypto for the long haul, you're in the wrong spot honestly dude..."
"Realistically, first tip for you, biggest tip that I would give you, and it's one that I adopted probably in the last couple years... If you're not investing in Bitcoin or Ethereum, you're basically gambling."
"Remember go into to crypto knowing that 98% is a scam and people are there to mug you all right only invest in pristine assets with leadership teams that you can trust and they're smart and they're experienced all right very important."
"Take profits fam, please take profits on this wild crypto journey."
"You can't be buying Luna now, but you can definitely not selling Luna."
"Everything is time-sensitive so if you subscribe we do a video every single day to keep you up to date and you can make the best decision for your investments as far as crypto not financial advice just financial opinion."
"Be very careful about holding altcoins during bull season."
"Self-custody is the future of crypto." - Brian Armstrong
"The only thing that you should think about these altcoins for if you're absolutely going to be in them is short-term investing in a bull market."
"Owning no bitcoin is the worst move that you can make."
"These days Bitcoin is always a given you know you should always hold some Bitcoin."
"Trade out of US dollars into bitcoin and then trade out of your bitcoin into ethereum."
"Unless you're selling your dogecoins to buy a house, it's better to just hold onto your dogecoins with diamond hands and never let go."
"Elon Musk only holds Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Doge. So he says as I've said before, don't bet the farm on crypto. True value is building products and providing services to your fellow human beings, not money in any form."
"Ethereum isn't going anywhere, and let me tell you guys from personal experience, one of the biggest mistakes that I made in crypto was trusting my friends."
"Not your crypto if it's just sitting on the exchanges. Do not keep your long term cryptocurrency on an exchange."
"Do not interact with any V2 Saitama contract that claims to be ours."
"In a bull market, longing lagging coins works."
"Anyone that tells you 'oh you're too late, you've missed the token', look at what the arbitrim team said."
"There are only three rules to bitcoin: buy Bitcoin, shut up, get fabulously wealthy."
"It's old season, you just need to know where to look."
"Don't panic sell your bitcoin... this is not the end of the bull run."
"U.S. debt skyrockets by over one trillion dollars in five weeks. Nevocrats have a solution: buy Bitcoin."
"We told you guys to buy Doge... you cannot afford to ignore Doge anymore."
"You cannot try and time a bitcoin market, you have to ladder in and huddle" - Advising against market timing and promoting a long-term investment approach.
"Be like a machine, dollar cost average, buy the dips and HODL."
"If you've been looking to get into a crypto, this may be the answer for you."